Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
Hi All - Where are you?

Come join the party :)

The Jesus OG #1 looks like it is going to be my #1 pick for the garden. AOS #6 is starting to get some major frost as well.

Jesus OG:

JOG #1 Halo:

AOS #6 Resin Rails:

Marion Berry #4 is revegging!

Paki Punch #1 is packing it on to its tiny frame:

MuMoBG1 is slowly adding more weight:

Jilly Bean 1 and JOG 4:

JBs, AOSs, MB and JOG:

Middle of the garden:

Mulanje Gold reveg mess:

Mulanje Gold 2 in the compost pile with a melon plant:

Scott's OG:


#3 and #4:

Still no updates on the greenhouse - it hit 98 degrees today! The outside will kill ya!



Well-Known Member
Hey, it is down to 70 degrees tonight! First time I have opened the windows in over a week!
Unfortunately I could not open the windows due to the insane humidity all night. I went outside to smoke a J around midnight and it was still sticky outside. I got to keep a eagle eye out on my plants cause I dont want no damn PM or mildew. Other than that, my big plant survived the thunderstorm with no broken branches or anything. Go the Ganja Godz took care of me yesterday! lol Hope you are enjoying your weekend Mo, I cant wait for the cold weather to come back!



Well-Known Member
I was laughing when everybody was complaining about the cold. It always gets hot. And then everybody complains about the heat. The only way to make them happy is to smoke some OG :)

The humidity this year is oppressive! Feels like we are in Maryland!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I could not open the windows due to the insane humidity all night. I went outside to smoke a J around midnight and it was still sticky outside. I got to keep a eagle eye out on my plants cause I dont want no damn PM or mildew. Other than that, my big plant survived the thunderstorm with no broken branches or anything. Go the Ganja Godz took care of me yesterday! lol Hope you are enjoying your weekend Mo, I cant wait for the cold weather to come back!

I used to think thunderstorms where only outdoor growers concerns, that was until my power went off due to a lighting strike. Now to invest in solar panels with battery array for power backup. Actually my flowering tent uses very little electricity. Between my LEDs and exhaust fan maybe I can get away with a standard UPS system. But then again it really depends on how long the outage is.

Good to hear you made it through unscathed by nature! The same mother nature that is tenderly supplying what your ladies need can turn and put them down as well. No grower mistakes needed, sounds like a woman too me that mother nature beeaach!


Well-Known Member
Chopped the Scott's OG #1 Light Deprived mainlined nuggets last night. It was done and I like the results. Need to make room for the vegging clones.

The Jesus OG just keeps getting frostier along with the AOS #6 so that makes 3 keepers for the garden. Now I need to finish up the Jilly Bean so I can decide which ones to keep. The mellow honey and orange #4 (the clone is not doing very well) or the tart lemoney orange #3. None of the Marion Berry bonsai plants are doing very well but the clones are big so I will give them another try. The Mulanje and MuMoBG are hanging in there. It is hard to get excited about the Mulanje because it is so Sativa that it is just twiggy and no flowers (a few hairs).

The strawberries are getting flowers and so are the citrus trees! The weird weather is freaking them out. There are some big avocadoes on the tree!

The weather has cooled enough for me to start working on the greenhouse again. I am very excited to get it finished and start laying out the beds :) I think I will pile a foot of compost over the whole floor and just let it break down in the soil over winter. Next year is going to be a blast. Drip irrigation with automatic feeding, worm farm, compost tea drum (55 gallons)...

Here are some pics:

Big clones:

Other clones:

Jesus OG

Scott's OG

Picked up a classic beer glass for my collection:



Well-Known Member
Can't wait for these to finish. It's clone is waiting to go in the 5 gallon big girl bucket :)



Well-Known Member
OK - so now I have 8 tops so I can pollinate each mini-tree with 8 different sources.

My question is - what is the best way to mark the branches so I know which seeds are which?


Well-Known Member
Got some work done on the greenhouse again tonight. Cut all of the overlap from the intersections - well there are a few of the 12 footers left because I can't reach them from the top of my ladder and use the circular saw. I think I can lean my extension ladder up there now if I am careful :)

Where the back wall meets up with the trees I had to cut some pieces off and tree crap was falling all over me. I couldn't wait to get out of those clothes and get washed. Felt like I had no see ums everywhere!

Here are some pictures of yesterday's construction on the end wall and door frame:

I wonder what the eye in the sky thinks about my little room hehe



Well-Known Member
A brownie button but not just any brownie button....:weed:

Oh how I'd like to go on a high trip like a cheech and chong road trip and wake up in your garden with a dank loaded bong


Well-Known Member
Tossed a few plants last night. Got rid of half of the male clones.

Emptied out the Scott's OG 5 gallon bucket and filled it with Promix BX. Put the Ace of Spades #6 clone in there to see how much it will grow before it starts to flower. Most of my TGA strains are heavy Sativa mixes and are revegging!

Pulled the tiny Marion Berry out of the garden and used its bucket for a nice lush Marion Berry clone.

Almost tossed the tiny flowered MB but decided to plant it where the MuMoBG 2 was located.

Up potted some of the more vigorous clones to one gallon containers. I noticed that the one gallon plants I put in the five gallon buckets were not very root-bound. I guess I can leave them in the one gallon pots much longer.

Here are some pics - enjoy :)
