Sanford Florida watch program guidelines and handbook


Well-Known Member
why so angry tonight? did the illegal immigrants win another bid over you?

none of this would have happened had zimmerman not followed, as he was told he did not need to do. he had four minutes to get back to his car 50 feet away. instead he decided that he needed to go "back towards him", to use zimmy's own words.

hell, even the juror who called martin a colored boy said szimmy should have just stayed in his car. LOL!

I give a fuck what he said, he sputtered a not guilty verdict didn't he? I guess that is a good indication that Zimmy didn't do anything illegal shit for brains.


Well-Known Member
Hey dumnshit Zimmy was part of the neighborhood watch they have this strange thing they do like checking on suspicions activity.
it's called the neighborhood WATCH, not the neighborhood FOLLOW.

hell, dispatch even asked him if he was following to tell him he didn't need to.

what did he say he did after hanging up with dispatch? "i went back towards him"

if he was doing any neighborhood watch duties, he shouldn't have had his gun on him by the way.

They make public access for a reason (roads and sidewalks) Once you start cutting through private property, you're asking for all kind of problem one of them being getting fucking shot.
martin was in a public area in a neighborhood he was staying in, smarty.

Law abiding citizens don't stand on peoples lawns casing their house or at least look like you are or go in their backyard because if you get caught shit is going to go down and you fucking know it.
not even zimmy zimm said martin was casing houses or looking into houses or going into backyards, dipshit.

not a thing martin did that night was against the law, including beating the shit out of zimm zimm zala bimm.


Well-Known Member
I give a fuck what he said, he sputtered a not guilty verdict didn't he? I guess that is a good indication that Zimmy didn't do anything illegal shit for brains.

no one said zimmy simm did anything illegal, everyone agrees he acted dumb as fuck though.

whine a little more though, whatever takes the butthurt away from losing yet another bid to illegal immigrants that don't even speak english.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
why so angry tonight? did the illegal immigrants win another bid over you?

none of this would have happened had zimmerman not followed, as he was told he did not need to do. he had four minutes to get back to his car 50 feet away. instead he decided that he needed to go "back towards him", to use zimmy's own words.

hell, even the juror who called martin a colored boy said szimmy should have just stayed in his car. LOL!
Heya Buck,
Do you understand the court system we have in this country?
It's sorta like the election system.


Well-Known Member

no one said zimmy simm did anything illegal, everyone agrees he acted dumb as fuck though.

whine a little more though, whatever takes the butthurt away from losing yet another bid to illegal immigrants that don't even speak english.

Haha you're the fucking pussy still talking about it. NOT GUILTY bitch get over it.


Well-Known Member
Haha you're the fucking pussy still talking about it. NOT GUILTY bitch get over it.
so you didn't come into this thread tonight talking about it?


get over it, you cunt scab. and stop being so bitter about losing work to immigrants who don't even speak english, you incompetent halfwit.


Well-Known Member
That is correct.
Though some of us don't agree with the results of these trials and elections,
we have to live with them.
i didn't agree with the OJ verdict. this one i can see exactly how it came about.

it's still fun to troll the dipshits who clearly have no idea what they are talking about.


Well-Known Member
I've never me a bigger white apologist than you uncle buck.. I'm far from a racist, but at least I'm wise enough to know that whites aren't the only racists in the world, and blacks can be just as much of racist as any other color..
I'll never understand why you simply have to see race in everything you see and read.. everything.. oh so and so is a racist .. can't say how many times I've heard that come from your mouth.. you know whose the bigger racist imvho, the.person who's looking to constantly see things in black and white, someone who only looks as far as the color of a persons skin, ie, you..
I could care less about the color is someone's skin as I look at their actions to base judgements off of, if I even do that.. but you are a special kind.. constantly looking to judge and call someone a racist when you, much like Al sharpton, need to look inwards and ask yourself why you find the need to constantly paint others with a racist pen..
We will never develop and progress because people such as yourself continue to see things only in black and white..
And tell me why again if zimmerman had been black we'd never of heard of tray on martin again ? And not because Al sharpon told you so.

41. Oct. 1, 2011 – 12:53 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black male suspects “20–30 YOA in [white] Chevy poss Impala at the gate of the community.” Zimmerman “does not recognize subjs or veh and is concerned due to recent” burglaries in the area
39. Aug. 6, 2011 – 10:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black males, one wearing a black tank top and black shorts, the second wearing a black t-shirt and jeans … “Subjs are in their teens”

38. Aug. 3, 2011 – 6:45 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male last seen wearing a white tank top and black shorts … Zimmerman “believes subject is involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood
36. April 22, 2011 – 7:09 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Juvenile black male “apprx 7–9” years old, four feet tall “skinny build short blk hair” last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts
13. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Ex roommate is letting people that [Zimmerman] don’t like in the” house
10. June 24, 2007 – 12:48 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “By the pool”, two Hispanic males and one white male with “slim jim


Well-Known Member
41. Oct. 1, 2011 – 12:53 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black male suspects “20–30 YOA in [white] Chevy poss Impala at the gate of the community.” Zimmerman “does not recognize subjs or veh and is concerned due to recent” burglaries in the area
39. Aug. 6, 2011 – 10:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black males, one wearing a black tank top and black shorts, the second wearing a black t-shirt and jeans … “Subjs are in their teens”

38. Aug. 3, 2011 – 6:45 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male last seen wearing a white tank top and black shorts … Zimmerman “believes subject is involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood
36. April 22, 2011 – 7:09 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Juvenile black male “apprx 7–9” years old, four feet tall “skinny build short blk hair” last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts
13. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Ex roommate is letting people that [Zimmerman] don’t like in the” house
10. June 24, 2007 – 12:48 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “By the pool”, two Hispanic males and one white male with “slim jim
So, we have a wall of text that shows 6 out of 40+ calls that Zim made to the police over 5 years. Not sure what point you're trying to make as only 4 make reference to "black males or teens". In fact, of the 6 you cherry picked, one shows he also reports suspicious characters of Hispanic and white appearance.

Oh, I see, you've changed your position and are now showing how preposterous it is to claim Zim was only suspicious of TM because he was black. It is a convincing argument, but you should probably post ALL the calls he made or some people will think you're hiding all the "other" calls he made referring to "black" suspects. If there aren't any others, then you've done a great job of showing race has nothing to do with Zim's motivation.

Well done.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Dookie, Slim Jim, huh. So Zimmy hates our youth eating junk food. Why aren't you liberals hailing his efforts against Fat America?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
it was a gated community but the average home value is only about 100k. about 20% of sanford's residents are black.

so you'd think that maybe at least one of those 46 or 54 calls would be reporting a suspicious white male. that was never the case.

80% of sanford's population is white but 100% of their suspicious residents are black males. seems legit, right?

he never went and followed anyone else he called dispatch about, nor did he ever sound so frustrated and angry and refer to the person he was calling about as "those fucking punks" or "those fucking assholes".
Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time. Black on white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, black on white robberies were 139 times as common as the reverse in the first 3 years of this decade.


Well-Known Member
Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time. Black on white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, black on white robberies were 139 times as common as the reverse in the first 3 years of this decade.
Maybe whites shouldn't be buying crack. Then the Black on white crime rate Would disappear


Well-Known Member
i was followed once, by a black guy no less.
we were driving on the highway, him in front of me in the passing lane and decided i was getting too close, so he slowed down.
i moved into the carpool lane and passed him.
he then pulled out his phone and started following me.
i went to pull off the highway and he kept on following me.
i threw my brakes on the give him the hint to fuck off.
he then came up beside me and said "hey, you think you tough, you wanna settle this? pull into the parking lot."
i replied "i will rip your concsiousness from the base"
he then followed me into the parking lot.
i got out of the car and he realised i was not just a little white boy but instead a 6'1 175lb crazy white boy that wont take shit.
i could have gone up to his car at that point and started something. he was following me after all and instigating.
but i didnt. i simply looked him dead in the eye and yelled WHAT!? ....... he stared at me in silence and i said "yea, thats what i thought" and drove off.
as i was driving away he looked at me again and i said "make sure you aim for the head nigga"

i understand where tray was coming from, he was being stalked by someone he didnt know. a man that was on a phone and was following him to his house. i could not in good conscience lead this man near my house and had to put an end to it.
keep in mind i had a cell phone and could have called the cops while touring this guy around, in the heat of the moment i was only worried about the defence of myself and my house.
zimmerman could have stayed in his car and let the cops come, he didnt. trayvon could have called the cops, but he didnt.

my question now is. who threw the first punch? who initiated physical contact to cause harm instead of calling the police, staying put and asking questions, video taping him, calling your mother/father, running away. etc etc etc....

this could have been a simple "hey, you okay? what are you doing around here? do you need help?"

unfortunately most people have let their ego's get in the way. assuming the worst. he could have tried to find out what is actually going on instead of letting his imagination run away with it.(on both sides)

to quote a smarter person then i "the world is not a vicious place, its just the way weve been raised, discovering time and space" - dub fx

we assume the worst and due to that lead ourselves down this path. if either of them had just said, What are you doing? instead of acting on instinct like uneducated animals, do you think any of this would have happened? alot changes when you meet face to face and converse over the problem instead of hiding behind a front.