the chitown sourkush thread

all my sourkush still left alone by mother nature are all showing sex from what I hear... and there all female!!!! but... there small has shit!!!!! other plants are bigger waiste high and no sex yet... prayin for rain today
I paid 325 for this poorly trimmed tangerine dream..
yea is a poor trim job but still looks dank oz around here is anywhere from $350 to 450 and it might not even look that good hahha
in my head 225-250 max would have been a fair price for this.... it smells and taste great and fries u good... bag appeal is low........ while price is high
lol I got it last time for 300.... and it was a better batch..... these prices are ridicules.... make a pimp wanna take the amtrac to Denver with his vacume sealer
That looks like some pretty decent outdoor chitown. I just sold my Samsung tab and bought an iPad 3 off of Craigslist. Pretty jazzed about it, it is ridiculously easier and nicer to use over all.
its indoor pops... just a lil darker from high humidity levels I thinkkk.... humidity does that to buds.... I learned that in cali desert... were my outdoor was looking like indoor...
spress dat bud looks nice
i wish i had access to it at dat price
when my op was down for hospital stay an recoop
i had to go to Newark for $10.oo bags as many as i want but just $10.oo bags
is all i knew an was doing 6 or 7 a week sum high grade shit smelled like a diezel skunk cross
spress dat bud looks nice
i wish i had access to it at dat price
when my op was down for hospital stay an recoop
i had to go to Newark for $10.oo bags as many as i want but just $10.oo bags
is all i knew an was doing 6 or 7 a week sum high grade shit smelled like a diezel skunk cross

theres no way id buy a bunch of dimes.... id go broke... I smoke like an 8th every day... this is what happends when u don't have a job...
is why i was pissed wit da ones dat prromised to send me supplies when my op was down
no one came through but im a big boy cost me sum bucks but $$ is shit germy stinky worthless

in my safe deposit box along wit other shit is old bills that said redeemabke on demand in gold sum say in silver
now just have treasurers signature nutin behind it = no value - used to have gold behind erry dollar - now a promise
like da head on da corner ssaying - "dont worry i got you" in larger scale
Man bad news 3 of the nicest plants I had turned out to be male today .... So I got 1 FEMale SD and 3 that haven't showed sex yet