MDMA (Molly / ecstasy) prices?


Well-Known Member
Just found a guy (Florida) for 80 a gram. The other guy I bought from was a little different ... Powder in caps... With caps was about same amount so I'll stick with new guy for now. Just curious how much you guys are dropping on your stuff? Per g or oz ... Whatever. Discuss?

when I lived in Madison WI $80 a g for moon rocks/shards was a pretty standard price. Im pretty sure a buddy told me once that he picked up a zip for $1600. It was fire. One good pinky dip and you where smiling, dancing and in love with everybody around you. Im not much into MDMA although I do enjoy it time to time. Albert Hoffman is my hero.
usually drugs are more expensive where i am, but 60 a gram, can either get it in crystals or powder
Thanks for the input dudes. 200 a 8th isnt bad at all. Only $57.14 a G :)
A ZIP FOR 1600!? fuck me man! Sorry thought it was better, but still 57 a g. I'm going to have to ask my contacts what there bulk prices are.

For the weight and size, this stuff must be a gold mine to the producers, wish i knew a damn thing about a damn thing when it comes to chemistry and i would never want for anything, already home grown buds, then add in my other fav made at home? Heaven. Although I'm sure its a good thing i don't know shit, cause i would probably end up indulging too much.

Although I had a cell mate for a few weeks in county (completely unrelated) that was toothless and crazy, and i would have him explain the process of making crystal meth to go to sleep cause it bored me, and coming from that guy, of which i know i have a much higher IQ, It flowed out of his mouth effortlessly, although I'm sure he had been doing it for years. Btw, (FUCK METH)... lol Yall are crazy if your doing that shit and picking invisible bugs out of your faces... HAHA!
supply=demand $3 to $8 dollars a gram = $25 to $40 wholesale = $40 to $100+ a gram street. It's all in who you know and your position in the chain. Climb higher
Just when you think your at the top, the hatch opens at the top of the ladder, and you see 100's of other ladders to climb, too much energy for me. haha
Yeah im pretty sure he said $1600/ oz but again I could be wrong. From what I have been told the chemistry itself is not that hard if you have a bachelors in organic chemistry. The hard part is getting all the precursor chems which are on DEA watch lists and heavily restricted. From what I am told a lot of good MDMA comes from the Netherlands because they do not have as many restrictions on the chemicals as well as there are some major chemical manufactures based in Holland.
75 grams at 1600 of 80%mdma 20%mda (sas)

street price 80-100/g


80 is fair if its weighed out and not cut. if its cut more like 60

so iv heard
Yeah im pretty sure he said $1600/ oz but again I could be wrong. From what I have been told the chemistry itself is not that hard if you have a bachelors in organic chemistry. The hard part is getting all the precursor chems which are on DEA watch lists and heavily restricted. From what I am told a lot of good MDMA comes from the Netherlands because they do not have as many restrictions on the chemicals as well as there are some major chemical manufactures based in Holland.

Yeah i think so too, think its even legal or de criminalized to take the drug there, just illegal to make it i think?

Out of curiosity i stumbled on a web page packed with info, All the break downs, what you need to process, equipment, and chemicals and was basically like a for dummies guide to MDMA.
It basically said all the chems you could get online delivered, everything was very safe, it took either a couple of days or a real long stretch to whip up a batch, and it estimated like $800-$1000 initial investment in glass, and shit, plus the chems. for a grand you would be in business even as someone with no chemistry background.

Here's the link if you folks wanna scope it out...
I downloaded that TOR browser and checked out the web page, the coins used and all, man it's straight up insanity on there. Does the TOR browser encrypt your stuff? I know it changes your IP to something whacked. I'm under the impression using that browser, and getting some coins off the other site to integrate into it you can just start ordering? That's nuts lol. Not sure I think it's safe enough to use, although i know many must use it going by all the feedback and crap on it. But hell, I'm also the type that has not even ordered decent seeds online yet to boot. Something about the internet makes me uneasy.

Funny I think the internet is more of a danger from police, than walking into a place with a bunch of armed dealers and im totally at ease? Something must be wrong with my mind lol.
I downloaded that TOR browser and checked out the web page, the coins used and all, man it's straight up insanity on there. Does the TOR browser encrypt your stuff? I know it changes your IP to something whacked. I'm under the impression using that browser, and getting some coins off the other site to integrate into it you can just start ordering? That's nuts lol. Not sure I think it's safe enough to use, although i know many must use it going by all the feedback and crap on it. But hell, I'm also the type that has not even ordered decent seeds online yet to boot. Something about the internet makes me uneasy.

Funny I think the internet is more of a danger from police, than walking into a place with a bunch of armed dealers and im totally at ease? Something must be wrong with my mind lol.
#traphouse #hustlenflow
Dude almost every festival I go to I run into my old crew,or others..they still got it cheep!! I mean,anyone gets it for those prices..even the casual passer-by...paying 80$ a gm for mdmd is like paying 3$ for a canned coca cola...if you're thirsty tho I guess you'll pay...