Make your own Sweet for less than 1 dollar a gallon

I can do a comparison run between this recipe and cutting edge nutrients version of Sweet called sugaree. I have it all going now so I will hopefully remember to keep you updated :)
Love the sig. There was a song written in Latin, briefly popular in the 70s, O Caritas. The only Latin language pop song in the last several hundred years and you know, it's pretty good.
"Well osmosis is a two way street". if your sugar content is higher in the cell of the root that in the soil or water ions , sugar will migrate from the root to the soil untell a equal balances is reached which is where mycorizia fungi come in the picture . It was once believed and taught that sugar could not enter the osmoses picture but recent science has changed that idea now it common practice to add both sugar and to inculcate the soil so bad fungi and bacterium do not find a home in the sugar erected from plants . Be advised to much sugar can dehydrate a plant to death were talking very small amounts here . the product about is 0.1 cane sugar

I believe you are referencing cation exchange. It is not "sugars" that are translocated to roots, it is cations. The roots pump hydrogen anions into the soil. These positively charged ions create cations in the soil. The plant uptakes the negatively charged cations. This is how it gets the micro and macronutrients it needs for growth.

Osmotic pressure is what regulates the flow of liquids into cells. It has to do with areas with higher concentrations of solutes moving into areas with higher concentrations of solvents to maintain a balance. The plant creates sugars through photosynthesis. Since the soil naturally contains little sugars, the roots actually provide sugar to the soil. This is what mycorrhizae feed on. It is why they colonize the root system of a plant. Nobody is dumping molasses or "sweeteners" onto plants in the wild and these bacteria thrive. They thrive off the sugars produced by the roots.

It would seem to me that adding sugars would only throw off the osmotic pressure by increasing the concentration of sugar molecules in the soil. The mycorrizhae dont need to be "fed" if the plant is healthy. IMO, these "beneficial bacteria" are of little benefit to indoor growers anyway...
MYOB - What about in aeroponics where no medium is used? Would sugars benefit then?

Not IMO. The same principles apply, the roots are just absorbing ions from the water instead of the soil. There would be no bacteria to feed with the sugars anyway.
Sweet seems to be mostly Mag Sulfate, with just a trace of sugar, so the sugar seems to serve a different purpose. The label says "Purpose: Cane Sugar - Helps maintain proper osmotic concentration." Not clear to me what that means, but since there is such a small amount of sugar, it isn't about feeding the benes, but has to do with pressure perhaps? It may help get the Mag Sulfate into the plant by changing the osmotic pressure to 'push' the stuff through the cell walls.

Just a guess after reading a few related articles online.
Hey thanks to the original poster. This might be a bit off topic but personally feel like its bull shit that 90% of the fertilizer/ plant supplements are sold in the liquid form. I know with aquarium products, a few years back it was the same exact thing, 99% water 1% of what you want. Now it's gotten to the point where no one buys liquid supplements, most of them are sold as powder. For instance instead of buying 1 gallon of liquid calcium, now you buy 1 gallon of powdered calcium that makes 5 gallons of liquid calcium. It's cheaper to ship, it's 10x cheaper, and probably a better product. is the site, they sell cal,alk, & mag, just incase you guys wanna check and see.
I've been using this recipe and my FM (Frozen Mystery) loves it! Super frosty and she's starting to smell very fruity. Take a look through my grow (just hit my sig). I just put new pics up and some show some decent trichome production and i still have about a month or so left. (4-5 weeks).
Hey is this something I can use with fox farms trio? Is it something to use regularly or is a solution to a problem?
Ok so question, the OP making his own sweet with sugar and Mg is great and all but this would only make Raw Sweet. What about Original Berry Sweet? There has to be something in it that helps bring out the fruity flavors in a plant. There is a difference between Raw and Original Berry because you can tell the difference between the 2 in a finished grow. Raw gives you a nore earthy taste while Original Berry for sure gives a flowery fruity berry taste.
Good question, what makes the flavor in citrus and berry versions. I spoke with a rep from the company that makes Clearex and he told me that there is absolutely no difference in the finished plants with the flavoring added, but there are some who would disagree. I don't know where the flavor comes from in Sweet, but would suggest that you do not add flavors as the plant's own terpene profile should impart a nice smell to the finished buds. At least as far as the berry smelling strains, as far as skunks go, hey some folks enjoy that smell. :bigjoint:
There is a difference in the 2 for sure. My friend and I did a test on a Medi Bud plant that was only given Raw Sweet and the rest of the grow was given Raw only in Veg then only Original Berry in Flower and you could taste the Raw Sweet plant. It was more mild not as sweet or fruity in taste and smell.
1 Teaspoon (4.3 grams) Cane Sugar
9 Tablespoons (151 grams) Epsom Salt (100% Magnesium Sulfate)
Sounds like a good way to save a few bucks. What are they actually recommending this product, sweets, for? Your recipe seems more like a Magnesium additive then anything else? $65 bucks a bottle...OUCH! JAS
  • Sturdy stems and thick, healthy leaves
  • Seamless transitions between plant growth phases
  • Maintains balanced metabolism for plants grown with C02 and HID lighting
  • Improves balance between respiration and photosynthesis
  • Enhanced flavors and aromas
  • Develops hardy plants with compact internodes
  • Will not clog systems
  • From their website
Op thanks for the info on this as ive been looking for cheap ways to the expensive additives and this is great if it actually perform as good or better.
Please post your results. It seems to be the same as far as my plants can tell. Except for the smell from the bottle, no citrus, but the buds seem exactly the same.