subcool LOL!

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Bottem line for this old deckhand, subs fighting a good fight. His biz is "hott" in the generation that will blow cannabis up in the market place....and he sent me some Dannyboy, conquistador, juggernaut, agent o, and a few others in AK that did us proud before the big raids. Got everything on the line up these days.. might not be able to hang in the D with me, but the cali air didn't seem much cleaner ;) . Granted if you all want the dream, head north of the sun to my neck of the woods! In my "humble opinion" as you folks say, I have seen the west to the east and the north to the south and nothings got shit on AK and about 1 % of folks down here could hack it with me in the bush. You too sub! ;) get up there before its too late ol sailor!

Man I think I've double the amount of "Likes" I've given just from this thread.... keep preaching the truth!!!

Guess I don't really have much to add, sure I could jump into a conversation with one of the Sub lovers, but than again I've got better things to do, I only truly feel bad for the poor sob's who have grown nothing but 5 TGA strains, it's like a small town kid who never ventures out of town, missing out on a whole world!!

Folks are gonna jock sub and his gear, its easy to follow the herd of sheeple, but once they've been burned one too many times they'll come around. Enjoy smoking your seeded hermie bud, it'll come sooner or later :)
I'm getting a bit tired of being called a TGA hater. I had a pretty good size business deal with Sub and his crew go bad last year. When I reached out to Sub personally for resolution, as we had that line of communication at that time, he simply told me to fuck off he didn't need the drama. Following such I went public and Sub started blowing a bunch of smoke up folks asses exposing his clear lack of integrity. Once the light was shined on how exactly Sub, and therefore TGA, does business he comped my order and acknowledged some wrongdoing publicly, but still to this date has never manned up to an apology. What about all those people whom are unable or unwilling to defend themselves, are they all just haters or victims of big/bad business exacerbated and exploited by the "grey area" of this MJ business?
Haters gonna hate. roflmao.
Fuck Subcool.
I was trying to be a bean distributor for TGA, now I'm just a truth distributor about TGA.
Fuck TGA. :finger:
lol at this entire thread..
racerboy, so not a sub fan.. and omg, how anybody can watch those weed nerd video's is so beyond me.. i've tried, several times, and get about two minutes in, and that voice, omfg, that voice.. it's like fingernails on a chalkboard..
the only weed nerd episode i liked was the one he was at some outdoors grow and fell over the built up planter. lmao over that one, but i only saw like the minute clip of that back in the day on the seed collector's thread..
oh, and another clip i saw where it looked like he shaved while riding a mechanical bull.. one side of his stache looked like hitler, and the other side looked like paul sr from american chopper.. how he went on camera like that was too funny.. again, only watched the clip on that one as well.. but i couldn't stop pissing myself. wish i knew episode numbers so i could share the laughter..

and i agree, if you want flavor, go with tga.. if you want potency and anything resembling stability, well, not so much.. idk how many pheno's i've heard from that plushberry.. the pink pheno, the purple pheno, the green pheno, the this, the that.. christ.. it's no wonder when everything you make is polyhybrid x polyhybrid from hell..

he sure does have a strong fan base though, i'll give the man that.. sometimes on here i feel like it's people who don't visit other sites and never get to talk to any other breeders, so for them, seeing and being able to talk to a breeder is like talking to rock star.. idk, that's my theory and i'm sticking to it, lol..
It's sort of a High School phenomenon. Sub is like the troublemaker in class and some people are attracted to that.
I've watched weed nerd, but not very often afterall there are hundred of episodes. Between being bored, there are moments that I find hilarious... entertaining for reasons all my own. And it's those same reasons I don't have very high expectations from subcool the person. He himself has claimed to be a genetics collector, not a hardcore breeder. And the guy did do a good job getting certain hybrid variations of strains throughout the globe where it may once have been difficult to find such genetics. The guy is a smoe at customer service, it's no secret. Thank god for threads like this to protect innocent cannabis consumers from falling prey to such a bad man (lol). Watch 3 episodes of weed nerd, if you can't figure out what this guys is all about, then YOU really should be his favorite new customer. Yeah if I got burned by him I'd be chapped for a little while, but that's about it.Don't be so convinced that this thread isn't -OK- marketing for him. Who here wants to see his hillbilly ass knocked all the way back to Georgia? Let's get a posse, hack and freeze weed nerd, arrange for a breeder boxing match between subby and that cali connection guy. And I'm serious as a full blown pollen spouting hermie right in the middle of your garden. funny haha
I have no problem with fake tits when done well... I like em big and small, I dont like discrimination

The videos and the persona on the videos is super cliche', corny and they just seem contrived... I dont have a dog in this fight so my opinions are not biased but, if I were to show a non MMJ person this video I think it would be just what they would expect from a "stoner"
...... Her only saving grace are her giant fake tits

her fake tits really brought out her eyes.....

im sorry, but I never got past the ta-ta's :) to hear any of the BS.

two very good 'marketing' ""points""

I've got an older friend who's very deep into the cannabis culture/scene, has been going to cannabis cup for the last 15 years, and seems to personally know just about everyone who's anyone in the growing business. He told me I should steer clear of sub and their gear, said they are shady and their genetics are unstable. Is he right or what? Personally i've never ran any of their stuff even though i've known about them since i started coming here back in 2011

yeah hes out in nor cal every year looking for the best new strains he can cross together and call his own-
his newest creations are just hybrid crosses of hybrid crosses....

he was at emerald cup last year hanging out and selling--giving away his crappy hybrids to folks that are star struck by his celebrity status
a few YT videos and some exceptional marketing skills and ...Woila! --a new seed king celebrity is born-

he will be at emerald cup again this year.....the worlds premiere outdoor organic cannabis cup
--with his ego rants and self inflated hybrids

my friend that was hanging out with him last year smoking w him in the tents there said he was more impressed by his own outdoor organic erb than subs creations
....he let him leave then bought some of BOG crosses that are real nice!

I think TGA jumped the shark last year when they past the two dozen mark on their polyhybrid strains offered. I recently visited their website for some strain info and was blown away by the number of recent additions I have never heard of.

It didn't help here in MI that Sub was such a stickler on his "no compete" clause to those retailers providing his beans. This has caused many to drop TGA to offer a selection of genetic companies.

yeah no compete cause he gets most of his strains straight out of nor cal-
him and his 'TGA' crew-

how can you compete with that if you go out there yourself and get the hybrids.....

i was blown away when i moved back here a couple years ago and everyone was screaming about how good(not) subcool seeds were....
--before people spent a couple years running them and realizing they really aint 'all that'

i had known about him for quite a few years from seed hunting all the dispensaries in and around nor cal
....his stuff was in a lot of dispensaries but even the seed vendors used to tell me his shit was
-----waitfor it


""sub par""

i'll give him his props for blowing it up tho! +rep!

Fake tits suck.

'bolt-ons' are a california should drive around OC in the daytime...
more bolt ons and liposuction ass phat than mcdonalds and liquor stores in Dtroit

I've run Jillybean and Cheese Quake. Jillybean was a nice plant, that smelled great .... but that was about it. No flavor, and below average potency. Cheese Quake I've had in my rotation for a while now. I really like it, and more importantly my patients like it as well.

All in all I think TGA is just average. I've grown and smoked stuff that is superior to TGA (Sannies, Bodhi, Mr Nice, Serious Seeds). He seems to have a loyal following though.

subcool is\was top of the middle shelf.....always-

now hes more like top of the bottom shelf or mayb even bottom of the middleshelf
or mayb like some believe NOW ....bottom of the bottom shelf-

if he ever crossed some of his stuff with any real 'hierloom' landrace strains...he might be in there...but not-

i think he has bred most of the vigor and vitality out of his strains.....not to mention the THC content

Hey, whats wrong with every cross tasting like lemon jack? Hahahhahha

what do you expect when you cross a cross with a cross and got the same pheno- turpene in every cross.....
--gonna be all homogenized and shit

limosnero seems to be a very dominant turpene that somehow rises above lots of others....frequently....dominant gene?

i enjoy the 'mycene' turpene a lot more....always been one of my favorites from the first time i tried 'puna budder' in the 70s-

sometimes i truly wish i was able to speak "freely"

we all wish you would and keep allowing us that same freedom.....

Hÿdra;9435800 said:
My main issue with SUbs stuff is that you can buy a pack of ten and get nothing but crap phenos. They smell good, but the taste and high are weak and not worth the cash.
Maybe some pink plushberry, but thats about it.

again thats what happens when you keep crossing crosses w crosses and no stability in the phenos or any attempt to stabilize with any landrace (mother) strains

you bleach the strain out to its bare in BC
--strains are all bleached outthere-

i think the term 'pollen chucker' applies here now....
--so from 'breeder' [fake]to 'pollen chucker'-
-the truth finally comes out

....i dont think anyones 'hating' in here just spewing ""truth""
-you get what you get

sometimes one can wrap up advertising in what seems like informative packaging so people feel good about spending their money with you.

he is a marketing genius!!

and has been ahead of the curve for marketing when the mmj laws go online
....same thing all over the east

he gets the jump on things from jumpstreet but i think he has some stiff competition now with a lot of these new breeders bringing some really nice things online--and doing it right

but he really sold out michigan with his marketing skills--
....saturated thewhole state and now you see crosses of subcools crosses by newbies and bleaching the strains out

Nail on the head, right there.

Not that I don't wish I had his marketing skills. :mrgreen:

marketing genius and i think he has made his $$--and prolly spent it

his rep is sinking as fast as his seeds and strains have disapeared off the radar around here--

im so glad that when i went to most of the dispensaries and most of what they had were sub strains (sub-par) or some bagseed that someone named ....

seems like its getting more towards ' game-on here' now--

im finally seeing some real growers coming online with great genetics and the dispensaries are having a hard time keeping up with all the new stuff and whats popular-

keep it real and keep it old skool and you can never go wrong-

im seeing a lot more of original old skool strains around here now but definately still a lot of fake poly hybrid genetics floating around
--its an every man for himself game here

land race strains crossed into some good stable genes make for great medicine

there are a couple of dispensaries in and around a2 that are saturating the market with cali genetics .....
and letting real hybrid crosses out to thegeneral public..

then theres some real good hybrid crossers starting their own gardenkluba2 exclusive private members only shit that is pretty phenomenal in the gene pool around here....their doing it right-

:peace: from the 10tHdimension
I'm part of a almost complete community (there are a few TGA fans boys) of TGA haters and ex associates.
It's could substitute Dr. GreenThumb, Green House, Dutch Passion, and others for TGA in this thread and it would all be relevant.
I'm part of a almost complete community (there are a few TGA fans boys) of TGA haters and ex associates.

im not a 'hater'....hates a strong word and reserved for the govt-and politicians

im just puttin out my experience....and 'my' truth-- --from experience

It's could substitute Dr. GreenThumb, Green House, Dutch Passion, and others for TGA in this thread and it would all be relevant.

well pollen chuckers and breeders are two different things.......and i would disagree with some of your statements-

dutch passion ?

dr greenthumb?
-not totally....couple good ones

-you never watched "strain hunters" ....?

they have hunted down some world class land races that have made some great seeds....some-
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