The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yer i got some super t...only giv them a dribble of water with a tiny bit of anb and rhiz
Up yer feed a tiny little bit and have u got supertjrive? Its yellow not burnt yellow is it? Oh and get some cal mag in there aswell it never hurts

Oh and don't over water seedlings they like it just nice moist not soggy bottoms they hate soggy bottoms lol


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm looks like over nutes to me ????? Give her fresh water . Next see what happens if not IP feed a little but to me that looks over fed????? Wot ubrekon lads


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a sprayer a 2ltr one fill it with water and 4ml of riz and then set it so it proper mists out and water your seedlings like that I've found that's the best way to water seedlings its really good for root devopment Duncan see all the bubbles of air going in its bang on mate ;))


Active Member
Not yet, shut down through summer, can't be arsed battling these temps
Thinking about running all of them when back up seeing if I can find a keeper.

how many you did you run? Find anything spectacular?
Saw a few pics some pages back, looked juicy.

Well joint n bed.fors.I'm.fooked.hey vice u some dome your blue dream yet??? I'm half way through now


Well-Known Member
Yeh I've ran 3 and kept 2 as a reserve I wish the juicy one I kept as a mother not the one I selected but ya never know it could be just as good both seeds in flower Are near enough identical good genetics ;) I took a cutting off the best one though 4 week in flower let's hope it makes it Cuz its a keeper for sure at 2 weeks they were.packing on frost:)