Obama ignores marijuana states rights in Washington.


Well-Known Member
I had to vote against Obama, alas. I had only 1, against, vote to cast.....the horror the horror.
You should've voted the ex-Governor of New Mexico.

If your nation couldve grown out of the two party bullshit there could've been change you could not only believe in, but actually see...unlike Obamas "change".


Well-Known Member
regardless, a man as sick as him, is not security threat and in no way deserving of a high security designation. If he was in violation of state law, why not prosecute him in Michigan?
If you can't do the time...

He's going to a medical facility, not just some random supermax. It sucks for him, but this isn't exactly a risk-free game; and he knew the risks. For goodness sake, $300,000 worth of pot being sold over several months to non-patients wasn't exactly a low-key move.


Well-Known Member
lol, $300k to non patients with 174 plants waiting in the wings is their best example, and they've been recycling it for a year now.

i am 3x more likely to get struck by lightning then get a fed up my ass for growing pot.

also, obama is the worst thing that ever happened to pot.*

fuck me running sideways with a two by four.


Well-Known Member
I did and I'm kinda sorry for it but the alternative was Romney. You know, the asswiper of the rich? The mofo that pays half in taxes that I pay? No, I fucked up voting for the liar but didn't go down douche bag lane with Rmoney.
There were more than just 2 people running for the job. Why didn't you vote for the one you liked most out of all of them?


Well-Known Member
There were more than just 2 people running for the job. Why didn't you vote for the one you liked most out of all of them?
you might as well have voted for donald duck.

if you think that your throwaway vote did anything for cannabis progress, you are more deluded than desert dud trying to convince himself that he believes blacks have full and equal rights too.


Well-Known Member
you might as well have voted for donald duck.

if you think that your throwaway vote did anything for cannabis progress, you are more deluded than desert dud trying to convince himself that he believes blacks have full and equal rights too.
It feels good in my heart knowing that I didn't vote for Oboma or Romney. I rest well knowing that the person I voted for was the best choice for the job. The warm feeling I get in my tummy when I curl up at night, resting, assured that I've done my part to make America better, is enough for me.

It's all of you '2 party' voters screwing it all up. You're still young though, you'll understand one day.bongsmilie

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It feels good in my heart knowing that I didn't vote for Oboma or Romney. I rest well knowing that the person I voted for was the best choice for the job. The warm feeling I get in my tummy when I curl up at night, resting, assured that I've done my part to make America better, is enough for me.

It's all of you '2 party' voters screwing it all up. You're still young though, you'll understand one day.bongsmilie
It feels good I didn't vote for anyone! If a judge can say stop the counting, our "votes" mean nothing. Also, how fair is it if 50.1% want it, what about the other 49.9%? Fuck 'em? More than 50% want marijuana, we say fuck them too! Until a better system is there, even without a '2 party' means nothing. The system is still screwed. I say no to the system. But it's still an interesting ride waiting in line to get rammed in the ass, no? I just wanted Romney to win so maybe Buck would've got a seizure and not been able to post here anymore. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
hate to break it to you guys, but we don't have a two party system. it's just that the other parties nominate some real special folks.

like alan keyes. or roseanne barr. or rawn pawl.

next time, try convincing colin powell or condoleeza rice to head up your third party so that you're not such a laughing stock.

ya know, a worthy fucking adversary.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
hate to break it to you guys, but we don't have a two party system. it's just that the other parties nominate some real special folks.

like alan keyes. or roseanne barr. or rawn pawl.

next time, try convincing colin powell or condoleeza rice to head up your third party so that you're not such a laughing stock.

ya know, a worthy fucking adversary.

Then why are you liking my posts under your Twitch puppet?


Well-Known Member
hate to break it to you guys, but we don't have a two party system. it's just that the other parties nominate some real special folks.

like alan keyes. or roseanne barr. or rawn pawl.

next time, try convincing colin powell or condoleeza rice to head up your third party so that you're not such a laughing stock.

ya know, a worthy fucking adversary.

Please tell me again what made Obama soo much better than Gary Johnson? LOL!

You won't even mention GJ's name...due to shame, I imagine.

You can make it up to America the next time you vote.


New Member
Argumentum ad populum. Power to the people, my brotha!
Out of a population of 316 million, only 126 million odd people actually voted... Not even 50%...

So out of the under 50% of people that actually voted, Obama got 51% and Romney 47% of the vote.

Power to the people!


Well-Known Member
Out of a population of 316 million, only 126 million odd people actually voted... Not even 50%...

So out of the under 50% of people that actually voted, Obama got 51% and Romney 47% of the vote.

Power to the people!
yes, our non-compulsory voting is so horrible that it has brought us to 40% of states growing medical cannabis and a couple more recreationally legal.

whereas in your system, where you have to vote or pay a fine (or lie and say you couldn't vote), you have nothing comparable to our progress.

so go ahead and laugh, while i grow a jungle of cannabis in my backyard.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
yes, our non-compulsory voting is so horrible that it has brought us to 40% of states growing medical cannabis and a couple more recreationally legal.

whereas in your system, where you have to vote or pay a fine (or lie and say you couldn't vote), you have nothing comparable to our progress.

so go ahead and laugh, while i grow a jungle of cannabis in my backyard.

It's not fair to attack a person who doesn't agree with a proposition just because the majority where he comes from believes the proposition he doesn't. You can't then use that as ammunition. It's called red herring and appealing to authority.


Well-Known Member
It's not fair to attack a person who doesn't agree with a proposition just because the majority where he comes from believes the proposition he doesn't. You can't then use that as ammunition. It's called red herring and appealing to authority.
he's mocking our turnout because their turnout is, by law, really high. you HAVE to vote or pay a fine. total freedom.

i'm defending the american system. you may be a traitor and decide you love australia with their compulsory voting and lack of awesome and readily available cannabis, but i am not a traitor like you.

i'm not attacking him because his voting system backfires on him, i'm just pointing out the results of the system he defends.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
he's mocking our turnout because their turnout is, by law, really high. you HAVE to vote or pay a fine. total freedom.

i'm defending the american system. you may be a traitor and decide you love australia with their compulsory voting and lack of awesome and readily available cannabis, but i am not a traitor like you.

i'm not attacking him because his voting system backfires on him, i'm just pointing out the results of the system he defends.
You just don't fucking get it. Did you ask him if he agrees with forcing you to vote and not having the freedom to say fuck you to the system like I do when I refuse to vote? I believe just like George Carlin when it comes to voting. What you're saying is just because the majority feel that way, the majority is right. Then because of where you live, you must accept their majority thinking. To speak out against what your own country does, it doesn't make you a traitor. No more of a traitor than those who spoke out about how wrong slavery was.


New Member
yes, our non-compulsory voting is so horrible that it has brought us to 40% of states growing medical cannabis and a couple more recreationally legal.

whereas in your system, where you have to vote or pay a fine (or lie and say you couldn't vote), you have nothing comparable to our progress.

so go ahead and laugh, while i grow a jungle of cannabis in my backyard.

I never implied anything about compulsory voting you silly mooch... Just pointing out more than half of Americans cant be fucked voting and yet that doesn't factor in when you're describing obamas victory as a "landslide". It seems half your country just don't give a shit or has woken up to the fact your electoral system is rigged.

This is why the American voting system is a joke* to the rest of the world, corrupt and not a representation of the American people, not by a long shot.

Has voting brought you legal cannabis on a federal level? Didn't think so and be that as it may, there are far more pressing issues facing your country thanks to the jackass you "voted" for.

When everyone actually bothers to vote, or at least turnout better than you've seen for the last century, id be more inclined to indulge your liberal blindness.

*While your government dictates to Venezuela that it needs to recount election results... :dunce:

edit: since i'm registered to vote I don't have to worry about fines, but even if I didn't i'd rather get fined for something like not voting, rather than not painting my house... talk about conformity...


Well-Known Member
Just pointing out more than half of Americans cant be fucked voting
actually, we had 60% turnout in 2008, and close to that in 2012.

so actually, more than half of americans who can vote, do.

yet another lie from you. or stupidity. hanlon's razor dictates that we blame this one on stupidity rather than lying.

It seems half your country ... has woken up to the fact your electoral system is rigged.

it's so rigged that some elections come down to 540 floridians.

and assloads of people ascribe to such moronic conspiracy theories as you seem to.

jesus fucking christ.


New Member
with a population of over 315 million people, are you claiming more than 100 million ppl are ineligible to vote? Cool story bro...