The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
howdy unlucky where u been? i dont like pure joints, if im gonna smoke it pure a volcano would b me first choice, icebong second.


Well-Known Member
lol man, i'm off 2 weeks but only went to tunisia for 1 lol.
that s fukin shit Don sorry to hear it, had a few incidents on hols.....Africa always fukin awful, ive vowed never to revisit that shithole, Ive slept rough in Uganda kinda travelling but this one went to eygypt wiv tha missus all inc 5 * with small children....typical family hol of a lifetime thing, 2 nd day went to get the free ice creams round the pool and while I was gone the deck chair man had made a move on the mrs.....5 fukin mins in a secure hotel....parently he comes and sits down next to her and starts stickin his tongue out and licking motions and pointing to his cock........hi babe u want the strwbwery or the choc.......he did fukin wat! mist went lookin for him....went to the hotel manager and told him that I was going to beat the fukker to a pulp call the police and get him arrested or he could upgrade me to a suite and sack the cunt so I didn't have to see him, cos he knew she was with me......jaccuzzi time.


Well-Known Member
dunno bout uganda or egypt but ive always enjoyed my times in south africa, cheap drugs,booze, lots of guns and cape town is lovely.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fucking ell i'd have been banged up abroads next star if that were my missus i tell you indi. always someone worse than you though, lad next to me on the flight has nee feet, landmine in the falklands. he asked for assistance on and off the plane and got refused as they said well if you can stand you can walk and queue and do the stairs and hump your case yourself. poor cnut. telt me he spends him time travelling now, seen the 7 wonders barring the wall of china and that was next year.

get this in 1983 or whenever he got a letter off that old shitbag thatcher telling him to stay away from the cenotaph come remembrance day as he was an embarrassment. since had it rescinded of course. what a heartless cnut she was.


Well-Known Member
Mornin shit stabberz, how we all doing today? ive just ran out of weed, got no money till friday and feel like im about to smash shit up, think i might just go back to bed till its time for work.


Well-Known Member
fucking ell i'd have been banged up abroads next star if that were my missus i tell you indi. always someone worse than you though, lad next to me on the flight has nee feet, landmine in the falklands. he asked for assistance on and off the plane and got refused as they said well if you can stand you can walk and queue and do the stairs and hump your case yourself. poor cnut. telt me he spends him time travelling now, seen the 7 wonders barring the wall of china and that was next year.

get this in 1983 or whenever he got a letter off that old shitbag thatcher telling him to stay away from the cenotaph come remembrance day as he was an embarrassment. since had it rescinded of course. what a heartless cnut she was.
thatcher was a cunt, her father ran a sweet shop and was known as groper Roberts, kids, she was thick with saville , shared 10 ny eves in a row, raped the country and eventually got fuked off by the bankers cos she was too little England......these cunts couldn't hold their own in a bar fight (except saville) and send brave lads to get maimed in their banker wars then fuk them off cos they'll frighten the new recruits, fresh meat for the machine

Well-Known Member
hahah well look what the cat dragged in lol.

back from tunisia this morning at 2am. some thieving fucking twat had my hold case away between the side doors of the bus opening and me getting off the bus. thank fuck my & my gf's passport was in my pocket or we'd be in the embassy and i'd be locked up for battering the police chief, smarmy on the take fucking prick.

i've lost all my clothes and pressies for folks hundreds of £'s worth of gear and been royally shafted by the po po. said he wouldn't write a report which could could only be done at the cop shop. meaning i'd have to miss the flight. thomson wouldn't back me up or even put me up and the policy states we can't claim without the statement.

i been straight up dry bummed to the moon an back. i'm not a happy camper today.

oh and good morning people!
This is why I don't do holidays....I get enough Muslims and being ripped off in Britain.


Well-Known Member
Mornin hit stabberz, how we all doing today? ive just ran out of weed, got no money till friday and feel like im about to smash shit up, think i might just go back to bed till its time for work.
Grab an oar n start rowing mate as we appear to be in the same boat lol