Guns don't kill people, gun owners kill people.


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A recent study by Boston University published in the America Journal of Public Health correlates increased gun ownership with increased homicide.

Objectives. We examined the relationship between levels of household firearm ownership, as measured directly and by a proxy—the percentage of suicides committed with a firearm—and age-adjusted firearm homicide rates at the state level.

Methods. We conducted a negative binomial regression analysis of panel data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting Systems database on gun ownership and firearm homicide rates across all 50 states during 1981 to 2010. We determined fixed effects for year, accounted for clustering within states with generalized estimating equations, and controlled for potential state-level confounders.

Results. Gun ownership was a significant predictor of firearm homicide rates (incidence rate ratio = 1.009; 95% confidence interval = 1.004, 1.014). This model indicated that for each percentage point increase in gun ownership, the firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9%.

Conclusions. We observed a robust correlation between higher levels of gun ownership and higher firearm homicide rates. Although we could not determine causation, we found that states with higher rates of gun ownership had disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides.

Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print September 12, 2013
I don't even have to read this thanks the the Magic of RIU.

But, it is bullshit from the title. People kill People. The weapons vary.
it doesnt say it here-

but these guys forgot to mention they use a variable algorithm that makes suicide a constant equal to homicide. this is a common practice, and accepted widely for homicide statistics.

the numbers are flawed and have been for some time. suicides far out weigh homicides.
Also, the entire argument was screwed into the public long ago. They included a stat that is probably still queering all the results.

People killed by guns in the home.

But, a total raw fake to say, a gun, the murderer brings into you house, to kill you, also counts as a gun in your home. IT DOES NOT.

That is the dishonestly of the entire thing. People spout that lie to me a lot. So, this entire debate is from an anti-con basis of Agenda and is fraught with lies top to bottom. And it works. The Anti-Cons prove again our system's weak link is its openness to lie and tampering emotions.
Mathematics and statistics do not bode well for the adamant gun owner. He is afforded that right however and the questions remain as important as ever considering all the BS I have heard and all the shit on the other end. Saying people kill people is just lazy, the factors are endless.
A Firearm is a Tool IMO like many other things and when a tool is misused it has a greater chance of hurting someone whether its on purpose or from just being plan negligent.
The more Table saws we put out to build things the more chance of construction workers getting hurt from it just like anything else, more things that can be dangerous being used = more chances of someone being hurt gun or not.
The whole gun control thing will be a never ending cycle if you ask me even if we get rid of all the guns like some people want and very few people qualify to own them people or criminals will still being stealing guns from people who legally own them like they do now to use in crimes or they will be killing people in more brutal fashion then normal and I don't know about anyone else but if someone was dead set on killing me and I had no real form of defense I would rather them shoot me dead and die quickly then beat my head in with a blunt object or get stabbed multiple times and die a slow painful death like what is happening in other places with gun bans.
No matter what criminals and mentally unstable people will be able to obtain weapons to hurt someone if they want to regardless of what it is gun, knife, rock or home made bomb, for example the brothers in Boston marathon bombing didn't use or need a gun when they pulled that bombing off with pressure cookers and look how much damage they did, they used guns after to defend themselves from police when they were caught on the run but didn't fire one shot before or after the bombing took place and still had done massive damage.
Anyone could say if we banned all pressure cookers that situation would not happen again which is true but that does not solve the underlying problem at hand.
We need to find a solution for gun violence I'm all for that but the question is what is that solution?
If you want to own a firearm with more capacity than a single shot I think you should have to take an IQ test.
lmao lets ban gun owners! They're obviously the problem. No wait, let's switch up the same debate in another new way. Now another.

Well I'm glad it's guns that are debated, and not missiles.

I don't care what people own, but now I never know when someone's going to shoot me up while I'm at the mall, or movies, or Walmart (you know it's coming). I'm liberal, obviously, because I'm down with everyone here breaking the law on a daily basis and focusing on staying out of prison. So I don't care "what people do," unless what they do is kill me. And I can't control people so I'd like to control guns.

Gun owners take this personally but it's all about me.

Pit bulls don't kill people, teeth do. Let's ban teeth. No wait, ban pit bulls. No, ban pit bull owners. Wait
If you want to own a firearm with more capacity than a single shot I think you should have to take an IQ test.
Does not mean they couldn't take that firearm with 1 shot and keep reloading though and if it happened to be a high caliber bolt action rifle it would still do a lot of damage but still agree I think people should have to pass some sort of firearm knowledgeable test to weed out the dumb fucks from being able to obtain guns
Even though I believe everyone has the right to own a gun I think that should only be upheld if they are responsible and know how to use it.
I am a total commie lib-tard but people are fucking morons. They don't deserve to participate in a lot of what corporate democracy allows them. They are not smart enough to use firearms safely, to eat healthily, to educate themselves, to vote, to think about any of this beyond "freedom." I am sorry but some of these things affect my freedom without my consent. I am not anti-gun, but there are a lot of different guns, bullets, loopholes, and jackoffs who need way more than practical defense.
progressive libtard horseshit! can have my gun when you can take it from my cold dead hands!

....libtard morons!

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin

if you want to give up your guns and trust that the 'government' will keep you safe then you are a fool, plain and simple, with the emphasis on 'simple'.
...try and remember that back in 1776 the citizens needed guns to protect themselves from a lawful, albeit oppressive, government so, in their day the lawful government would have loved gun control.

if guns aren't allowed it is much easier to control the sheeple.