The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

So, I'm only on page 16 so far, but I watched both videos. And now I'm in the process of making my first cannoli.

I don't know if its been shared yet, but Ove Gloves are the shit for handling the hot water bottle.

Just a little FYI....

P.s. gorgeous hash pic TC

I will check those up but I am having a bottle with 2 handles made by a glass blower to deal with the problem
I will check those up but I am having a bottle with 2 handles made by a glass blower to deal with the problem

Classy and functional, I like it.

And the gloves are just made for taking hot things out of the oven. Something that a lot of people's wives or girlfriends may already have laying around.

P.S. thanks for all the info.
I might be wrong DNA but frenchys style its already pretty broken up when its drying before the press. So its kind of already crumbled. after he pulls the bags and puts the trichs in the glass he breaks it up as fine as he can for an even drying process. Frenchy correct me if im wrong but isn't it like a trail and error with figuring out when to press. Because everyones drying times may differ so pretty much have to listen to what your trichomes are telling you?
Since I have not the chance to work in an environment where I have full control I cannot really give any "scientific answers" but I can teach you in a way that will let you learn through personal experience with the assurance that you will never have mold in your pressed hash.
As Montanachadly mentioned the first step is to chopped as finely as possible your resin for drying. I personally want some humidity left when I press because I am looking for a waxy texture as opposed to sticky. If you have any humidity left in your pressed hashish the curing will take care of it, you can/should cure for months by opening your container on a daily basis. If you hash get a waxy texture you will know that you had humidity when pressing. The more humidity left the waxier the texture, the least humidity left the stickier. Simple enough, it will give you the chance to find your own favorite texture at the same time that you learn pressing resin.
last question i promise so when your pressing it how do you know when its done, how do you know its good enough on pressing? thanks for all your help your totally awesome!
On this thread you do not have to worry about asking too many questions or stupid questions. There is no stupid question when you learn and I am here to teach so ask away.................
The first time you will press it is better to do it by hand with 2 to 3 grammes for about 20 minutes in the sun, you will see, smell, feel the changes happening and will know when all your trichomes become a mass of resin.
You want a "fusion" through heat of all your resin glands, when the smell become really intense you will be close and you will not be able to overdo by hand ever, you will see why when you try.
Otherwise the bottle with hot water is awesome, when you feel like you understand what the hand pressed technique is showing you check up my Part 2 video on pressing.
Frenchy, Can I FedEx u my trim? ;)

I really would like to try ur hash, hopefully we'll catch up one day!

u did say stupid questions were ok! :)
just guessing but i dont think actually i know he isnt gonna throw his address out there like that...frenchy thanks alot honestly i was doing my thing like sub does gentle by hand in smaller quantity, then tried the shaving method and personally i dont like it as have moved my game to a hole new realm over hear on the east shore thanks much for your time and knowledge
Me too I especially don't care for wax, but I use solvent to extract the highest percentage of cannabinoids and least amount of plant your saying this method is tastiest? I would think regular bubble hash or kief would taste better as your not evapping terpines away with heat? Maybe I'll try this way with a small amount
I'm not very good with words so i'm having a hard time explaining it. I was just reading about it too, I would recommend reading Hashish by Robert Clarke or I'm sure Frenchy will be by shortly to answer you sorry lol
So how come y'all do it like that instead of solvent for hash oil?
When you collect trichomes through dry sieving or ice water sieving, the resin glands stay whole within their protectives membranes until dry. You then press to Decarboxylate (activation of THCA), bind the terpenes to the Cannabinoids and create a mass of resin that will cure and age holding its quality for years.
When you use any other type of solvent (water being one) you literally dissolve the glands which change the structure of the resin. Not the same product.
There is also the concern of product's cleanliness with extracts that have been made with butane but that is another story