N.Y.C. Topdawg grow and more to come.

I was so sceptical with coco, tried it out and it kicked my ass... Then I learned about the different grades, and the clones I tested the new mix in are KICKIN'!! I mean literally just leaping out their pots, it's pretty cool to watch 'em just GO. Took me forever to find the right stuff, South Africa is a bit (VERY) backwards when it comes to some (MOST) things. But yeah they're in a mix of about 80 percent short fibres, the rest is coir and slighlty bigger 'chips'.
Would be very interested to know your mixes or what brands you use so I can look it up and see iwhat it's made of. The pyth stuff was horrible, but this is really working like nothing I've ever seen. Growing like great hydro plants but with soooo much less effort really.
Looking like a winner to me.
so far the mixes or brands I've tried were GH cocotek,hydro farm ? And botanicare cocogro all 5kg bales and the best is botanicare. GH and hf both even with a good rinse I've been losing a lot o plants don't know why. The botanicare seems to be the easiest for me


Well-Known Member
I'm still playing around with numbers but I can say with confidence I'm getting 1zip per gallon easily. When I switch to air pots I'm sure that will change tho.
Dont use air pots, but use Smart pots for there ability to set in trays or soil, and I did notice a difference on the plus side in yield.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Mad Hamish. Ive heard a lot about coco definitely considering it for future grows. Going to start off with good ole' soil though. Going to make my own, its going to be pretty basic, just some 100% organic compost like 4 bucks a huge bag some perlite 5 bucks a bag, going to amend with blood meal, worm castings, and maybe some humus and some other benecifical bacteria and rooting hormones. All of it should cost 20 bucks but im going to have enough for a few grows. A big bag of ocean forest at my closest hydro was close to 30 bucks for a single bag :shock:. With bagged stuff worrying about quality is always an issue hopefully my homemade recipe works well though. Also using air pots. Peace

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Mad Hamish. Ive heard a lot about coco definitely considering it for future grows. Going to start off with good ole' soil though. Going to make my own, its going to be pretty basic, just some 100% organic compost like 4 bucks a huge bag some perlite 5 bucks a bag, going to amend with blood meal, worm castings, and maybe some humus and some other benecifical bacteria and rooting hormones. All of it should cost 20 bucks but im going to have enough for a few grows. A big bag of ocean forest at my closest hydro was close to 30 bucks for a single bag :shock:. With bagged stuff worrying about quality is always an issue hopefully my homemade recipe works well though. Also using air pots. Peace
If you are going to go that route, you need to please remember to buffer your soil and cook it for at least 4 weeks, preferably 8. Without the lime you will have pH issues out the nose and it will kill all your bennies etc. As somebody that wants to try orgfanic growing, I can recommend this as a go-to thread, and GandalfdaGreen is one excellent fella, his results speak for themselves and if ever you are in a pinch or have any questions he will help you out FAST. He's run into every challenge organic can throw at you and dealt with them in spectacular fashion. No elitism on his thread either. Very cool:


Just compost and perlite... Not too sure about that, it will be VERY hot and that's not really a good thing. If you want to keep it simple, coco seems to be the one to be really open about it.

And 30 USD for good soil is not bad at all, considering the time it takes for it to cook and the many other small variables that can affect your results. If you are making a start as you say, keep it simple I HIGHLY recommend it, get a good, no, GREAT bag of soil, it will serve you very well when cooking your own as you will have a benchmark to compare performance to which will lead to you producing better and better soil mixes...

Apologies for derailing the thread a bit :/


Well-Known Member
If you are going to go that route, you need to please remember to buffer your soil and cook it for at least 4 weeks, preferably 8. Without the lime you will have pH issues out the nose and it will kill all your bennies etc. As somebody that wants to try orgfanic growing, I can recommend this as a go-to thread, and GandalfdaGreen is one excellent fella, his results speak for themselves and if ever you are in a pinch or have any questions he will help you out FAST. He's run into every challenge organic can throw at you and dealt with them in spectacular fashion. No elitism on his thread either. Very cool:


Just compost and perlite... Not too sure about that, it will be VERY hot and that's not really a good thing. If you want to keep it simple, coco seems to be the one to be really open about it.

And 30 USD for good soil is not bad at all, considering the time it takes for it to cook and the many other small variables that can affect your results. If you are making a start as you say, keep it simple I HIGHLY recommend it, get a good, no, GREAT bag of soil, it will serve you very well when cooking your own as you will have a benchmark to compare performance to which will lead to you producing better and better soil mixes...

Apologies for derailing the thread a bit :/
it's worth the 26$ for FF ocean forest and saves time..one downside i did see some white winged baby fly type insects (just a few, last bag) i was able to control however, didn't come from this grower had to be the FF and the bog that was in it..imo


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. I myself had a major setback with an array of beans due to heatwave. But actually was a blessing in disguise. Still pending 1 but had 3 Lucky Charms turn females. So basically eliminated the culling process later in the game. Hope your minor setback becomes a blessing in disguise as well.
Sorry to hear that. I myself had a major setback with an array of beans due to heatwave. But actually was a blessing in disguise. Still pending 1 but had 3 Lucky Charms turn females. So basically eliminated the culling process later in the game. Hope your minor setback becomes a blessing in disguise as well.
Yeah summer is always trouble time for me but this one wasnt that bad. Soon i will be hanging a 400 hps in my small tent to flower 2 tents and make use of my double decker veg closet. Things should be looking up from here on ouit hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a solid plan never grew in tents before they look cool and the amount of reflection you can get seems amazing.