The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
GCSE's: who needs them?

iv been lying on my CV for years and no fuckers ever checked them!

B in maths? I can't even count to B!
I know.exactly what u mean mate what u learn at school.has got with life there's this young Mac/poet who got a tune about it I'm gonna try n find it now its brilliant

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
There's boat loads of different pills on SR but why get 120/150 mg when you can have 220 lmao I know I could have a gram of Mandy but ill just get greedy n snaffle it.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmn, interesting view, I am sure that on many occassions you think, why the hell did I learn how to do "long division", or to "conjugate" a verb (or maybe you didn't learn that). However, if you are in the working ladder school definitely has an effect, because if you don't do well at school, you generally won't get into higher education, which means that unless you lie like spooningbadgers your CV will just get thrown straight into the bin when that executive position requires you to have at least a Graduate degree. So, I am afraid to say that I have to disagree, even if a Mac has said so:). But then we all know opinions are like arseholes....

I know.exactly what u mean mate what u learn at school.has got with life there's this young Mac/poet who got a tune about it I'm gonna try n find it now its brilliant


Well-Known Member
I know what u sayin but just like in that spoken word how we all do the same tests so your not being tested to your own individuality its a tough one but once you've left school.done further education its not what u know its who you know so it still doesn't matter what you've learnt to extent does it ...????

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
everyone wants to be scarface these days. lol the self made empire. i was having this convo with someone just yesterday, if you applied half the skills growing and inevitably the dealing that comes with to real legit business you wouldn't need to deal. just gotta jump through a few hoops to get there. them that choose to just deal are fools if you ask me. that's no retirement plan. a number on your back or worse someone disappears you like billy. and he had numerous legit businesses just got greedy.

here endeth my fuckin soapboxing.

Well-Known Member
However you get money it all amounts to the same wank: self-absorbed capitalism.
Work for money is the problem. Not corporate 'fat-cats', not Governments, not bankers; they are the outcome - the idea of 'free-market' buying and selling for personal gain has been incrementally disastrous on human societal development....a RESOURCE based economy has always and will always be the only way.

This sums up quite a bit on our self-obsessed thinking:


Well-Known Member
Mmmmn, interesting view, I am sure that on many occassions you think, why the hell did I learn how to do "long division", or to "conjugate" a verb (or maybe you didn't learn that). However, if you are in the working ladder school definitely has an effect, because if you don't do well at school, you generally won't get into higher education, which means that unless you lie like spooningbadgers your CV will just get thrown straight into the bin when that executive position requires you to have at least a Graduate degree. So, I am afraid to say that I have to disagree, even if a Mac has said so:). But then we all know opinions are like arseholes....
i lie on my cv because i done shit at the gcse's. it wasnt because i was thick. i just liked going out, getting drunk and generally playing fuck. i think most people where the same. most wish they could go back and do better. i think they should make teens do 2 years minimum wage work before going back and sitting the exams. i bet a shit load more would try harder then. i do think that people can make a good living without having them tho.

my BB seeds should show sign of sex in the next day or 2. i saw the start of something forming yesterday when i had a look in on them :-D