Well there are few things I suspect. i.e. watering. I simply pour tap water. But through out the grow it hasn't been a problem. The only thing that really changed was the soil got brick hard massively tied with roots. Another thing, I leached it 2.5 months ago. There should have been some sort of salt build up with all that N overfert in the past I had.. Also I am watering some amount of water that almost never runs off. I try to pour as much as I could, but my tray are so close to the pot that after it runs off in a minute soil sucks it back into the medium. And i.e. KH is watering until he has 20-30% runoff.. With my space I was unable to make a system for proper runoff, but now I got some ideas and on my next grow I'm planning to fix that.
I do not believe that it is pH problem, nor the P def. As those things were never the problem and is such a rare thing to have. But rather overfert with some salt build up. And now when all that stretching is gone and plant is just finishing its buds it doesn't need all that amount of ferts I was giving her. Thinking now to water with some hydroperoxide, N and a tad of epsom salt. Also ferts I used had quite some K. K excess could have caused calcium and N deficiencies..
I just checked Zamal, top leaves got a bit better what concerns cupping downward, so maybe that hydroperoxyde did help after all, just had to be more patient. Anyway, we will see in few days.
Colas are already falling, stems does not support them.
OMG just remembered..
Here are some pics. Pay attention to the tips of top leaves. I think that girl who was taking care of my plants was giving plants hard time with ferts, cause trays were covered with some sort of brown precipitate I never had before. Destroyer was lifted a bit, so I saw lots of water in the tray real brown. How could I not remember that.. That would explain why zamal cupped with those overwatering and overfert signs..
Maybe I should do some serious leaching.. What you guys think?
Deficiencies. I managed to find only two leaves showing wilted spots. The rest are just yellowing. Pay attention how pic on the left has few yellow blades, few wilted, and couple of still green leaflets

here are overfert signs on plant tips:
Cola with still some new stigmas sticking out
one of the bigger colas which is smaller than 33cl can(still I got like 18 of them, so I don't worry too much

General pic. As you can see it's not a real disaster, just some leaves yellowing, some cupping, some showing overfert signs...