~!Growin With Fluros!!Must Read!!Exclusive SOG Growin'~~!!!!!


New Member
Ok...so Im planning on ordering this exact Fluro system from HTG Supply...High OutPut T-5!!! it has 10,000 lumens!!And its only 110w with only 2 bulbs !!So i know it's a pretty decent fluro fixture...I wanna grow some Nirvana beans..but Im confused about something...lets say I flower under this system(with the 3000k bulbs),will my yield be depressingly small??meaning will my yields be enough for personal smoke,considering I smoke a small joint or two every day...I plan on growing in coco,with decent fertilizers,and a big yielding strain...kinda like a Micro SOG...so how many people have actually flowered with fluro's??How is the bud??All input is very appreciated.

Keep in mind that this will only be temporary,as I plan on moving up to a 600W HPS when the funds permit...but for now I want to do my first grow with this light system only...with maybe a few CFL thrown in to supplement it!!Ima thorw in maybe 8-10 plant under this light,flowered from clones while theyr still small...how many grams should I expect from each plant..I was thinkin' maybe 5-10 grams from each plant??:evil:


Well-Known Member
Ok...so Im planning on ordering this exact Fluro system from HTG Supply...High OutPut T-5!!! it has 10,000 lumens!!And its only 110w with only 2 bulbs !!So i know it's a pretty decent fluro fixture...I wanna grow some Nirvana beans..but Im confused about something...lets say I flower under this system(with the 3000k bulbs),will my yield be depressingly small??meaning will my yields be enough for personal smoke,considering I smoke a small joint or two every day...I plan on growing in coco,with decent fertilizers,and a big yielding strain...kinda like a Micro SOG...so how many people have actually flowered with fluro's??How is the bud??All input is very appreciated.

Keep in mind that this will only be temporary,as I plan on moving up to a 600W HPS when the funds permit...but for now I want to do my first grow with this light system only...with maybe a few CFL thrown in to supplement it!!Ima thorw in maybe 8-10 plant under this light,flowered from clones while theyr still small...how many grams should I expect from each plant..I was thinkin' maybe 5-10 grams from each plant??:evil:
10,000 lumens? Is that per bulb or them added up? (they don't add. Save your $$ )


New Member
It has 2 2ft bulbs..each of them is 55W..with 5,000lumens..so yes it's 10,000 lumens added up.Is this enough for a small SOG grow?Can I expect atleast an ounce?


Well-Known Member
10,000 lumens? Is that per bulb or them added up? (they don't add. Save your $$ )
You can't add them up? That makes no sense... Of course it would add up. Explain to me how having 2 - 10,000 Lumen Lamps only gives off 10,000 Lumens and not 20,000 combined...??? What happens to the other 10,000? Do they just not exist?? Why is it when i do add more lumens the space is brighter? Hell i need sunglasses to view my garden.


Well-Known Member
It has 2 2ft bulbs..each of them is 55W..with 5,000lumens..so yes it's 10,000 lumens added up.Is this enough for a small SOG grow?Can I expect atleast an ounce?
Should be good. (though lumens don't add, you just have better coverage of 5000)

an ounce, from 8-10 plants? I think you can do that.

The overall plan looks good. my 'issue' is with the T5s when you plan on getting a 600W HPS down the road. The HPS isn't that much more then a T5.


Well-Known Member
You can't add them up? That makes no sense... Of course it would add up. Explain to me how having 2 - 10,000 Lumen Lamps only gives off 10,000 Lumens and not 20,000 combined...??? What happens to the other 10,000? Do they just not exist?? Why is it when i do add more lumens the space is brighter? Hell i need sunglasses to view my garden.

Take a candle It puts off, for argument sake, 700 degrees. does that mean if I have 1000 candles, I have 700,000 degrees?

Light diminishes the further away you get. Adding the lights, just keeps 'full force' closer. You will reach a point of saturation after x number of bulbs.


Well-Known Member
LUMENS DONT ADD DIRECTLY!!! even if you 20 5000lumens bulbs the whole fixture is 20 seperate points of 5000lumens....

I looked at the fixture you were thinking about, but you can get the 400watt HPS light for $119.95 from them and you will be loads BETTER!!!


New Member
why are people constantly trying to do something that doesnt work?
Which is?.....Who are you referring to?!!

Yeah,I plan on doin' like 10 plants SOG style..and Ima def look inot throwing atleast 5 30W CFLS in there...each is like 2000lumens..so the lumens should start gettin nice huh??


Well-Known Member
Which is?.....Who are you referring to?!!

Yeah,I plan on doin' like 10 plants SOG style..and Ima def look inot throwing atleast 5 30W CFLS in there...each is like 2000lumens..so the lumens should start gettin nice huh??
spend the tiny bit extra and get the 400hps with remote ballast. buddy.

You will not regret it in the least.


New Member
I guess you people dont realy read the entire thread huh??I can afford HID's...but I cant/dont want to buy and setup all the fans,ducting,scrubber,timers,etc..too much hassle..plus it's easier to rip down a small grow of small SOG plants with some Fluro's than some big ass plants with all types of ballasts,lights,ducting,scrubbers,timers,CO2,etc...u feel me??


Well-Known Member
no, your logic is so backward its not funny.

no offense though.

maybe someone else can help convince you why what you just said to me makes no sense whats so eva.


Well-Known Member
I guess you people dont realy read the entire thread huh??I can afford HID's...but I cant/dont want to buy and setup all the fans,ducting,scrubber,timers,etc..too much hassle..plus it's easier to rip down a small grow of small SOG plants with some Fluro's than some big ass plants with all types of ballasts,lights,ducting,scrubbers,timers,CO2,etc...u feel me??
You said in your first post that you planned on going to a HPS when funds permit.

If you have your mind maid up, awesome! Go for it. Plant, grow, harvest and *ENJOY*!!!!

We were just responding to the apparent asking for opinions.


New Member
No,ok lets say I dont wanna move up to HID's for now,can I expect a decent yield with a Fluro SOG setup..by decent I mean some high quality nugs for a joint a day??Im not a truly heavy smoker,one joint is enough for the day...I plan on throwing in some 30-60 watt CFLs on the side,so the side leaves get light...I should get like 15 grams per plant right??


Well-Known Member
No,ok lets say I dont wanna move up to HID's for now,can I expect a decent yield with a Fluro SOG setup..by decent I mean some high quality nugs for a joint a day??Im not a truly heavy smoker,one joint is enough for the day...I plan on throwing in some 30-60 watt CFLs on the side,so the side leaves get light...I should get like 15 grams per plant right??
You can get some yield but doing a grow with this many plants just does not make sense with Flouro's. There are more factors that go into getting a good yield though like ventilation. Earlier you said you don't want to spend money on fans for a HID but for the plants to be healthy you are still going to need some decent ventilation for that many plants. In the long run you will be saving money by opting for a HID light. Flouro's are great for cloning, supplemental light, keeping mothers, or mini grows but for a 10 plant SOG you are just not going to get results. You should also read up more on SOG techniques before you dive in. Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
To clarify....

What I mean by "get hotter"

Using a bank of t5 lights that run at 35 degrees celcius (which the growing versions do) or 95 degrees farinheit will "heat up your grow room" within identical ranges as a single Hot HPS bulb will.

In fact I find that a 400 watt is easy to keep a cool enviroment than a bank of 8 t5HO's

here is my source for this answer:

Does a T5 lamp give as much light as a T8 lamp? | What are T5 Lamps? | T5 Fluorescent Systems | Lighting Answers | NLPIP

"35°C (95°F) for the standard T5 and T5 HO lamps and 25°C (77°F) for the T8 lamps."

Do T5 luminaires perform better than T8 luminaires? | What are T5 Lamps? | T5 Fluorescent Systems | Lighting Answers | NLPIP

"How does temperature affect the performance of a T5 lamp?

T5 and T5 high output (T5 HO) lamps are designed to produce maximum light output at 35°C (95°F), while the light output of T8 lamps is optimal at a temperature of 25°C (77°F)"

Simply put t5's and t5HO run at 95 degrees farinheit.

although a 400 watt HPS bulb may get uber hot, it is SOOOO much more manageable than T5's.

t8's however are the cooler running versions, and I love em, despite thier considerable lower lumens.