Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
Please elaborate. Why do you want the Federal Reserve to end? Please keep your response short and concise for my feeble mind. Thanks!
Because it's a privately owned bank ran by unelected individuals that controls America's currency and cannot even be audited. They literally print money out of nothing, further driving America into debt and devaluing the dollar.


Well-Known Member
every time in recent history a democrat has held office, the deficit has shrunk or even turned into a surplus.

every time in recent history a republican has held office, the deficit has blown up immensely.

see the difference?

america is #33, sierra leone is dead last at #193. derp dee der.


you'd be wise to wait until studies backed up your paranoia.

unemployment is falling.

notice how the line is going down right now?
I meant among developed nations for life expectancy, and unemployment is higher right now than when Bush left office (again, not that that's the cause). I'm not going to argue GMO's as it is common sense and a fact that they are vastly detrimental. If you disagree, so be it, go chow down those gmo's.


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy, is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some point in the future.

Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking. Depending on the context, the results might for example include generalized explanations of how nature works.

But in the end, I was merely playing with words. To some extent I agree, and read both sides of the coin, per se, before drawing a full conclusion.
I don't want to drown semantically here. I am just asking what makes the naïve conspiracy minded person? I just want to that theory debunked.....no such luck so far.


Well-Known Member
Nice plants buck . Im just wondering how your stupid ass got ripped in the past... Maybe posting pics and bragging about your crop ... Im just praying that it happens to you again and see 4 or atleast your friends in the government got your back when you get locked up and raped by your gangster friends.
oh, cool. we have a friend of weed thieves among us, folks.

do you have a grow going, or do mommy and daddy not let you play with light bulbs yet?


Well-Known Member
I meant among developed nations for life expectancy, and unemployment is higher right now than when Bush left office (again, not that that's the cause). I'm not going to argue GMO's as it is common sense and a fact that they are vastly detrimental. If you disagree, so be it, go chow down those gmo's.
we were losing 500,000 jobs a month when bush left office, smarty.

and many developed countries are below us. united arab emirates, mexico, poland, argentina, russia, brazil and many many more.

it's not my fault that you suck at facts.


Well-Known Member
Friend of karma . Nah if i had my way they would be crips and mutilate your family so you could live to regret being a twat
that's mean, but i still hope your acne clears up before senior prom, that way you can get a date with a nice jewish boy and finally shed your virginity.


Well-Known Member
we were losing 500,000 jobs a month when bush left office, smarty.

and many developed countries are below us. united arab emirates, mexico, poland, argentina, russia, brazil and many many more.

it's not my fault that you suck at facts.
Actually, you're wrong. http://healthimpactnews.com/2013/u-s-ranks-first-in-healthcare-spending-last-in-life-expectancy/ It's also a fact that America has a higher unemployment now than when Bush left office. Good night, tired and no point in arguing with someone who honestly believes the status of America revolves around which party is in office.


Well-Known Member
Actually, there is absolutely NO evidence that depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals, that is a myth.
OK, do you have any evidence to support that claim?

Depression is caused by nutritional deficiencies and/or lack of physical activity (as most diseases are) or by an event that happened in that person's life. If it's the former, then all it is, is a natural human emotion.
Nutritional deficiencies or lack of physical activity. OK, again, do you have any evidence to support that idea?

Also, do you believe there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in a patient's brain that cannot be remedied by natural means?

Or perhaps they're being exposed to too much electromagnetic fields (Wi-Fi, television, cpu's, laptops, etc.)
I suggest you avoid prisonplanet and FoxNEWS..

And 97% of people die within five years of taking chemotherapy...
...because of the cancer or because of the chemo?

you can take that for what it's worth. If someone is depressed, it's very likely that they also don't exercise/get outside a lot and have an absolutely terrible diet.
...and what of the ones who exercise regularly and have excellent diets?


All highly physical people.. All developed cancer. How do you explain that?

Are they simply your exceptions?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I would like to see some one post actual chemotherapy statistics. I am looking at a person that has cancer, then had chemotherapy, and now does not have any cancer. I know he is not the only one.

Let me predict. If the statistics say chemo works more than jtprin claims he will say the statistics cannot be trusted because of big pharma. This way no matter what the statistics actually say he can explain away his claims.


Well-Known Member
Just to chime in here.....I know a bit about the depressed state of being both chemically and based upon ones lifestyle. It is not a condition that has a flat cause and effective treatment can be as simple as a prescription. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, lack of sunlight, and irregular sleep patterns are physical factors that cause chemical imbalance. Genetic predisposition, trauma, and unknown factors are to blame as well. There is nonetheless a chemical connection that our mood is predicated upon. It is a dynamic and overdiagnosed "disorder." Evidence linking low levels of hormones, neurotranmsitters, vitamins and minerals to depression certainly exist all of which are imbalances technically. The point of this is to show that so many health disorders can be stacked and glossed over as depression. It is lazily diagnosed and proactive natural means of treatment are under-applied by patients. In my opinion, insurmountable depression is pretty rare. There are causes that we decide to ignore or are simply unaware of, intense emotions are part of the human experience, the pill culture mothers neurotic self-examination and application of states of disorder. The psychology is actually simple. Inward focus (self-obsession) is largely to blame. This perception of our own struggle and all it entitles without any perspective or concern for those of others. In time, outward focus becomes a luxury of the non-affected. I have seen many through this lens and prescribed charity. The action of helping is the only cure I know. The offering of ourselves to serve the needs of others is cathartic, enlarges our connection to others in distress diminishing alienation, people just profoundly change. The research is my own, based upon my own success and having that to share effectively with others.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I would like to see some one post actual chemotherapy statistics. I am looking at a person that has cancer, then had chemotherapy, and now does not have any cancer. I know he is not the only one.

Let me predict. If the statistics say chemo works more than jtprin claims he will say the statistics cannot be trusted because of big pharma. This way no matter what the statistics actually say he can explain away his claims.
I have a friend that is a chemo nurse. She says that unless they get it all she will see you again in 5 years. She, also, said if she got cancer she would not treat it. Having said that I have 2 friends that beat breast cancer over 12 years ago.


Well-Known Member
OK, do you have any evidence to support that claim?

Nutritional deficiencies or lack of physical activity. OK, again, do you have any evidence to support that idea?

Also, do you believe there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in a patient's brain that cannot be remedied by natural means?

I suggest you avoid prisonplanet and FoxNEWS..

...because of the cancer or because of the chemo?

...and what of the ones who exercise regularly and have excellent diets?


All highly physical people.. All developed cancer. How do you explain that?

Are they simply your exceptions?
Yes, there is tons of evidence that shows depression is caused by nutritional deficiencies. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2738337/ http://www.webmd.com/depression/news/20120627/vitamin-d-deficiency-linked-to-depression http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100621111238.htm These are just a few examples. Are you also claiming that EMF's don't have negative effects? As far as cancer goes... they die from both chemo and the cancer. Either way, it shows how useless chemotherapy is. I don't know the lives of all of those people but Lance Armstrong was shooting himself up with chemicals all the time so maybe that's why he was depressed? People can also get depression by abusing drugs.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see some one post actual chemotherapy statistics. I am looking at a person that has cancer, then had chemotherapy, and now does not have any cancer. I know he is not the only one.

Let me predict. If the statistics say chemo works more than jtprin claims he will say the statistics cannot be trusted because of big pharma. This way no matter what the statistics actually say he can explain away his claims.
But he may develop cancer again within the next five years that may be much worse than the original cancer. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15630849 “The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1 % in The USA” http://naturalsociety.com/chemotherapy-makes-cancer-far-worse/
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