The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
whats this with fucking gooners who seem to be good blokes spoons i can vouch for even tho hes a gooner cunt, and this guards i like ya posts you dont come across as a dick and i been reading more post than my fat arse has had hot dinners.

what u growin at the minit then guards?
Twat lol...


Well-Known Member
fuck this shit man thats 2 new users that have come on here and "fitted in" no bashing no nothing lott going soft??? it took me ages to drop from cunt to wanker wtf....
i told ya already is the way u came into the thread, threats of violence real ones aint cool online cause they make u look a fool we all behind screens,keyboards and usernames.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
give me a few more drinks to warm up and ill troll ya ok patience is a virtue lemon lollol
wouldnt expect any less lol

for the record ice started that he posted on my diary i couldnt grow..............he was right but thats not the point enuff of that the flashbacks i get every night are emotional enuff ;).....


Well-Known Member
What about united? We need signings bad, tryin to get felaini and just read there's something up with that Herrera signing..dunno what that's about??


Well-Known Member
What about united? We need signings bad, tryin to get felaini and just read there's something up with that Herrera signing..dunno what that's about??
what about united your a bunch of prawn sarnie eating fags, and top four is the best you can hope for this year wait n see.....


Well-Known Member
U took any more vids ice?


cool your doing some outdoors then, u like your sativas? this is pure sativa hash direct from the Philippines fuck it was amazing id never smoked anything like it in 19yrs of smoking.
oh god here we go with ancient pics again......

and yeh i got free callsto mobiles form my land line? and what? lol,,, im just so tight i cant even be arsed using free calls lmao

and shwaney u cunt,, thought we was gunna have a gat on skype,, tiz fine,il remeebr twat face

whoose hosting the 2014 riu bbq next summer family needs feeding....
the fuk,, ur a n00b,, we cant have th likes of you at our homes, anwyays, by next summer ul be gone and we will still be here,,, selected few anwyays
cool your doing some outdoors then, u like your sativas? this is pure sativa hash direct from the Philippines fuck it was amazing id never smoked anything like it in 19yrs of smoking.
Fucking love them. Much prefer the creative energetic buzz to just monging out, walking around like a spastic (although I do need a good monging sesh sometimes.)

That bit looks the business, very envious. Best I've gotten round these parts has been dire at best. Lived in Dam for 4-5 years and always been a massive smoker but I didn't appreciate what I had back then and just smoked as much as I could for as cheap as possible. Didn't ever smoke green whilst I was out there either. Always been a hash man until the abysmal quality here forced my hand. Love the stuff now though.


Well-Known Member
Pmsl u cunt.
@mg yeah united are doing jus as bad as us in this window lol well actually we signed a few freebies so there doing worse lol
lol i dunno bout this lamela or whatever hes called? 30 mil and pretty much unknown, but i been happy with spurs signings this summer that capoue looks a good player n solado.

did u see bale announced? his Spanish was abit better than bartons french lmao


Well-Known Member
Fucking love them. Much prefer the creative energetic buzz to just monging out, walking around like a spastic (although I do need a good monging sesh sometimes.)

That bit looks the business, very envious. Best I've gotten round these parts has been dire at best. Lived in Dam for 4-5 years and always been a massive smoker but I didn't appreciate what I had back then and just smoked as much as I could for as cheap as possible. Didn't ever smoke green whilst I was out there either. Always been a hash man until the abysmal quality here forced my hand. Love the stuff now though.
i love hash too more than weed tbh, this is what im smoking at the mo royal afghan pollen.

