Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

we spray the plants with our seaweed extract and i keeps alot of bug problems at bay( aphids, spider mites and caterpillars) have'nt seen any since started foliar spaying
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yeah it is what it is.. just part of the game like you said.. next year i will be more prepared.. i should still get a decent haul and not like im paying for electricity so cant complain too much.. thank you for the reply. peace
I've used captain jacks it worked well for thrips and has no wierd smells or residue. It's overpriced IMO but it does work. I was in a rush fighting thrips so I used it because I could get it locally. I switched to a Spinosad concentrate for the second application.
Sorry to hear this. Next year you will know. You actually have to start spraying before the flowers start and stay with it. The worm start's from the inside of the flower out and by the time you see the worm the damage is done. I have been spraying since the onset of flowering and are still losing flower to them. Just part of the game and it's been a bad year for moths . You can spray the spinosad now, it really smells like nothing and goes away in less than a week and is a bacteria and no chems. It will help ya bit.
thanks for sharing your knowledge TWS, have both Captian Jacks and other spinosad sprays, we will be better off next year, knowing we need to start spraying early. So do most people just cut the girls down when they get budworm, or let it go to maturity for more trichomes, etc?
thanks for sharing your knowledge TWS, have both Captian Jacks and other spinosad sprays, we will be better off next year, knowing we need to start spraying early. So do most people just cut the girls down when they get budworm, or let it go to maturity for more trichomes, etc?

Last year I had a few worms. I cut off any damaged colas, made sure to kill the caterpillars and let the rest of the plant finish.
thanks for sharing your knowledge TWS, have both Captian Jacks and other spinosad sprays, we will be better off next year, knowing we need to start spraying early. So do most people just cut the girls down when they get budworm, or let it go to maturity for more trichomes, etc?

Depending on how bad the infestation is I would suppose. I generally catch it daily and pluck the dead part off and try to find the worm. I have had to top some nice colas because of them but the cola after topping just gets twice as fat and ends up looking like a baseball bat.
Depending on how bad the infestation is I would suppose. I generally catch it daily and pluck the dead part off and try to find the worm. I have had to top some nice colas because of them but the cola after topping just gets twice as fat and ends up looking like a baseball bat.
Yeqh we are trying to decide what to do, we are having issues we are like at a 6-7 days of rain and flooding, girls have remained pretty water logged. We moved them again out of the garage back to the herb bed and it of course is pouring today and they are water logged and starting to sag.
Speaking caterpillars do they normally all hatch by a certain time of year? Or can they show up at anytime right up until harvest?
Pics of the Plant B4 and after the ripper. If my harvest is %100 this was prolly
like 3-5 % of my harvest. my anger is less about the amount and more about
this lil cock sucker getting to yank my baby girl out of the ground.
yanking ur plant that uve nourished and loved for 3-4 months is a sacred
beloved part of growing. this dueche bag doing that is like that
scene from braveheart where the King is tryna bone the dudes wife b4 his husband
does. just such a kick in the balls


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Nothing like sweet home grown pears (they're in good company, of course).


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Sorry to hear about people's trouble with rippers.

You got the right idea Garden Boss in fact I myself just picked up a couple cases of 12g 00buck for my mossie.
Gotta have holes already dug for these fucking rippers/tweakers, or a pig farm or a access to an excavator (my tool of choice).

I used to pack salt loads for the rippers until I saw the artillery they work with, even birdshot won't stop a spun motherfucker cranked out on rez tweak determined to take what's not theirs.

All I'm advocating is safety and my constitutional right to protect my family and my property.

Yeah they don't want med patients armed but how many legit firefighter/ city council people/ upstanding citizens do we know who are growing?? I know a handful.
Also when you are raised in this lifestyle and especially out in the cut you never go anywhere without your piece.

My first farm gig I was "issued" a semi auto colt 45 and a marlin 336 30-30, took a few bucks with the marlin and never once had to use the 45.

We are kidding ourselves if we think there aren't those out there willing to kill for what we have!
The question becomes are you content with being a victim or are you going to fight back?

Maybe not everyone is in a community or area where this is even an issue but I spent 2 seasons up in COVELO,CA and that's fucking OUTLAW territory, worse than ANYWHERE else in the emerald triangle.
It is not uncommon to hear of neighbors having shootouts with rippers, and of course NO ONE FUCKING CALLS THE COPS!
Stay safe everyone!
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If one is nieve enough to grow and don't think shit happens they are a danger to themselves and family.

i always say that ya enemies don't know what ya are doing. 9 times out of ten its the person sitting right next to ya or that 3rd person they tell !! or people ya show yourself i don't like to see other peoples plants just to not be on the short list of suspects when shit happens !!
Noticing quite a few fan leaves directly below the colas that are turning yellow. Is this normal at this stage or does it indicate some deficiency? Thanks!


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i always say that ya enemies don't know what ya are doing. 9 times out of ten its the person sitting right next to ya or that 3rd person they tell !! or people ya show yourself i don't like to see other peoples plants just to not be on the short list of suspects when shit happens !!
I don't allow anyone to see my grow, not because I don't want them to see it, it's because, if I get ripped I know it wasn't any of my friends,'s because I value them, if that makes any sense.......