The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
religion .......lost 2 friends to it and one child in knew due to the parents belief, only lost one to heroin so I would say watch out religion is fukin dangerous, if you want to follow some brainfuk cult and believe all sorts of nonsense and get spiritually contaminated in the process then church etc is the way to go.......allahcadabara if you ask me

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
This is a little test to prove exactly this point that anybody can do.

Find yourself a Muslim, any Muslim and ask them if the Quran has ever been altered.
They will say "NO", it is their belief that the Quran is the word of God and hasn't been changed or altered from the original text in thousands of years (they forget that it had to be translated from Hejazi first).

Bollocks, it's what we call a "Palimpsest" (a manuscript that has been reused) and intelligent westerners have known this since the 70's.

The Sana'a manuscript, the oldest surviving known piece of the original Quran (proven and dated to be within about 20-30 years of it supposedly being written)...........


They're all deluded, their holy script is not what it claims to be.


Well-Known Member
For anyone interested the guy I got goin with 2 exo and 2 psychosis yielded nearly 7oz from the psychosis and 12.5 off the exo. The four wer done in a 1.2 tent with a 600w and fed nothing but ionics grow bloom and boost. Not bad for his second grow, he done nothing too them but let them grow

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
For anyone interested the guy I got goin with 2 exo and 2 psychosis yielded nearly 7oz from the psychosis and 12.5 off the exo. The four wer done in a 1.2 tent with a 600w and fed nothing but ionics grow bloom and boost. Not bad for his second grow, he done nothing too them but let them grow
That's bloody impressive for a 1.2 and a 600, how long did he veg for?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
If this Exo hits hard enough and is a yield monster then why the fuck don't lads keep it around?

Surely once you've got an Exo or Psycho is yer stable it would have a stall for life?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
gotta love the hydro boys....if it is as big a yielder as is claimed i could smash the granny outta it in my bubble blowers.....

i thought god was bollox the day i learnt that the churches in the uk used to make you give them land/money/food otherwise you were going to hell....

religion is either scare mun goring by the big players.....another false reality and confusion to keep everyone's mind busy from seeing the obvious.....

anyways when you look at it like that what does god really means....

G> gold
O> oil
D> drugs

and think about the people who control such things not exactly scrapping the bottom of the barrel!!!!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
hmmm im abit more fussey on taste, its gotta be good, morish even, with a big bang....hhhhmmmm wonder if thats what BB's DOG tastes like?????