Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
I'm out.
This reminds me too much of when my G-ma was in the hosp.
Let's just just give Dank our support guys n gals.:clap:


Well-Known Member
well I'm a damn hot mess....

I try so hard not to feel other people's feelings too deeply because when I get attached to people, my gut goes with it. Doesn't matter who you are, but Dank is my botany buddy..something hurts becomes have that mutual understanding and caring for plants and how the whole system works together. We are all part of something a lot bigger...


Well-Known Member
well I'm a damn hot mess....

I try so hard not to feel other people's feelings too deeply because when I get attached to people, my gut goes with it. Doesn't matter who you are, but Dank is my botany buddy..something hurts becomes have that mutual understanding and caring for plants and how the whole system works together. We are all part of something a lot bigger...
When my G-ma passed, I carried my 9 in my shoulder holster for at least a year, just pissed off at everything.
I STILL catch myself doing it sometimes.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
When my G-ma passed, I carried my 9 in my shoulder holster for at least a year, just pissed off at everything.
I STILL catch myself doing it sometimes.:neutral:
oh wow...yeah...I am at that point now man...waiting to get my firearms license before all the mental health shit catches up to me LOL
I really am fuckin upset...ugh...
last time I felt like this, I had to check myself into the ER LMFAO

NO I'm not going to the fuckin ER. I am perfectly stable. No worries.


Well-Known Member
oh wow...yeah...I am at that point now man...waiting to get my firearms license before all the mental health shit catches up to me LOL
I really am fuckin upset...ugh...
last time I felt like this, I had to check myself into the ER LMFAO

NO I'm not going to the fuckin ER. I am perfectly stable. No worries.
"Badgers??????? We don't need no stinking badgers'.......

I laugh at the EMPLOYEE, (NOT the owner) at the liquor store that flaunts his CCP and has his sidearm on the belt all the time, and I find it amusing when I find the braggart at the bar and the conversation gets on guns, backups, and concealed.
It's simply amusing how diff, people think of protection, self defense, etc., and I know somebody is gonna think the same about me, but..........


Well-Known Member
"Badgers??????? We don't need no stinking badgers'.......
I laugh at the EMPLOYEE, (NOT the owner) at the liquor store that flaunts his CCP and has his sidearm on the belt all the time, and I find it amusing when I find the braggart at the bar and the conversation gets on guns, backups, and concealed.
It's simply amusing how diff, people think of protection, self defense, etc., and I know somebody is gonna think the same about me, but..........
fuck em man, I don't think anything of it...shit....I'm right there with ya bud!


Well-Known Member
k the larger one is Jeorge's Grow DVD 1 and 2, the smaller is Nico Escondito Grow like a Pro. NICO is my personal favorite for row DVD's


Well-Known Member
Google drive said it was 1.5 g and not scanned for virus or whatever...I figured it'd be big, its all cool...Just have to download them tonight while I'm on free serve time :)


Well-Known Member
Not scanned?? WHY THE HELL DID GOOGLE DRIVE TAKE SO LONG?! i clicked the scan for virus' after upload completes button lol... oh well I promise i am clean...

I keep telling her I am clean but she wants me to get tested anways! lol