• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Get Vegucated

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
As much as dislike militant veganism being shoved down my throat, I also don't think it's strictly a matter of differing opinions. Vegans that truly do care about reducing animal suffering SHOULD be vocal about it.

It would be like me saying "I won't participate in torturing and raping babies because it goes against my moral code...but if you want to that is on you. We both can do what we want"

Truth be told I would not be satisfied to sit back and merely not participate in the torture and rape of babies. I would have to actively stop others from doing the same.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest stay away from that "Meat" because its disgusting and IT WILL kill you
That is a lie.

You can admit though that high cholesterol and blood pressure is associated with eating meat?
That is a not very good generalization.
Not for every one. If you do not eat meat too much and avoid processed and fatty meat you should not have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

I eat meat every day.
My BMI is 23.
My cholesterol is low and in the healthy range.
My good cholesterol is in the 98th percentile.


Staff member
That is a lie.

That is a not very good generalization.
Not for every one. If you do not eat meat too much and avoid processed and fatty meat you should not have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

I eat meat every day.
My BMI is 23.
My cholesterol is low and in the healthy range.
My good cholesterol is in the 98th percentile.
you took my quote out of context to use it to your advantage, it was specifically speaking about facotry farmed animals who are produced pumped and filled with hormones and other bad things


Well-Known Member
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4 - This is a very good video regarding veganism as well. I've lost 30 pounds (unintentionally) but what most people don't realize is that they have 15-20+ pounds of toxic waste in their bodies. Mostly everyone understands the switch except my dad, who continues to think everything (gmo's, healthy eating, toxic chemicals, etc.) is just an over exaggeration. I feel as if some people get mad that I'm so persistent on it as well and always try to bring up things to make me feel insecure about the diet... like bringing up some random person they know who eats organic and has health problems, or my favorite... "there's no way you'll make it on an all organic lifestyle". I feel like people are just trying to justify their own shitty eating habits so they try to demonize healthy lifestyle habits.
I do not have 15-20 pounds of toxic waste in my body, that is impossible.
You would have to be a fatty to have that much.

Is there a study that proves eating GMOs are harmful?

What bothers me about vegetarians (and any one else) is when they make claims that are unverifiable.


Well-Known Member
Using a man-made definition of a word doesn't do any justice. You're ending the life of another living being so you can eat it. What if someone told you time was up after say your 30th birthday and then chopped you up?
All words are man made.
Anthropomorphism is not an argument.

If you told a cow his time was up, what would the cow say?


Well-Known Member
right we've already established your point you always are such an asshole, all the time, do you like to be one? thats the only vibes i ever get from you, youre a miserable person and comes out on your posts.
You are a moderator?


Well-Known Member
Organic foods are not more nutritional.

I buy some organic produce and my garden and weed are all organic. That is because it is easy and cheaper to do it that way. Being able to act all snobbish is just a bonus.
2 things about the study...

I wonder why they only looked at vitamins A, C and E.

In that study I find it interesting that they used the European Unions standards for acceptable pesticide levels and not the FDA's. Beings it was conducted in California.


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You are a moderator?
To be fair, even though that quote was about me and her personal opinion of me, I don't think I have had any issues with her abusing her mod powers. I don't know if she has, but at least not with me.

I also don't see why she thinks i'm a miserable person and an asshole all the time. Everyone's got an opinion.


Staff member
To be fair, even though that quote was about me and her personal opinion of me, I don't think I have had any issues with her abusing her mod powers. I don't know if she has, but at least not with me.

I also don't see why she thinks i'm a miserable person and an asshole all the time. Everyone's got an opinion.
thanks , i do not abuse my powers.

perhaps i was a little harsh but i do see you as always just posting things that are combative to other users ,
its like you just say what you say to be an ass, so that you can push the other user to get them to be rude to you.
that is how i see the majority of your posts.


Well-Known Member
I was told by a moderator that you can not call someone an asshole (except for bmeat and he has since been banned).
That moderator was obviously not sunni.


Staff member
I was told by a moderator that you can not call someone an asshole (except for bmeat and he has since been banned).
That moderator was obviously not sunni.
actually you cant call someone an asshole i was in the wrong i broke the rules oh no, first time in what 5 years?
it happens. there are slip ups the difference between my 1 slip up and you is you do it all the time.
i regret to inform you all that i am human and i have feelings, and i make mistakes


Well-Known Member
I never said I didn't break rules, but I am not a moderator.
That was your first infraction? If only the search worked...

If the search worked you could look at my posts and see that I have not broken the rules in quite a while, probably since I was given conflicting information from moderators.

Just pointing it out, not indicting or anything.


Well-Known Member
Also wanted to point out that many Asians have a plant based diet because meat is so expensive over there and they simply can't afford it.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
thanks , i do not abuse my powers.

perhaps i was a little harsh but i do see you as always just posting things that are combative to other users ,
its like you just say what you say to be an ass, so that you can push the other user to get them to be rude to you.
that is how i see the majority of your posts.
I like to play devil's advocate. If you read through this thread you will see me making comments that are combative to both sides of the argument. If your argument is well reasoned and solid you shouldn't have any problems with someone raising legitimate concerns. If it actually causes you to stop and think about your argument...well is that really a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
you took my quote out of context to use it to your advantage, it was specifically speaking about facotry farmed animals who are produced pumped and filled with hormones and other bad things
Fair enough, let's look at the entire post.

look regardless of whether or not were meant to eat meat, we are able to be HEALTHY and live without any animal products (imho it IS A CHOICE!), the meat industry is NOT mom and pops farm from 50 years ago, and organic meat is the biggest load of bullshit there is.

I dont care how tasty chicken is, when i originally became vegan I said , theres no bacon or pork or chicken that tastes that good that i would consume because I could die,
Drinking too much water can cause death and oxygen causes cancer. You could die from eating a vegetable too.

its filled with hormones, its gross, its given improper food itself, its grown cheap and fast so that it can come ot my table, if i can get mad cow disease i aint touching it, theres little to none health standards NO THANKS!!!!
You are making broad and not necessarily true generalizations.

Than it became about the animal welfare, and NOW only now after living this way for this long do i see clearly enough, to say hey what theyre doing to the animals is not right
They? Who is they? Do you mean every one?
More generalizations.

so unless you plan to raise your own meat, and give it a fulfilled life, and not do what factory farms do in terms of hurting animals, and feeding them full of shit so they can fatten up, i would suggest stay away from that "Meat" because its disgusting and IT WILL kill you
More generalizations that do nothing to help your argument.
I can tell this is an emotional issue for you. Arguing from an emotional point is not effective or logical.

Pork, turkey, chicken and basically all fowl are not allowed to have hormones used on them.


Staff member
Fair enough, let's look at the entire post.

Drinking too much water can cause death and oxygen causes cancer. You could die from eating a vegetable too.

You are making broad and not necessarily true generalizations.

They? Who is they? Do you mean every one?
More generalizations.

More generalizations that do nothing to help your argument.
I can tell this is an emotional issue for you. Arguing from an emotional point is not effective or logical.

Pork, turkey, chicken and basically all fowl are not allowed to have hormones used on them.
my apologizes i shouldve specifically stated that only beef cows are given hormones not chicken you are correct


Well-Known Member
To each their own. I enjoy a balanced diet that includes meat. It doesn't bother me if others abstain from meat, but I hate when they try to tell you it's absolutely bad for you. People have been eating meat since the beginning of humanity, and it is an amazing source of proteins and healthy fats. Of course not all the fats are healthy, and you can get protein from other sources, but nothing will give you protein like lean meat. Don't even get me started on soy protein...
Look, it's not that eating meat from grass-fed animals without antibiotics/hormones is going to make you drop dead right away, and yes, it does have a lot of protein (by weight, however, meat actually has less protein than certain plant-based foods). Eating meat on a consistent basis, and this has been proven in multiple studies, significantly increases risk of disease and death and lowers lifespan. It's also bad for your arteries and contributes to atherosclerosis. It may not be because of cholesterol but from L-carnitine, which is abundant in red meat. Here's the evidence: http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v19/n5/full/nm.3145.html This amino acid is converted into a substance called TMAO, trimethylamine-N-oxide, which hardens arteries. The reasons for not consuming meat just continues to grow. This is just ONE reason to go vegan... then there's the moral reason which supports ending the slaughtering, suffering, and enslavement of billions of animals each year.