Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
its been Blazing hot out here in cali, my bitch ass 10 gals are drying out in 6 hours
I've got 3 gallon fabric pots...water twice a week. I am growing in coco, so that'll make some difference. They're late start plants too, so not drinking as much. Loving the coco in fabric pots outdoors, roots are loving it too.


Well-Known Member
Lots of nice new editions to the thread ! looking awesome everyone ! Keep em green ! Tiz the season ! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey fellas, does anyone know what going on? Hairs are starting off brown at some sp
ots and perfect at others. Then the leafs are curling up at some spots. It's only on 1 strain.
I had a clone do the same thing early this year. never did figure it out. I just kept feed it and it came out of it kind but still isn't thriving.leave curl and brown buds . my strain was white rhino]


Well-Known Member
I had the exact problem this year. I fed them a heavy feeding of calmag and they're pulling out of it now, slowly producing new healthy growth.


Well-Known Member
I saw a moth on my plant so I wanted to spray BT mixed with Neem but I want to make sure its cool that the Neem wont fuck away the BT. I am thinking its ok since there are no chemicals to kill anything but I do understand some products are not meant to be mixed.


Well-Known Member
i have just been doing them on different days. You def want to BT them though. Worm picking is a bitch


Well-Known Member
Here's an update from the tropical wonderlands. I like to keep it small, walls ain't that high here + there's a couple buildings up the block. These are all bag seed by the way, we're not allowed to purchase seeds legally here, so it makes it a hassle to get super seeds. Then again, ain't nothing better than the product of your own hands.


Well-Known Member
I have mixed them with no ill effects to the plants. The only thing I'm not sure of is if the Neem hampers the BT bacteria. The way I understand it is Neem is systemic and absorbed by the plant as where BT where's off from the sun. If alternating I would spray the neem first and then the BT the next day so the neem doesn't wash off the BT. When I was mixing them together I was still seeing worms, Now they might of all ready been there in eggs and hatched to eat and die from the BT or the neem affected the BT.