

Had to destroy,my plants because my douche of a husband is an insecure irresponsible prick threatening to be a rat!

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
wow, you married and he wants to tell on you..... what a bitch, tell him to go put a pad and his BIG boy pants gonna be a long 80 dayslol


Yep.. definitely need to revoke his man card! If his threat was serious and your actions tell me that he was, then that should also give you some real insight about his commitment to your marriage. Let me guess... He was all good with everything at launch right? He's doing it for the power to have you by the balls. Dragging your girls into the equation is straight bullshit. File papers... Lifes too short and its even shorter when you have to serve time over some lame that pulls that card. Trust me... Im a married woman (up until just now i dont think anyone on this forum even knew that). My husband would NEVER interfere with my girls. No matter what. Good luck honey.


thats when you do it secretly and when they are like omg i thought that shit was gonna stink your like nah son ur a nooboid


Staff member
you may wanna rethink your marriage if its someone who is going to be putting you in jail for 15 + years

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just keep them and when he tells say their his....say he told u he was planning on selling it to kids in highschool becouse their easy to rip off....just cry a little u shuld be golden


Well-Known Member
wasn't too much of as loss, but anyway just leave him there's like billions of men and sounds like most of them would be better than Mr Rat. You could always take up fr3d's offer