OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
that was sxlstew
i just barely got started >.<
DO IT. I know your's will out rank mine by far. I literally downloaded 2 programs last night to slap that together. pulled pics from google images. I got all the originals if you want them they are all sized equal already I got 12 total. I figured 6 page flash GIF would be fine for rules and ads separate.


sorry for the mixup, i would like to get as many different looks as i can so tek pls still do yours, i appreciate both though, thanks guys. sorry just woke up lol


Well-Known Member
sorry for the mixup, i would like to get as many different looks as i can so tek pls still do yours, i appreciate both though, thanks guys. sorry just woke up lol
Kid's asleep, doing my work up on the Ad now. keeping it simple. AUTO FLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST HURRY UP AND JOIN TODAY START DATE 7/29!! I'll keep all the words in the PotLand font and exactly the same place. switch up the colors for each image to make it flashy looking and make it run fast. I can't wait to see what Tek comes up with. I'm sure he probably knows what he's doing. I haven't made graphic art since I used to write my own HTML codes HAHAHA I think that was when Angelfire, yahoo, and hotbot were competing for the easiest webpage maker, while Rockin Windows ME. HAHA


Well-Known Member
i like both of those
ive been working some crazy hours and my truck took a shit wed. and parts are a week away
so what time ive had other then random posts off the notebook has been spent looking at cars
and i hate shopping
hate shopping for cars even more :shock:
ive found one last resort
if i cant find anything cheaper
08' g6 gt pontiac sedan


Well-Known Member
windows 98 was the last time i used html
rofl when javascript was the new kid on the block
Everyone had Windows 98 and 2000/NT were both too Buggy. I got ME just for shits and giggles. it was my FRIST CRACK DOWNLOAD. used my mom's IBM 56.6k modem AOL dial-up. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH to think I was one of the first people with internet in middle school. HAHAHA MIDDLE SCHOOL!


Well-Known Member
Everyone had Windows 98 and 2000/NT were both too Buggy. I got ME just for shits and giggles. it was my FRIST CRACK DOWNLOAD. used my mom's IBM 56.6k modem AOL dial-up. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH to think I was one of the first people with internet in middle school. HAHAHA MIDDLE SCHOOL!
BTW for all you who don't have a clue what i'm talking about ME stands for Millennium Edition. REMEMBER y2k


Well-Known Member
I still got the beast in my storage unit well it was a "sleek" Compaq desktop(not the stand up) sleek???????!!!! it was 5 inches tall 15 inches wide and 11 inches deep. my laptop now is smaller than the textbooks I used in school. :) I may even still have the 25lbs monitor that came with it! HAHAHA


thats the point of this A. TO HAVE FUN B. do something with those freebies we get C. BE CREATIVE and finally D. HAVE FUN :)
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