Its amphetamine mixed with some other shit... Just like everything else effects vary from person to person. I know one thing for sure though, its being shoved down the throats of children by doctors writing scrips left and right to parents that dont know any better,,, and the kid has 0 choice in the matter, unless he/she wises up to the insanity and starts fake ingesting the pills, like I ended up doing. But these are
legal drugs so its all perfectly fine and moral. Its nothing new either, been going on for decades.
Woot! Flower tizzle!

How much headspace you got in there? Me tinks any major cropping or training would do best about nowish.
Hey bro! Those mites in co aint no joke dude... I wonder how much bud is actually lost to them each year? Some those giant indoor winter warehouse grows gotta get hit all the time. I went snowboarding for 4 days I think it was and when I got back it was a disaster,,, millions of them building thick webs on every single bud.
I want to <$@#%$^%$%&%)@&$(!$&> edit for graphic content, that was a little much I think. It is a drug though, just the absolute safest one ever available in the history of man.
Im disappointed they would publish such a thing, but Im not surprised. Id say there is a SLIGHT conflict of interest, him owning a rehab center and getting paid by the gov to take in canna "addicts"... Judge says "time in jail or admit your a canna addict and go to rehab" Amazing.
I read a hundred or so comments yesterday and 90% are all calm, well educated and informed potheads making great points left and right. Even people on there saying they've never smoked before but can see how insane this piece of trash is.
Hey D thats awesome! I got a buddy that just travels around the country staying and helping at places kinda like that,,, permaculture and whatnot... He said I could jump on whenever,,, would be a great learning experience and experience in general.