Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Know what the best ice cream treat, ever, is?

I'll tell you, case you might have guessed wrong: It's Orange Creamsicle ...

I saw all of the original Star Wars, in the theater. The first time they were in the theaters.

My boss says "don't worry, it's not snitching..." But, I did tell once, when I was really little. I learned never ever tell on anyone, for any thing. Stop the situation if you can, however you need to, but never snitch.

My mom said I was fragile, not delicate, but my emotional existence. She said, one day she came home from a doctor's appointment with someone I knew, and I was silent. I couldn't walk, but I wouldn't talk, either (I do know the whole story, and so do all of the people who will.) She said I was "broken." She told me that she didn't know she was instilling a life saving ethos in me, she was trying to "unbreak" me, throughout my childhood. Through the course of life many people owe mothers like mine HUGE "thank you" hugs. If it weren't for moms with instinct like that, than there would be a lot more brutally bad.
Here's my impression of health care in the USA.

"There is no money in the cure, the treatment makes us cash for sure, so let's get all the people sick, and hooked on pills to deal with it. There's no disease that can't exist, if doctors say that's what it is, childhood energy is ADD and restless legs will come for thee, unless you take these pills you see. Don't fret about the logic of taking pills to stay still, the sedative effect is temporary, let it flow through your capillaries, once it's balanced you'll feel fine, unless you think you'll quit sometime. Can't afford the pills? We can't have that! Here's a coupon for your stack, we'll send you pills for free you see, here they come in a pretty box, just don't stop taking them without detox. Be sure to call your doctor for every problem under the sun, we think taking your money is fun."
I love cheese!!!
But it takes too long!!

Here's my impression of health care in the USA.

"There is no money in the cure, the treatment makes us cash for sure, so let's get all the people sick, and hooked on pills to deal with it. There's no disease that can't exist, if doctors say that's what it is, childhood energy is ADD and restless legs will come for thee, unless you take these pills you see. Don't fret about the logic of taking pills to stay still, the sedative effect is temporary, let it flow through your capillaries, once it's balanced you'll feel fine, unless you think you'll quit sometime. Can't afford the pills? We can't have that! Here's a coupon for your stack, we'll send you pills for free you see, here they come in a pretty box, just don't stop taking them without detox. Be sure to call your doctor for every problem under the sun, we think taking your money is fun."

Duhhhh, that is why your mainly supposed to take care of yourself and only go to the doctor if your dying or injured, otherwise you are a dumbass and buying into the system. I only go if i need some adderol and say how add i am and get my drugs, or if i want some xanax i say my anxiety is acting up. Besides that the only reason to go to the doctors is if you are injured badly or have some nasty shit growin on you, or you're dying
Duhhhh, that is why your mainly supposed to take care of yourself and only go to the doctor if your dying or injured, otherwise you are a dumbass and buying into the system. I only go if i need some adderol and say how add i am and get my drugs, or if i want some xanax i say my anxiety is acting up. Besides that the only reason to go to the doctors is if you are injured badly or have some nasty shit growin on you, or you're dying

Dude, the dumbasses are the ones who think this is the way health care is supposed to work. And your abuse of the system to get fucking drugs ain't helping, jackwagon.
Know what the best ice cream treat, ever, is?

I'll tell you, case you might have guessed wrong: It's Orange Creamsicle ...

Oh yes so very good....... donuts bad....

I saw all of the original Star Wars, in the theater. The first time they were in the theaters.

LOL my boy can say the same thing though he was still breast feeding for the first one so I don't think he remembers much LOL!

My boss says "don't worry, it's not snitching..." But, I did tell once, when I was really little. I learned never ever tell on anyone, for any thing. Stop the situation if you can, however you need to, but never snitch.

Oh and there are times you should snitch ... let the union boys do the work they get paid very well to do.

My mom said I was fragile, not delicate, but my emotional existence. She said, one day she came home from a doctor's appointment with someone I knew, and I was silent. I couldn't walk, but I wouldn't talk......

There's a lot I'd like to say to this. Once you are in a place you are ready, let's talk.
You've never had dognuts like when you get them at Krispy Kreme when the red light is on; they grab them right off the belt while they are still warm. OMG!!!

the first fight I ever got into in Florida,behind a krispy Kreme at their dumpster.Me and another bum were fighting over the dumpster doughnuts.After a few we settled it and split the goods.True Story.?did I mention there were lots of bees?
Dude, the dumbasses are the ones who think this is the way health care is supposed to work. And your abuse of the system to get fucking drugs ain't helping, jackwagon.

I pay for my health insurance, it's dumbasses that think it should be free for everyone that are messing up the system.
I pay for my health insurance, it's dumbasses that think it should be free for everyone that are messing up the system.
It should be free for everyone. America likes war and guns and blood and imperialism more than taking care of their own. Good hard working people shouldnt lose their homes because a spouse gets ill. Cut the war spending.
It should be free for everyone. America likes war and guns and blood and imperialism more than taking care of their own. Good hard working people shouldnt lose their homes because a spouse gets ill. Cut the war spending.

I think its amazing how simple some things could be remedied IF the gov't was not set up to prevent anything simple from happening
Some dickhead stole my new camcorder case off my front porch.

It was delivered at 305 and I check the package status at 410 and saw it said delivered so I checked my porch and there wasn't shit on my porch.

It was supposedly out there less than an hour and poof gone. Either it got delivered to the wrong address or some asshole is following around the fedex truck
I think its amazing how simple some things could be remedied IF the gov't was not set up to prevent anything simple from happening

I do not necessarily believe that stopping one would in anyway remedy the other. Historically this has not proven to be so.

Some dickhead stole my new camcorder case off my front porch.

It was delivered at 305 and I check the package status at 410 and saw it said delivered so I checked my porch and there wasn't shit on my porch.

It was supposedly out there less than an hour and poof gone. Either it got delivered to the wrong address or some asshole is following around the fedex truck

Damn I'm sorry. That's how it is here. We went to a maildrop. It works very well.
we're so far out we don't get mail to our house, we have a tiny Post Office here and it's like a town meeting place but it can't hold more than 4 people in there
It should be free for everyone. America likes war and guns and blood and imperialism more than taking care of their own. Good hard working people shouldnt lose their homes because a spouse gets ill. Cut the war spending.

I agree, basic health care should be provided for everyone. Specialist should cost money. It's impossible to provide complete coverage for everyone. It's just a fact of life and not a privilege. Why should the guy who tried to go to school, failed, then works construction and make about 50k a year get the same health service as the guy who goes to school, gets a good job and makes 100k a year?

Also, why should a doctor who spends 300k on his education and 500k on his equipment in order to help people have to make any less than they do? They chose to sacrifice 8 years of their lives in school to help others and have dedicated their lives to it. Why should a doctor who is better than another cost the same to everyone? It's just stupid thinking that way and only people who have put themselves in the position of not being able to afford healthcare complain about it.
420 I agree doctors should be compensated for their work....i think though that the total care you get is padded in a lot of places on the final bill, money your doc never sees...i read recently a guy needed his gall bladder pulled, he ended up flying to Belgium had the best care and a week of rehab for less than a tenth of what it would have cost him in the states...airfare included.

ok it was a hip, close...here's part of the story, in the states it would have been 78,000.00

If one were to buy the prosthetic hip oneself directly from the manufacturer at a wholesale price, one would pay about $13,000. Shopenn’s Belg surgeon provided a new hip, successfully implanted it, allowed 5 days of rest, medicine, and care in the hospital, a week of rehab, and funded a round trip ticket to the United States for just $13,660. There was no government money subsidizing these services, nor any from Shopenn's health insurance company. Belgium just has a much more cost efficient health care system and boasts equal if not greater results.

of course they are a much smaller country