I was doing everything correct. I am not using nearly enough material. I watched a video just now and that guy used at least 500grams of dried cactus powder, which would roughly be 5 times the amount of material I used. When he added Xylene to the sodium hydroxide cactus sludge , he added about 100ml and the Xylene turned green. He then took the Green Xylene and added about 200 ml of a HCl and water solution. He took that bottom layer of water and put it off to the side and repeated 3 times. Then he took all the HCI/water/alkaloids and boiled it down slowly in a enamel pot. After it boiled down there was about 4 grams of dark powder to work with.
I am doing a very small version of that. I am getting what I should get... its just very little. The problems is I need more glass ware. I need a 1 or 2 gallon glass jug. The seperatory funnel is fine for small projects or breaking a big one down into a bunch of small ones.....(which is probably way cleaner).
NOT BITCHING BUT: If you get a great deal on San Pedro Cactus like I do , the amount of cactus needed for 4 grams of mesaline is about 30$ worth and its about 6 feet of cacti. Then you figure the acetone or xylene is about 7 $ ...sodium hydroxide about 5$. 42$ worth of materials right there and that is IF you have all the starting glass ware. If you are paying regular price for san pedro cactus which is about 10$-20$ a foot most of the time..... you get the idea...... Mescaline is a fun hobby for sure and this is why it is a rare commodity ......... Of course if you know what your doing and you have a cactus field or peyote then mescaline extract could probably make you some $..... very rare i'm sure