legal??? more bans to come


Well-Known Member

Less than a year after Washington state residents voted to decriminalize possession of up to one ounce of marijuana, some residents of the state's largest city want its public use outlawed in their town. reports that despite the fact that the new state law prohibits toking in public, pot smokers have been puffing away all over Seattle, and it's making life difficult for a lot of non-users.
"It’s definitely out of control," said bus driver Kalu Davis, who told that he sees people smoking pot every day at bus shelters.
"They blow it right into my face, and, because of that, I get light-headed. At that point I then have to stop the bus. I can't continue any further because I'm inebriated from the secondhand smoke."
Seattle City Attorney Peter Holmes helped sponsor the decriminalization law last year. Now, he's pushing a city ordinance that would make it illegal to light up outdoors, under penalty of a $103 fine.

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you want it legal this is what happens. ban on smoking in public. but the can smoke sqaures all they want to in public. legal doesn't mean a thing anymore. i smoked outside the bus station in spokane a couple months back, they didn't care. looks like things will change.


Well-Known Member
I think You shouldn't be able to smoke in public, you cant drink on the streets either. And for the dumb ass bus driver you can't get high from second hand smoke.


Well-Known Member
People need to stop being such prissy little bitches about this and grow the fuck up. I hate cigarette smoke but I don't freak every time I see someone light one up or smell their poisonous fumes. If someone wants to use cannabis instead they shouldn't have to sneak around and hide it while cigarette smokers have the right to light up in public imo.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe one should smoke in puplic at least be so obvious, to me it's people like that who will ruin it for the rest of us, I agree with TWS, you can't drink in puplic and shouldn't smoke weed in puplic, have some respect people!


Well-Known Member
I don't believe one should smoke in puplic at least be so obvious, to me it's people like that who will ruin it for the rest of us, I agree with TWS, you can't drink in puplic and shouldn't smoke weed in puplic, have some respect people!
I think it goes both ways. It shouldn't be waved in the faces of those who do not wish to partake but at the same time I feel people who consume cannabis should be allowed to do so in public. Cannabis smokers should be held to the same standards as tobacco smokers in public places. Again just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
you can't get high from second hand smoke.
Never passed someone a hit via kiss? People with low tolerance can definitely get high this way. But yeah I doubt that he felt lightheaded from someone blowing smoke in his face...

As for the thread topic.. My opinion is that it shouldn't be done "in public" (i.e. in close proximity to sensitive people, children, pregnant women, fussy people) but should definitely be allowed outside. You can't get high from just smelling it.


bud bootlegger
One of the things I loved about Amsterdam the most was sitting outside at a table in front of a coffee shop and smoking my morning joint as cops and everyone else walked merrily by..
Talk about feeling completely free, something I don't think I'll ever experience here in the good ole land of the free, cough cough..
And to who ever said you can get high from second smoke.. complete hog was.. blowing smoke into someone's mouth via kissing is hardly comparable to breathing in the remains of a hit in the fresh air imvho..


Well-Known Member
Just my buddies dog who loves it and follows the joint around. Second hand smoke ? Did you get High the first time you smoked weed ? I didn't, it took a few times before I was actually high. Oh boy, What a feeling on the way to grade school. Had to lay down in someone's front yard grass. Got all hot a dizzy n shit. lol


Well-Known Member
hear that everyone?

we should give up on re-legalization because OP wants to smoke at a bus stop.

have some consideration, folks. we wouldn't want to inconvenience silas in any way.


They went to a lot of expense to put ash trays in the arms of chairs on planes and left them in working condition for a reason and I want to use them to empty my pax in.


Well-Known Member
I realize it would be nice to be able to sit outside a cafe or someplace open and smoke weed, but I believe the main thing is to get it legalized first and not give non smokers any excuse to ban it, once it becomes normal day by day then we could relax and smoke where ever we wish, but for now lets concentrate on showing others that it's not as dagerous or addicted as most people think and show that we are not non conformers, give them a chance to accept us first.....just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
anywhere you cant smoke cigarettes, you cant smoke pot there either, period. end of discussion. next
that, and a little more.

i can smoke cigarettes while driving my car down the highway. not thinking that's gonna be the case with pot anytime soon.


Active Member
People need to stop being such prissy little bitches about this and grow the fuck up. I hate cigarette smoke but I don't freak every time I see someone light one up or smell their poisonous fumes. If someone wants to use cannabis instead they shouldn't have to sneak around and hide it while cigarette smokers have the right to light up in public imo.
It's NOT about the bus driver being prissy or growing up, HIS JOB is on the line, they get D.O.T random-ed VERY often, and since he might be "clean" as in he does not know the first thing about smoking he could come up with it in his system and loose his job, his pension and his family. I don't know you, but can guess you are young and probably not married or have kids to support ( JUST A BIG GAMBLE ME GUESSING) but to someone like me that has 30 years on his job and has BUSTED HIS ASS on that job, I can tell you it matter to me if you smoke and blow it my way, either regular tabacco or POT. it's people like that smoker on the street that has ignited the ANTIlegaliztion movement and they are starting to fight back hard, here in the Los Angels County area , ALL dispensaries that WERE open outside LA city but within LA COUNTY are now CLOSED because the HATERS / OPRESSORS are being pissed off by stupid teeny bopers doing their crap in their faces and getting bold. that's how they are closing things up, just look what happened yesterday in San Francisco , they are now targeting property onwers so , no one can keep a dispensary open , because the DEA is now telling the owner that if they are forced to raid the place for ANY " improprieties " they will loose their property.

Don't hate me if I come off as a OLD ASSHOLE, I am that , but I am smart enough to know, that UNTIL the day comes when it truly is legal and OFF the CSA list, those of us that want Cannabis for ANY reason , Medical or Recreation , need to be PROFESSIONAL about the way we conduct ourselves. Don't hate me for telling you the truth , you need to think about it, MAYBE you will see the wisdom in it. oh and just to keep it real , when I first arrived in the good OLD USA, 1969 to be precise, 3 months before the Apollo launch to the Moon, it was Illegal to walk down the street in your undershirts, spit on the sidewalk, drink alcohol in public and a whole slew of others, so do not be surprised, that it now is ALSO illegal to smoke cigarettes in public , much less drinking or smoking what the SHEEP in this country still believe to be the LOCO weed, even though day by day more and more studies shows it kills cancer, and reduces tumors, reduces inflamation (something that cutting edge research is now showing to be the root cause for many decesaes like CANCER, and Alzheimer to name a few) it does a lot of miracles, and ALL WITHOUT SMOKING IT OR NEEDING THC.

Imagine that shit no wonder so many people like me are drooling trying to get HIGH CBD strains like AVIDEKEL from Israel's Tikum Olan or any of the others like those made by the SOHUM collective


Active Member
I think it goes both ways. It shouldn't be waved in the faces of those who do not wish to partake but at the same time I feel people who consume cannabis should be allowed to do so in public. Cannabis smokers should be held to the same standards as tobacco smokers in public places. Again just my opinion.
you can't loose your job for inhaling tobacco, you can with POT , get the laws changed ,and I will be there with you, but still , just because you can do a thing , does not mean you should.


Ahhh. them moaning fuckers who whine about second hand smoke then get in a car revving fumes in your face who drive to the gym only to run on a treadmill looking at their selves in the mirror, get out of your fucking car and jog to the gym. I get headaches by the fumes i breathe in from cars. Nothing i can do about it but stay away from traffic. In their case they can choose to walk away from second hand smoke and stop trying to ruin other peoples fun.



Active Member
I gave you a rational argument why some people might have a legit problem and you come back with a rant . oh well , good luck with your fight


Well-Known Member
It's NOT about the bus driver being prissy or growing up, HIS JOB is on the line, they get D.O.T random-ed VERY often, and since he might be "clean" as in he does not know the first thing about smoking he could come up with it in his system and loose his job, his pension and his family. I don't know you, but can guess you are young and probably not married or have kids to support ( JUST A BIG GAMBLE ME GUESSING) but to someone like me that has 30 years on his job and has BUSTED HIS ASS on that job, I can tell you it matter to me if you smoke and blow it my way, either regular tabacco or POT. it's people like that smoker on the street that has ignited the ANTIlegaliztion movement and they are starting to fight back hard, here in the Los Angels County area , ALL dispensaries that WERE open outside LA city but within LA COUNTY are now CLOSED because the HATERS / OPRESSORS are being pissed off by stupid teeny bopers doing their crap in their faces and getting bold. that's how they are closing things up, just look what happened yesterday in San Francisco , they are now targeting property onwers so , no one can keep a dispensary open , because the DEA is now telling the owner that if they are forced to raid the place for ANY " improprieties " they will loose their property.

Don't hate me if I come off as a OLD ASSHOLE, I am that , but I am smart enough to know, that UNTIL the day comes when it truly is legal and OFF the CSA list, those of us that want Cannabis for ANY reason , Medical or Recreation , need to be PROFESSIONAL about the way we conduct ourselves. Don't hate me for telling you the truth , you need to think about it, MAYBE you will see the wisdom in it. oh and just to keep it real , when I first arrived in the good OLD USA, 1969 to be precise, 3 months before the Apollo launch to the Moon, it was Illegal to walk down the street in your undershirts, spit on the sidewalk, drink alcohol in public and a whole slew of others, so do not be surprised, that it now is ALSO illegal to smoke cigarettes in public , much less drinking or smoking what the SHEEP in this country still believe to be the LOCO weed, even though day by day more and more studies shows it kills cancer, and reduces tumors, reduces inflamation (something that cutting edge research is now showing to be the root cause for many decesaes like CANCER, and Alzheimer to name a few) it does a lot of miracles, and ALL WITHOUT SMOKING IT OR NEEDING THC.

Imagine that shit no wonder so many people like me are drooling trying to get HIGH CBD strains like AVIDEKEL from Israel's Tikum Olan or any of the others like those made by the SOHUM collective
How is smoking cannabis in public harmful in the least bit? Don't get me wrong I don't think it should be waived in the faces of children or blown in the face of non smokers. But people who have a problem about it are acting like a bunch of jackoffs. I completely despise McDonalds for various reasons yet I don't freak out at the sight or smell of someone eating that filthy trash. It is their right to eat what they want. And yes people do need to grow the fuck up. Why are people getting soo offended and butt hurt about people casually smoking cannabis outside in a country that supposedly is free but choosing to completely ignore the fact that people around the world are starving to death and being murdered by the hundreds of thousands?