Well-Known Member
If your diet is really organic, then you do not have to worry about GMO in your has less to do with my own organic diet and my belief( yup a belief)
that a product that is GM should be marketed as such . . not because its a risk, but because it is different . .
That is not a logical reason or enough to make the FDA change their rules.
Yes it is weird and exactly why labeling is not mandatory.i know it sounds weird . ..
reasonable labels vs . . . zero calories . . or this product may cuase munchies . . . its just how i feel . . . . .
Your feeling do not matter in a an argument like this.
Did you read the labeling rules yet?
I haven't either.
Then you are barking up the wrong tree. If GMO is not a safety issue, then no label is not afraid of GMO my concerns are not for safety but for consumer transparency . . ..
How so?GMO is different from non . .
are we changing the topic now?some one owns its genetics . .no one owns natural seed genetics . . . their is no patent