Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
it's only 600ft elevation here but we're in a river valley and all our weather and air comes straight down the mountains around us....I swear by all that is worthy that the fresh air flowing through my flower room makes a huge difference in taste and potency....i have a 170cfm inline for intake, with a carbon filter, and a little larger inline with a filter sucking the old air out through my hoods.....makes for some fine flowers I'm here to tell you. :)


Well-Known Member
Find out what the going rate is for 20 magic beans because I'm sure they're worth more then the buds they were in.


Well-Known Member
I do indoor. It's really dry up here and quite cool. I don't need to work hard at all to keep my temps low and my humidity down. Plus the air is nice and fresh. I have a 435 cfm fan sucking fresh air through my closet and like james said, makes for some happy plants. Oh and my tap water is brilliant. I don't think I'd grow as well if I moved.

A different side of things is that I'm a bit remote and don't have a lot of neighbors, so it's great to not have to worry about smell at all, or people coming to rip me off. We moved up here because it was cheap and it turned out to be a great decision for many reasons. Not to mention I just built a big ass building in my back yard with no permit. Seems as though you can't sneeze in the city without a permit.


Sector 5 Moderator
James, keep us posted on your doctor's visit and surgery. I'm glad you have things in order for afterwards; sounds like you've got it handled. Best wishes to you my friend!!


Well-Known Member
not e to sefl. use condms. much btetter. sheep skin kind though. the rubby kind break on my dinga ling.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Close. Depending on one's definition of close. I swear high altitude in southern california is a great recipe for good growing conditions. Where I live makes me look good. :)
So you're in the outskirts of BBC ROFLMAO!! I knew it. Interesting to meet someone who lives so close.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Note to self.........
DON'T buy condoms at the dollar store.:lol:
Down here in South Africa they had this anti-teen pregnancy campaign in the high schools. Government project of course. Everybody got this leaflet with a condom stapled to it. Right through the middle.

In Africa, it is clearly the thought that counts. Think infertile and you shall be infertile.


Well-Known Member
Down here in South Africa they had this anti-teen pregnancy campaign in the high schools. Government project of course. Everybody got this leaflet with a condom stapled to it. Right through the middle.

In Africa, it is clearly the thought that counts. Think infertile and you shall be infertile.
I've seen the staple through the middle thingy, but what gets me, is my son lives in a state where it's not legal to buy cigs until age 18, but they think kids at age of 16 are mature enough to marry, and have kids so it's legal.:dunce:
Even surrounding states, gas stations and markets within 50 miles or so of the border won't sell cigs unless the person is over 18, so kids can't drive across the border to buy.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the staple through the middle thingy, but what gets me, is my son lives in a state where it's not legal to buy cigs until age 18, but they think kids at age of 16 are mature enough to marry, and have kids so it's legal.:dunce:
Even surrounding states, gas stations and markets within 50 miles or so of the border won't sell cigs unless the person is over 18, so kids can't drive across the border to buy.
You can refuse to sell cigarettes to kids...
You cannot stop them from screwing under the bleachers!!


New Member
NTS - blood pressure > check
left foot > check
right foot > check
long stretch > check
deep breath > check

all systems >check-..... party on.......:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Note to self: if a thread is revived, don't gain an interest in the original subject. If you do, and ask, you may just be stirring the proverbial pot.