Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


oh shit, lol, ima cardinals fan (although baseball has taken a backseat to football and basketball) so that joke is extra funny to me. good shit.

best baseball jersey ever:

also, your post reminded me of this:
Was having a crummy day. This song and looking through about 40 pages of this thread helped. Muchos gracias everyone posting here [video=youtube;iPM1ifkOQ9s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPM1ifkOQ9s[/video]
yo, i couldnt understand more. thats one reason why weed should be legal, imo. not just for medical reasons but for recreational use as well. when im having one of those days at work, theres nothing better than getting home and smoking a bowl of some good and relaxing for a minute. a close second is going out to your car on your break and smoking, then go back to work with a different state of mind. shit, i think smoking helps me do my job faster. i build tractors on an assembly line of sorts, and you have a certain amount of time to finish your work before this huge machine gets moved to the next station on the line. for each machine i put the same parts on, use the same tools, hardware, etc. so when i go smoke and come back in, its like everythings fluid and my parts just slide on, my tools are always right were i need them, my hardware goes on just as easy as my parts and my routine just rolls. i get my headphones on and tear through that m.f. i have a partner in my station, he's cool, he says he can always tell when i've smoked, lol, not just cause my eyes are like this: cartoon-stoners-4.jpg but because i work faster, better.
oh shit, that post is much longer and less funny than i ment for it to be. im really high and just kept typing, i didnt even finish it, i just kinda stopped typing. anyway, weed should be totally legal is my point. this shit is funny tho...
