White 13 month old viciously shot in face by black teenager.


New Member
can't help but notice Obama hasn't released a statement saying "if I had a son, he'd look like Antonio"...

I don't see any protests organised by Al "race hustler" Sharpton, twitter or FB statements....


Saturday, July 13, 2013 (New York, NY) “The acquittal of George Zimmerman is a slap in the face to the American people but it is only the first round in the pursuit of justice. We intend to ask the Department of Justice to move forward as they did in the Rodney King case and we will closely monitor the civil case against Mr. Zimmerman. I will convene an emergency call with preachers tonight to discuss next steps and I intend to head to Florida in the next few days."

Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network and MSNBC Host


New Member
can't help but notice Obama hasn't released a statement saying "if I had a son, he'd look like Antonio"...

I don't see any protests organised by Al "race hustler" Sharpton, twitter or FB statements....
Yeah Obama needs to admit his complicity in mixing politics and law to help fuel public outrage against Zim...


Well-Known Member
The only ones we here about are the ones that the main stain media pushes. It is all for show, if we were to have an accurate report of all such activities, most people would more than likely freak the hell out.

There is untold tragedy in the world every moment of every day, far beyond the realms of what we see or get exposed to. This whole sensationalized mess was for money and ratings. The same reason there is always going to be a game 7 in the NBA finals or anytime there is money to be made, it will go the distance.
The only thing that will come from this was someone or a group of people made and/or is going to make an all together different kind of killing and that is money, money and more money.

It is what it is.




Well-Known Member
Only 6 replies but if it was reversed. A Black baby and a white shooter this thread would be packed. But if you say something about the black shooter you're a racist Right Buck. Oh its not about blacks so he won't be here


Well-Known Member
If I could get hold of the criminal .... he deserves to be shot in the face with depleted uranuim


Well-Known Member
I didn't think there was a small enough round to make a difference. But, being wrong is fun.

There was that one time I thought I was wrong but I was quite mistaken about that. :)

American snipers shot 7.62mm.....[8]


But, DU is very bad. And you would end up polluting his brain with radio-dust. So, it is very unlikely he would survive.


Well-Known Member
This actually happened to a friend of mine in 2007. Sean & his 7month old son were both killed in a home invasion robbery. They are both missed.........." Aquitania, 21, was killed during a struggle inside the house. The baby, still buckled in his car seat, was shot in the head as the two robbers fled.".........http://blogs.sacbee.com/crime/archives/2011/10/big-break-in-horrific-2007-killing-of-baby-and-father-in-south-sacramento.html



Well-Known Member
What's so hard to believe?

Obama is a POS fuck-nut.

When is he going to legalise btw?

All his ball suckers said he'd legalise this term...
“I honestly do not believe that legalizing drugs is the answer” President Barrack Obama


Well-Known Member
I think when a President says, "Honestly believes...." he honesty believes that his plausible deny-abilty is sound.


Well-Known Member
i like how OP took special measures to point out the races of all involved, but i bet he's totally not racist.


Well-Known Member
“I honestly do not believe that legalizing drugs is the answer” President Barrack Obama
might want to check your sources before posting them, oregon was the first state in the union to decriminalize back in 1973, dipshit.

more evidence of you posting shit that you do not bother to understand first or even check the veracity of.


Well-Known Member
might want to check your sources before posting them, oregon was the first state in the union to decriminalize back in 1973, dipshit.

more evidence of you posting shit that you do not bother to understand first or even check the veracity of.
oh dumbfucky a misdemeanor and a fine isn't decriminalization. You don't suppose that graph was talking about the 2012 bill legalizing cannabis do you? Derp derp dumbshit

[h=2]Definition of DECRIMINALIZE[/h]: to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of

In 2012, voters in Oregon rejected Ballot Measure 80, a ballot initiative which would have legalized marijuana. 53 percent of voters opposed the measure.
In 1973, Oregon became the first state to decriminalize cannabis.[SUP][35][/SUP] Possession of 28.45 grams (1 ounce) or less is punishable by a $500 to $1,000 fine; stricter punishments exist for sale or cultivation.

OffensePenaltyIncarceration Max. Fine
Less than 1 ozmisdemeanorN/A$ 650
Less than 1 oz within 1000 feet of school groundsmisdemeanor30 days$ 1,250
1 - 4 ozmisdemeanor6 mos$ 1,000
4 oz or morefelony10 years$ 375,000
Possession of 150 g or more is punished more severely.
[h=3]Sale or Distribution[/h]
Less than 5 g without compensationnot classifiedN/A$ 1,000
Less than 5 gmisdemeanor30 days$ 1,250
5 g - 1 oz without compensationmisdemeanor1 year$ 6,250
1 oz or more without compensationfelony5 years$ 125,000
5 g or morefelony10 years$ 250,000
To a minor or within 1000 feet of school groundsfelony20 years$ 365,000