Well-Known Member
LOL Two more people I've never heard of. Those voices in your head, what else do they tell you?
whatever you say, jackfate.
LOL Two more people I've never heard of. Those voices in your head, what else do they tell you?
take self defense off the books when you follow someone, because at that point your are on the offensive, not the defensive.
see something suspicious? report it. don't follow, don't provoke, don't take the law into your own hands, you are not the police. call it the anti-vigilantism law.
Of course not Buck...what the fuck in all hell is your point in such a meaningless post?...you're better than that...
So, make following a suspicious person a crime? If you see a suspicious person in your neighborhood and ask him, "can I help you", have you forfeited your right to defend yourself if you are savagely attacked by him? Should we bow our heads and never make eye contact with another person?
I think the real travesty here is that an obviously innocent man had to go through the emotional turmoil that is being prosecuted by the state for a serious crime.
I know that many of you think Zimmerman was guilty of "at least manslaughter" and that he was wrongly acquitted. He walked because of "beyond a reasonable doubt", or because he properly used self defense where he "reasonably believed that he was in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death".
To convict Zimmerman in the case at hand would require a change in the law. What would you change? Would you change the American legal system and make a person "guilty until proven innocent"? Would you change the standard of guilt to "somebody died and Zimmerman might have acted rashly so he should go to prison"? Would you change the law to disallow self defense with a deadly weapon? Even though SYG is irrelevant to this trial, would you revoke SYG? Would you disallow citizens' right to keep and bear arms?
Actually, I expect to be called names as usual, but I don't expect anybody to step forward with any rational changes to the legal system. Cheesy, proves the point. The simple fact is, self defense laws are reasonable, and moral.
SYG laws are also quite reasonable. People such as our corrupt Attorney General will bloviate about SYG laws causing carnage, with no facts to back up the claim, but how can any reasonable person assert that "if you are assaulted you have a duty to run away and if you don't you are guilty of a crime". The implication that everybody is just waiting for a good SYG opportunity to shoot and kill another person is just ludicrous. If "progressives" actually believe such an accusation it makes me quite leery of being around them because it certainly implies that they believe such a thing about themselves, hence they are angry, dangerous people. I have never met a gun owner that believes such a thing.
I would make it mandatory for a blood teat after the shooting. Make sure that the shooter was not high on medication or drunk. Not even an arrest at first. Just a blood test for anyone involved in the shooting of another individual.
The only thing those bastards care about is trying to turn us against each other to further THEIR personal agendas.
Because the prosecution gets to tell their side of the story first. Their minds changed when the defense was allowed to tell their side of the story. I'm betting you already knew that...if he was so obviously innocent, than why did half the jury want to convict him for murder 2 or manslaughter initially?
And if a person has been drinking or using drugs do you also believe this removes their right to self defense?
BTW, I think this might already be a common practice.
he got out of his car to follow someone that he was told he didn't need to follow, he followed anyway.
that is not defense, that is offense.
zimmerman never asked "can i help you?", he never even identtified himself. he saw a kid run away from him and he went and followed even when he was told he didn't need to. right to self defense forfeited, he is on the offense at that point.