HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
Starting a new thread for my second round of Strawberry Dream while mom finishes flowering. A little background for this grow and my setup.

Veg setup:
Temporary housing is a small bathroom vanity that was converted with a filtered intake and 4" inline exhaust. Inside it a 90W UFO LED and a small 4" fan for circulation.


Flower Setup, currently occupied with "mom" who is 47 days into flowering as of the date of this post:

Home made grow room which is H-66" X W-22.5" X D-22.5" made from MDF with a raised floor to pull in air from a passive intake. The raised floor allows me multiple air vents from the floor and the exhaust from the top pull cool air up through my plant.
Exhaust fan is a Tjernlund 6" M-6 530 CFM connected to a Variac Auto transformer to control the speed.


Using a DIY carbon filter (https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/649682-ultimate-diy-carbon-filter.html)


This is connected to a 400W digital ballast (MH and HPS) and vents out to a muffler

I think that about covers my setup, any questions feel free to ask.

Clones from mom cut 7/25, I actually just tossed them in a solo cup in the window for a couple weeks with no real hopes(or even room to put them since my small veg cabinet was not really operational).
Low and behold they got roots and I transferred to soil(Roots Organic with perlite) in solo cups (8/8):

8/19 they really looked like shit while waiting for the roots to really fill in the cups:

But a week later the roots won over and I transferred them to a 1g and 2g pot on 8/26:

Topped about 5" off of both of them on 9/3, tried to save as clones, but I snapped one in half on accident. This is where we sit today:


Hopefully I didn't put anyone to sleep :D


Well-Known Member
Ahh, yeah thats about the same size as my veg, mine is H-24" X W-22" x D-13". Though truth be told, I am only vegging in this because I am waiting for momma to flower, I would normally just veg in my main cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Ditto mate, i am waiting for momma to finish too.
They'll stay in here until i cut her down then get 1 week of MH before switching to HPS and 12/12
One is perfect for mainlining, she has been topped for 4 already. Its tempting to give it a go ;-)



Well-Known Member
good job on keeping that strain around & quite resourceful on juggling things around to get the results you want thats what its really all about ill be taking a seat for the show


Well-Known Member
Thanks HH, welcome aboard. Hopefully it taste as good as it looks, momma is a frosty bitch for sure :D


Well-Known Member
if ya got someting good clone it i try to clone everything i have even if it dont look too promising at the time as i learned yesterday things can change & an ugly duckling can turn into a swan


Well-Known Member
No pics, but I tied up some this morning before lights out.

Light schedule is 12/5.5/1/5.5. I don't need a lot of growth (though this does not seem to be slowing her down much) and this is a great help for heat since I only run for 1 hour during the day. The girl in the 1g pot is showing much more growth up top than the 2g, it will be interesting to see if this continues or if the 2g catches up once she has filled her pot.


Well-Known Member
Light schedule is 12/5.5/1/5.5. I don't need a lot of growth.
How does this affect the plant, can it cause stress?
To keep mine small i just kept them in small pots with low strength nutes and only 1 x 55w t5 tube and they stayed the same size for about 5 weeks.
As soon as i wanted to veg them i repotted, upped the nutes and added a second t5 tube and growth started after 2 days.


Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell no stress. seems fine and the hour light inturuption stops the plant from creatingrnough of the hormone to flower. Doesnt seem to slow down the veg much, but enough. I got the idea from the gas lantern routine (GLR) but I do not intend to follow that flowering schedule.


Well-Known Member
I cut 3 nugs off my plant (also smoked them, but that's another story) to get 3 nice branches to put in water and also in indirect sunlight. Hopefully I will get some hairs, have given up on rooting from late flower in plugs. I pulled the last one I had there wasn't even a single root hair after 2+ weeks! Hope I find some success like you did, I'd be really glad to keep my plant going another round.


Well-Known Member
I was told it can take 20-30 days to get a cutting to root if the momma was in flower, maybe just leave in the water for a bit longer, it will either root or die :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, mine seemed to take forever, and I am pretty sure had I just left some of my earlier attempts go longer they probably would have eventually taken root. It took just under a month for these to finally take hold, and I took them in veg.