The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Orders older than one year are no longer counted towards your purchasing stats as we no longer keep records for stats purposes beyond that point.

~SR Support

not fucking happy
i think I'm on just over the year so it wouldn't of effected mine too much, it is a bit shit tho. If I don't order for a while then my stats are only goina keep dropping then


Well-Known Member
i know so obviously he odnt know im a grower or hed have said that too, he was sat ther like shaking his head as if i was fucing lying, hes up for sentance on the 8th but i cant go but i get to write a victim impact thingie, il lay it on thick, the judge said i want a all options report nbbut looking at this record.......

lol,, little cunt,max he can get is 2 yrs anyhow, already starte dthe grass campaign m8, little buthc

oh and yeh really, i dont see growing as a crime,

so u gunna hold them tille monday and post?

yeh i know mate and hes like 15, grassing now, fuk he be supergrass by time hes 20 lol,, i was in disbelief i really was little fuknugget

oh OH SAMBO, was a physco that fucked up, so i got 2 livers here, ther starting to get yellow leaves no so time o rthe main nutes and get em of the starter ones, yeehaa they should start taking of now

has anybody got 10 litre aipot disks? fucking lost mine again, 2 grows and replecd then lost again wtf am i doing with these things, i notice i dont loose my hood tho, lmao
ill let u know when i send em, hopefull i can doit tomorra when i get it, but if not ill doit monday.


Well-Known Member
FUK-OFF tyhe lot of ya, im 6ft 7 and 18 stone(was 23)
and im a handsome cunt, not as pretty as ikoode, boy is he a sexy bowy i know lifers who would share him around like the muslims share cars! no shit, hes gorg

did u catch the one that was broke was the physco sambo?

and rep on SR i think its goo dthey dont keep rep past a yr,, safety and all that, dont u keep the feedbak tho even tho the points go?
oh well salave

injurieds yeh stinking but healing, went to court sporting jeans and a nice rubgy striped top, tryina look respectable, lucky most of my nek cuts wer away from the judge, id have said cut meself shaving anwyays, fucking tbh they wernt a bad bench, i started having doubts, he would get convicted

oh yeh the niggers, ther sucking balls big time kissing ass lol they know ther in the shit.,


Well-Known Member
Don't get the whole point of insults or how I'm a kid because I questioned sr...I haven't sorry for being abit skeptical about the idea of selling illegal drugs online. You do whatever it is you wanna do and ill stick to what I wanna do simple.


Well-Known Member
Don't get the whole point of insults or how I'm a kid because I questioned sr...I haven't sorry for being abit skeptical about the idea of selling illegal drugs online. You do whatever it is you wanna do and ill stick to what I wanna do simple.
fuk off to the irish thread ya knob

kodeif ur not sur eon post tomoz then il just get it in your bank on monday morning? be easier pal tbh and saves u rushing,plus u may spend the mailmondey on ur bitches!! haha

so guys thinking of this for the inolet since isum 4" ducting about it will dow ont it as it sonly inlet?


Well-Known Member
Don't get the whole point of insults or how I'm a kid because I questioned sr...I haven't sorry for being abit skeptical about the idea of selling illegal drugs online. You do whatever it is you wanna do and ill stick to what I wanna do simple.
no one called u a kid, but I did ask ur age...what is it, if u are a minor then pls let us no


Well-Known Member
I'm 23, I've just always done things face to face and not been on sr. I ain't paranoid half the post was a joke but half of it is me not knowing alot about sr and being abit unsure on the idea. I don't expect them to wanna trace lads doing a few ounces of puff but I dunno how big people are going for it on sr. If you wanna sell on there good luck and stay safe.


Active Member
What's the deal with the stock then smbs?
Will it go to you to ship out? Also will you be limiting orders to domestic?

Need to work out what I got left at some point, should be a decent bit

Orders older than one year are no longer counted towards your purchasing stats as we no longer keep records for stats purposes beyond that point.

~SR Support

not fucking happy


Well-Known Member
Part of me being unsure was remembering this.... I couldn't give a fuck tbh I ain't thought about doing it and I'm not stupid enough to think the dea are gonna come for a few ounces of puff but if your looking to really go for it I'm just saying be careful cant ever be to safe


Well-Known Member
What's the deal with the stock then smbs?
Will it go to you to ship out? Also will you be limiting orders to domestic?

Need to work out what I got left at some point, should be a decent bit
less u know less teh police know.............

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Jus found these on the bbc few bug bite but wtf are these dead crispy spots? I've not been misting in the day so not burn marks :S
hmm u sure u havent spilled a drip inadvertantly wen watering?
hope u aint got a bug problem, been looking at aircon usints for the main op,, maybe next time at these fucking prices


Well-Known Member
What's the deal with the stock then smbs?
Will it go to you to ship out? Also will you be limiting orders to domestic?

Need to work out what I got left at some point, should be a decent bit
yeah im only doing domestics but you shit man fuck we talking 290-300 a oz me and my partner would want a small and i do mean small % for selling for ya tho.


Well-Known Member
I'm 23, I've just always done things face to face and not been on sr. I ain't paranoid half the post was a joke but half of it is me not knowing alot about sr and being abit unsure on the idea. I don't expect them to wanna trace lads doing a few ounces of puff but I dunno how big people are going for it on sr. If you wanna sell on there good luck and stay safe.
m8 wiv wat u r doin u could post ur real name and addy and have a good nites sleep, no one is interested (pigs) in your 250 cfl grow but for others o here is a bit different, but still we carry on...