Where can I buy mushroom spores that will ship to the US?


Well-Known Member
I've been online for a few hours now, searching for mushroom spores, all I see are "we do not ship to USA" I've tried google, I've tried looking through the pages of RIU, I'm getting a lot of info on how to grow them, or getting dried shrooms mailed, but nothing on the actual spores, and when I find a site that sells shroom spores, "we don't ship to you"

So... Does anyone know of a good, stealthy place I can buy spores, and a kit (I saw the one on here, looks good, I might not buy a kit, just follow the instructions) AND they ship to the US??
and another question, this one is stupid, I am aware of it, but I need this info so I can tell someone else how stupid they are for thinking of it:
how do I make molly? or fuck, LSD for that matter. I am thinking that 90% of the ingredients are gonna be illegal, or hard as hell for me to get. I don't think its worth my time, unless I can find a good way to make it without burning my skin off and dying.

please help, 'specially with the first question, the second is mostly for laughs, but still, I am curious


Well-Known Member
lsd is a extract of ergot mold
the process to manufacture it can be viewed online
its a patented process
that would make most college graduates fell like a first grader when its read

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
OK what you want to do is called "chemistry class"

head back to your high school and see if Mr.White is still teaching there.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha I never went to chemistry, I did basic science stuff and that is it. I am all about botany and growing things, not about chemical extracts. I fail miserably when trying to make QWISO... if you have a link or something to the online manufacturing, I would check it out, I'm not dumb, but I know my limits. I do have the proper space to do it in though, big 3+ acre outdoor area (house there too) so I can easily set something up and follow specific instructions.

Where's my shrooms at guys? who ships to the US of fucking Ahole?

I totally know about the ergot mold thing, that is what (I think, I'm super buzzed right now so don't quote me...) started the whole salem witch trials and shit. I don't know Mr. White, I think he taught political science or something at my school. his wife taught biology. if you're talking about that tv show, I don't watch TV... EVER. so I don't know shit about tv shows lolol.

I know I'm setting myself up for failure, I don't need comments that don't give information, I want something that I can look at and show my buddy and say look. you understand this shit? neither do I. this is a terrible idea, lets stick to growing weed.
And mushrooms, if someone can help me find a place that sends to the usa.
Thanks for the info I already knew guys, if a college graduate feels like a first grader, I don't even know what I would feel like, but I still want to read on that "patented process"

Mainly looking for shroom spores, anyone????


Well-Known Member
Since shroom spores aren't illegal for microscopic studys you shouldn't have a problem finding them using Google.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have any problem AT ALL getting spores for the sort of organism you wish to grow unless you live in several designated states. They are totaly legal in all but three states.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and synthisis of LSD? forget it, for 99.999 percent of the public, the problems are insurmountable. MDMA? not quite so much but still, quite difficult and probably not worth your time. Unless of course, you could sell your finished product at true market prices.

There - see?


Well-Known Member
I'm wanting to stick to all natural, I see several links awesome, will be checking it out, I live in Illinois, I hope shrooms aren't illegal here, and if they are I have an address in Missouri too, with my luck both IL and MO are on the no shroom spore list lmao. Well, here I got to check your links out

drugzrbad- I thought that was how you made chloroform not mdma. I know you're just bs-ing, but seriously...

tekdc and niceolbud- thanks, will be checking it out, and with luck I will have a shroom grow within the next month crossing fingers


Well-Known Member
I just checked both sites out, and micro-supply was cheaper. unless I missed something?


Well-Known Member
Micro supply is the best buck situation..hawks eye has the more potent varieties..btw..if you can't make good qwiso,I doubt your shroom adventure will be sucessfull...read more,sort through the bullshit...or talk to canndo...lol


Well-Known Member
LOL even I can make Qwiso.... rofl

JK.... if you knew what i was going through with mescaline...


Well-Known Member
If you know what you are doing, you needn't buy more than one syringe, so price shouldn't be a concern.


Active Member
Spores are not illegal, cultivating them is. You will need more than one syringe. I can guarantee that you will fuck up your first attempts. Nothing against you, it is just kinda tricky learning the things that are important and all the things that are total bullshit, and the only way you can learn that is through doing it yourself. That is the double edged sword of the internet. After you get your first flush it is totally easy to make your own syringes. The only reason you would need to order again is if you wanted to get a specific strain.


Active Member
Oh, and one more thing. Don't get kits. In my humble opinion, they are a total waste of money that will probably get you on a government watch list. Aside from the spores, you can get everything you need from Walmart and at a lower price.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna go with the shroom guide that was on RIU, I have it locked down somewhere. I'm pretty sure that I can follow instructions, and I know patience has to be key. I'm probably gonna grab 4-5 different strains, I really really want the teonanacatl strain (Psilocybe Mexicana) as that is what my ancestors worked with, and those Toltec and Aztec seers were on a different level. Then after that, I don't really care what strain, as long as it is hallucinogenic. I'm hoping syringes store easily, that way I can buy 2 of each, store 1, grow, possibly fuck it up, and keep going.

about qwiso, I don't really fuck it up, I just make super low grade, cause right now I just killed some males, and I wanted to practice on them. I got about a gram or two of greenish black stuff, but it is just males and fan leaves, no sugar or buds or anything. I'm sure if I actually used something of decent quality I would get some blonde qwiso easily. I don't think its the fact that I can't make good qwiso, I think its the fact that I'm using bunk and still getting something (not a lot, but still something)