
Anyone notice how often Lebron stands in the paint, looking for a foul, while everyone else is already to the other end of the court?
Why is he so easy to hate?
Holy shit what a game... Popovich made a huge mistake when he benched Duncan, Heat got 2 killer offensive rebounds and tied the game with 2 dynamite threes dayum
Anyone notice how often Lebron stands in the paint, looking for a foul, while everyone else is already to the other end of the court?
Why is he so easy to hate?

I'll explain why this Saturday at 8PM in my one-hour ESPN special.

On a related note, looks like I'm not gonna be able to go to the gym for a while since all that's gonna play on SportsCenter is clips of the Heat and Stephen A. Smith foaming at the mouth for the next three weeks.
I thought Stephen A picked the Spurs to win it. In fact I thought that both he and Skip picked the Spurs. I'm indifferent about either of those teams, but I do dislike 'LeWrong' James.
Steven a is annoying and disrespectful.
I'm alright with Steven. Yeah, he comes accross as an ass sometimes, but he has great knowledge and speaks his mind. I used to not like him, but I have seen him on a number of occasions when he 'guaranteed' something would happen and he was wrong. The next morning he will 'own up' to the words he said and admit that he was wrong. That gained him at least a little respect from me.

Skip, on the other hand, is one big ass clown that I just can not stand to listen to. He talks out of his ass and speaks from emotion. What I dislike the most about him is that when he makes a guarantee and is proven wrong, he will never ever own up to it like Steven A does. Skip has lot's of knowledge because of how long he has been covering sports, but I think his predictions are complete bs. He is an excellent debater, and that is the only credit I can give him. I am happy they have Steven A on the show now because he is smart enough that he doesn't take crap from Skip. Before he was on the show, whoever was debating against skip was almost always right, but Skip would win the debates just because he was a better speaker. I just want to punch Skip in the nose lol.
How many people are watching the Pacers?! There bench depth just went up with the acquisition of Luis Scola.

I agree. Don't like the Pacers at all (Bulls fan) but I would be a happy Pacer fan this off season. Liked Scola's play at Houston. Could not figure out the Suns aquisition. (Do the Suns even know what they are doing?)
I agree. Don't like the Pacers at all (Bulls fan) but I would be a happy Pacer fan this off season. Liked Scola's play at Houston. Could not figure out the Suns aquisition. (Do the Suns even know what they are doing?)

the suns?...not for the last like 5+ years. bulls fans gotta be excited too, ima kobe fan but d rose is gonna come back with a ferocity. the east is gonna be interesting.
Great thread.

Favorite team: Boston Celtics (only the stupid Lakers can even boast a comparison, but fuck them)...

Favorite all-time player: Larry Bird (Laker players can only be jealous...)

Favorite current player: tie between Kevin Durrant and Kevin Love...

Current Favorite Team: Team USA, in World Championships and Olympics...