Vegas micro mini grow w limited space....


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Nope man dont have off tmmrw tho ill get some in the AM....the little plants blowin up ill show her too...shes been on 12/12 from seed next to this one


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Ok I just dedicated the small plant to practice/training/experiment on suppercropping...when I woke her up this morning I bent n broke her four main branches...nothin crazy just a pinch n a bend n folded over...Ive nver done this before so we'll see what hppns...I see a lot of growers doing this n im all abt traing so I may work this I to my schedule....couple concerns tho #1 on one of the branches when I pinched n bent I could see the wall of the branch split open...this is ok I assume?..yes?...#2 ive had her on 12/12 since seed n I saw 4female preflowers on her this mrng..I prolly wont be doin much else to her after she recovers...I prolly never shoulda started this one w the move n everything...I dont knw what ima do w her at the new spot...itll be runnin 24hour lite for vegging the new crop...I may have to give this one away..???:wall::wall::wall::cuss:


Well-Known Member it was just a little vertical split in the skin...nothing major n I kinda expected as much...thanks flame...ha it was like 30mins ago n she's already tryin to straighten up...ill get pics in a bit.. we're packin n movin n the wifes packed all my coffee makin stff...:cuss:......I gotta run to the store...:mad: