Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

cause it's not from ace seeds, it's cannabiogen. Kite High recommended me Destroyer and Panama from cannabiogen and Malawi, golden tiger and Zamaldelica from Ace seeds. Well Zamal was really stretchy, but as you see I managed to keep her 1.5foot long. Topping and training in flowering plus some unbalanced feeding causing N excess and overwatering/heat (or something else that caused leaves cupping) will reduce my yield for sure, but I will get 10 times more than I need, so I do not worry that much about the loss, but 4-5oz... naaahhh... those are just big pictures, not the plants :) I am expecting something about 2-3oz total from both plants. Dest has a lot of foliage that will be trimmed. Anyway, do not want to be guessing too much before harvest..

Even if those plants were really fun to grow, can't wait on getting back to C99 to apply my new gained experience :) 4 weeks veg, 7weeks flower, uplifting, trippy as hell and the smell... I guess none of police dogs would ever stop me when carrying it lol at the airport..

They seemed way bigger in the pics.. but ok if you have such beautiful plants yield isn't an issue,as for your woman.. she can always eat half or 1/4, lowering the potency? nahh i wouldnt do that...
well from my experience it's better to take more of something milder than less of something stronger.. cutting plant too early and smoking immature calyxes is a bit not that cool, waiting too long and see thc degrading is also something not that exciting. Maybe I would just need to look for some different strain. Sometimes when I have more C99 I need to sit down, cause heart is real racy, so I imagine this is something she is trying to avoid. And also when we have friends, some non smokers do not want to get knocked out by one toke
Maybe let it go a bit longer so it's not quite as up. And have her take smaller puffs. I wish I could give you guys some of my tolerance.
im a late comer but im scribed im kinda curious about these strains.

Be my guest mister :) I'll try to do my best

Maybe let it go a bit longer so it's not quite as up. And have her take smaller puffs. I wish I could give you guys some of my tolerance.

:))) yeah, actually I have to admit that even I get too high from 2 tokes of water pipe. I wish you could see how little I put in that pipe.. she's already smoking at very little doses..
Every forum thread I read people suggesting to toke less or harvest earlier or smoke leaves :))

I'd really love some easy uplifting clear minded buzz that would not give you heart racing or anxiety effect, C99 is almost like that, but I had two times some bad experience from it, had to sit down and try not to move because it was too intensive. Heart was beating the hell out of me, I got paled and nearly sick. And that was from a bit bigger cookie than I usually eat 1st time, and 2nd time from smoking the same C99, but toking two times instead of one.. So I imagine my wife who is like nearly half my weight would need even less..

My first C99 I grew I cut at around 56-57day, curred without humidipaks and it had way lower potency.. Maybe I just need to do 2 part harvest on C99 and keep lower part for like 60+ days :)

I saw some people recommending mexican landrace, jillybeans, durban poison.. dunno, too many things to try out when I have perfect strain just a bit too intensive. Prob I'll play with C99 with different harvest days.. :)
Appears I just saw this journal at it's end. I'm rarely looking into any journals but I wanted to just make a routine check on someone else's plant as mine are undergoing flowering. Just to mention, I have 3 pure Sativas in 21 day of flower. However I'm impressed from this grow/journal. It really helped me understand how flowering works! It is my first grow I do now. I have to admit, I did not knew that I should not have vegetated my plants for 5 weeks. Now I end up having my largest at 132 cm height. I hope it doesn't grow bigger 'cause if it does I'll have some REAL issues lol.
Anyway congratulations on the journal and grow simisimis! You have to be proud of your second grow. :) Oh by the way I took my time and read the entire journal from the very first post. :D

I'm waiting to see some badass yields! :)
Appears I just saw this journal at it's end. I'm rarely looking into any journals but I wanted to just make a routine check on someone else's plant as mine are undergoing flowering. Just to mention, I have 3 pure Sativas in 21 day of flower. However I'm impressed from this grow/journal. It really helped me understand how flowering works! It is my first grow I do now. I have to admit, I did not knew that I should not have vegetated my plants for 5 weeks. Now I end up having my largest at 132 cm height. I hope it doesn't grow bigger 'cause if it does I'll have some REAL issues lol.
Anyway congratulations on the journal and grow simisimis! You have to be proud of your second grow. :) Oh by the way I took my time and read the entire journal from the very first post. :D

I'm waiting to see some badass yields! :)

Hi man, glad to hear you like it what you read in here :) This is my 4th actual grow, but I am not really counting the 1st one where I grew auto strain under 25watter and then I topped newly forming main cola. Also highly overwatered the plant and in the end had around 1g of dried buds :D
You might also want to read through my previous grow C99+SLH also in the sig, because this and my previous grow was the place where the understanding of what's right and what's wrong kicked in :)
whoa this little grow journal turned into 35 pages thread :)) Am I talking that much :D

guys after I came back from holidays I can't figure out of what's happening with Zamal.. Leaves are cupping downwards. I tried watering yesterday with hydroperoxyde to see if this is because of lack of oxygen, however it did not get any better. Bottom-middle leaves yellowing. Some of those leaves turn yellow evenly, some leaves have 2 leaflets yellowing while 3 still green. Also wilted spots on some leaves. I had that on 27th page, but only 2 leaves, when I thought it was P deficiency.. But P deficiency is not that common indoors and my foods have a bit of it. And now it's a bit more serious. I can't get the plant back to the stage it was before. I doubt that there is N def, cause top part shows N excess and I was giving quite a lot of N lately cause first I thought that yellowing comes from N def. Maybe it's mg def, but I am supplementing like 1ml/L of camg, plus my tap water has like 300ppm, so I believe that there is quite a lot of ca and mg.. my foods have quite a lot of K in them, maybe K excess caused some lockouts.. Leaves do not have any rusty or whitish spots which would show ca or mg def.. at least not ca, maybe mg.. dunno... Also even when the leaves turn yellow, most of them do not drop that easily. Even if only couple of weeks left for the plant, I do not want those problems to progress.
Maybe I should leach the plant and then water with half strength nutes. I think there might be some salt build up or something..
what you guys think?
any ideas appreciated :)
I would assume that your P issue is coming from a lockout or something else being wrong as cannabis needs so little phosphorous.
hmm.. If those wilted blotchy spots on yellowing leaves means phosphorus deficiency then the only element that could cause lock out prob would be calcium... acourding to this excess chart

but I'm also afraid that it would not be lack of mg with all those leaves bleaching out... Cause P deficiency according to Mel Frank book - pdef.jpg
has to have dark green color, but I wouldn't say my plant is dark green... Leaves curled downwards, but not their margins..

Argh.. dunno.. reducing Ca to test whether it's P def I would also reduce mg, because it's a camg fert..
Reduce the calmag and add a pinch of epsom salt if you're worried about losing the Mg.
I recently had a problem on a plant that started showing a P def and was talking with Homebrewer about it and having seen his grows I know that cannabis doesn't really need much P so I tend to agree with him that a P def is a signal that something else is wrong rather than insufficient P being present.
This is what he said: "FWIW, a phosphorus deficiency really doesn't exist. Maybe that's not a good way to put it. If your food as any amount of P in it, that's going to be enough. A lot of times a deficiency isn't a deficiency, it's an environmental thing which could be bad water from the tap, lights that are too close, a disease in the medium, bad watering practices, etc. "
He posted them awhile ago. Something is keeping his plants from uptaking P, the question is what is the problem.
Could it be 'cause it's getting ready for harvest, I read everywhere that in the last few weeks right before harvest some of the lower leaves to middle ones turn yellow-ish and perhaps fall down (some of them)?

He posted them awhile ago. Something is keeping his plants from uptaking P, the question is what is the problem.
If that is the likelihood of the case then perhaps a pH issue making the plant unable to consume the P in the soil?

By the way, one of my ladies is my current avatar. ^_^
The leaves should only die off in the last few weeks if you aren't feeding the plant enough. Ideally you should feed a touch past where you see any deficiencies. Overfed plants taste like shit but if you don't overfeed and cure for a few weeks there is no need to flush. Of course teh nute companies all tell you to overfeed your plants and then flush them because you use twice as much or more that way.
The lady in your avatar looks nice man!
Well there are few things I suspect. i.e. watering. I simply pour tap water. But through out the grow it hasn't been a problem. The only thing that really changed was the soil got brick hard massively tied with roots. Another thing, I leached it 2.5 months ago. There should have been some sort of salt build up with all that N overfert in the past I had.. Also I am watering some amount of water that almost never runs off. I try to pour as much as I could, but my tray are so close to the pot that after it runs off in a minute soil sucks it back into the medium. And i.e. KH is watering until he has 20-30% runoff.. With my space I was unable to make a system for proper runoff, but now I got some ideas and on my next grow I'm planning to fix that.
I do not believe that it is pH problem, nor the P def. As those things were never the problem and is such a rare thing to have. But rather overfert with some salt build up. And now when all that stretching is gone and plant is just finishing its buds it doesn't need all that amount of ferts I was giving her. Thinking now to water with some hydroperoxide, N and a tad of epsom salt. Also ferts I used had quite some K. K excess could have caused calcium and N deficiencies..
I just checked Zamal, top leaves got a bit better what concerns cupping downward, so maybe that hydroperoxyde did help after all, just had to be more patient. Anyway, we will see in few days.
Colas are already falling, stems does not support them.

OMG just remembered..
Here are some pics. Pay attention to the tips of top leaves. I think that girl who was taking care of my plants was giving plants hard time with ferts, cause trays were covered with some sort of brown precipitate I never had before. Destroyer was lifted a bit, so I saw lots of water in the tray real brown. How could I not remember that.. That would explain why zamal cupped with those overwatering and overfert signs..
Maybe I should do some serious leaching.. What you guys think?

Deficiencies. I managed to find only two leaves showing wilted spots. The rest are just yellowing. Pay attention how pic on the left has few yellow blades, few wilted, and couple of still green leaflets


here are overfert signs on plant tips:

Cola with still some new stigmas sticking out

one of the bigger colas which is smaller than 33cl can(still I got like 18 of them, so I don't worry too much :)))

General pic. As you can see it's not a real disaster, just some leaves yellowing, some cupping, some showing overfert signs...
The leaves should only die off in the last few weeks if you aren't feeding the plant enough. Ideally you should feed a touch past where you see any deficiencies. Overfed plants taste like shit but if you don't overfeed and cure for a few weeks there is no need to flush. Of course teh nute companies all tell you to overfeed your plants and then flush them because you use twice as much or more that way.
The lady in your avatar looks nice man!

Indeed, I failed to see things at that big resolution! I had some over fertilizing issues following the feed schedule of my fertilizer, as I balanced it upon how plants react now they all grow twice as fast from before and are a lot healthier.

Nice picture additions simisims! They are looking fine, I guess those minor issues are the best case scenario for the issue where you were missing 12 days. :P It is my first grow, but yet I hope to get buds similar to the ones you have, that are some badass flowers!

Though I never expected cannabis to have such a great smell, even my mum likes it. :D Beside all other things for which we like it, cannabis is such a beautiful flower. :)