OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
I started germinating a Lowlife Auto Blueberry today. Should crack in a day or two. I'll be outdoors.
Now that is something I WILL be watching........ That particular breeder was removed from the attitude for reliability issues. all products have since been removed and discontinued. That is the only strain that interested me by LOWLIFE. good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
Now that is something I WILL be watching........ That particular breeder was removed from the attitude for reliability issues. all products have since been removed and discontinued. That is the only strain that interested me by LOWLIFE. good luck. :)
Huh, I wasn't aware of that. I purchased the seeds 3 or 4 years ago. I've grown it several times already, and probably have them documented in one of my old journals. Never a big producer, but decent smoke. I liked their Easyryder strain, grew it again this season, and love it.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i will be using a growing mix made in canada. spagnum peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. same thing as promix bx or sunshine mix.


New Member
Bean drop.
Just dropped 2 AutoMazar and 2 AutoMazar Purple regular beans into root riot plugs.
Off to the wifi germination station...
Starting 4 in anticipation of ending up with hopefully one female.
Good luck all!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
My BCA "blue cheese auto" progress IMG_20130731_212711.jpgIMG_20130729_180209.jpgIMG_20130723_170856.jpgIMG_20130719_153209.jpg I'm submitting my entry for outdoor category. Taped the packaging for the bean to confirm its a auto and to label it.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know I will be running a single "Spyder" (auto) for the contest. I went ahead & started germination as soon as I got home from work. I know I'm a few days behind, if that will be an issue, I will bow out.
It will be grown indoors, under a single 800 watt LED system..


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know I will be running a single "Spyder" (auto) for the contest. I went ahead & started germination as soon as I got home from work. I know I'm a few days behind, if that will be an issue, I will bow out.
It will be grown indoors, under a single 800 watt LED system..
Let's see who's Spyder comes out better :) different mediums different nutes different lights. the same strain..... :) only 2 of us with this strain though.. Lot's of blue cheese..... Time to get some hot wings! :)


Well-Known Member
Let's see who's Spyder comes out better :) different mediums different nutes different lights. the same strain..... :) only 2 of us with this strain though.. Lot's of blue cheese..... Time to get some hot wings! :)
Well hell yeah! Glad 2 hear someone else will be running the same strain.. ;)
That's cool. Haha.. what watts are you going to be using on yours :??:


Well-Known Member
starting with 400w MH. may up it to 800w.(If I can convince the wallet to get another ballast for my other hood :)). HPS stretches vegging plants don't it?? cause I could just switch to HPS 800w(2x400w) I have ONE magnetic ballast(HPS) and the new one is digital(Both). We'll just have to wait and see. :) the 3 I started on the 15th are looking good. all short stacked no stretching. I can at least tell if the Males look different in any way. and pick the right one for the contest by next weekend :) still going to breed these together and get more of em. I LOVE the way the pics look for shit grown in 16oz. canned_abyss spyder3.jpgImagine a larger container for the rest of mine...... :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its best to run "MH" up till they start to flower. Then switch over bro.. that's what I have seen my Dad do in the past, and have herd of other growers doing it aswell.
Yeah, I start with a 400 watt HPS, then increase to a 600 watt middle flower, plus the 800 watt LED. Not to mention the CFL'S for bottom growth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its best to run "MH" up till they start to flower. Then switch over bro.. that's what I have seen my Dad do in the past, and have herd of other growers doing it aswell.
Yeah, I start with a 400 watt HPS, then increase to a 600 watt middle flower, plus the 800 watt LED. Not to mention the CFL'S for bottom growth.
have you tried vegging under hps and then adding the mh for flower ?
i tested this with my leds have a bloom and a veg
seems to work well
havent tried it with real watts though
maybe i'll supplement the cool tube with some blue see how it works out :)
i like my auto's to stretch a bit and then tighten the nodes up towards the end
i havent found anything on it but i think the ruderalis likes the red and then more blue
been looking into russia/siberia weather/seasons but have found very little and even less
on ruderalis in nature you would think that since its been used in medicine for thousands
of years out there you could find more on it
but it grows wild so whats it matter i guess is the way they see it
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