Kush's First Grow HPS SOIL DOA/Thunderfuck F4's


Well-Known Member
Hola Folks...This is my first real grow. I had grown a few sad plants 13 years ago in my 2x2 closet with flouros and harvested a whole 2 grams (not counting the gram I picked early and smoked) lmao. Anyways, I've moved up in the world. Got my MMJ card, 400w HPS and a 20 foot X 10 foot basement that is always around 72-80 degrees. Low humidity around 20%. The water heater is in there so I'm hoping there is some decent CO2. I'd love to get your thoughts and any input you might have. Now after meeting an amazing 20 year grower from NORML he provided me with 3 F4 clones. These clones are supposedly 15th generation works. One of the Clones is Alaskan Thunderfuck and the other two are D.O.A (Kush hybrids he said). As I stated these are clones and healthy to say the least. I have my light hanging @ 10 inches from the tops of the plant and have watered only in the morning and misted a few times. I have applied a light coating of NEEM oil and used a tiny bit of Miracle Grow with my water. I will be using FOX FARMS Fertilizers (6 products). Grow BIG for early veg (starting in1 week), Big Bloom whole veg, Tiger Bloom late veg. Open Sesame for early flower, Beastie Bloomz for Mid Flower and Cha Ching for late flower (I also plan on a light watering of blackstrap molasses in this stage as well for major Carb/Trichomes production. I will be using NEEM oil every 2 weeks and Organicide for any bugs. Soil is Bio Terra Canna and was 20 bucks a bag. I am using 12" pots X 3 along with only distilled water. Let me know what you think. Here is a pic from day one after transplanting the rooted clones.


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Well-Known Member
Well I would love your input on this grow. Should I add 2 more clones to make a total of 5 or just grow 3 beastly ladies? The Owner of the mother said I should veg for 4 weeks then flower for 4 and I should be good to go. This seems a bit short to me. What do you think? Will 400 W be enough to get good fat buds from 3 plants? I currently have the plants 10 inches from the tops @ 18 hours on a timer. I also have a cool white flouro fixture on the roof (about 6 feet away) there are two tube lights about 4 feet long each. Do you think these can help with adding blue spectrum light to the grow area? Thx folks.
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Well-Known Member
Imo, you should put the light closer..

ill be watching this thread as i plan to get my grow going soon as well..
I am buying some chain today to be able to lower the lights to 12 inches. I have a nice fan in there so I think that should be fine. Do you think 1 foot will be ok?


Well-Known Member
I need some feedback in regards to my two 4x3 windows I have in the grow room that lead to outside. I have been keeping one of them open during the day but I am worried about bugs getting in as grass and plants are right there. Should I open it each day for a couple hours or leave them open from 11am - 6pm? Or should I just keep them both closed to avoid infestation? Let me know. BTW the temperature outside is usually 70-85 degrees.


Well-Known Member
if the window has a screen then i think ull be ok but if not get a screen on that window if ur plain the exchanged the stale air with some nicely fresh air from outside which of course is a good thing...........:joint:


Well-Known Member
if the window has a screen then i think ull be ok but if not get a screen on that window if ur plain the exchanged the stale air with some nicely fresh air from outside which of course is a good thing...........:joint:
YO TECH !!!! I was looking at your Hindu Kush grow and it is amazing !!! What is the secret to getting such huge Stems. Mine are so thin and I'm 4 days into transplanting the clones? Any tips would really help. I have the HPS @ 10 inches now but I'm guessing the stem size has to do with the lights I'm using for Veg. DO you get the thick stems from CFL's during VEG?? Or do I just need to be patient? Peace

Anyone else have any thoughts or ideas on how to increase stem girth/size. I've got stem envy !! Ewww
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Well-Known Member
The secret to getting good sized stems is the nutes,

give them a good stew and you'll be in awe at that Huuuge stem(lol)

*sry bout not responding, 12 inches is good, remember to raise accordingly..then you'll be set to go..

but anyways

Nutes+balanced water(see guide)= happy plants

just remember dont over do the nutrients other wise you'll end up with burn..

as well as the question about the window, yes i agree with tech209, if theres a undamaged screen, then your good, if not..then you have the go ahead to go get one and be set!

if you have anymore questions post or pm me, im glad to help, I have been here for a while and studied everyones grow as they go along..

any questions or concerns you have just go ahead and post! that way you have some nice healthy plants..

happy growing!


Well-Known Member
The secret to getting good sized stems is the nutes,

give them a good stew and you'll be in awe at that Huuuge stem(lol)

*sry bout not responding, 12 inches is good, remember to raise accordingly..then you'll be set to go..

but anyways

Nutes+balanced water(see guide)= happy plants

just remember dont over do the nutrients other wise you'll end up with burn..

as well as the question about the window, yes i agree with tech209, if theres a undamaged screen, then your good, if not..then you have the go ahead to go get one and be set!

if you have anymore questions post or pm me, im glad to help, I have been here for a while and studied everyones grow as they go along..

any questions or concerns you have just go ahead and post! that way you have some nice healthy plants..

happy growing!
You da man. Thanks for responding bro. Now on to singing to my girls...I'll be posting some new pics soon.



Well-Known Member
Should I put together a CO2 solution for my grow room. I've heard 6 cups of sugar + 1/2 Gallon of water and 2 TBSP's Yeast. I've heard if you put it all in a gallon milk jug and cap it with a small hole @ the top each time you shake it you get a decent dose of CO2...Any truth to this? Also do any of you use CO2 in your grow room? If so what do you reccomend?



Well-Known Member
Ok..we're @ day 5 of our trek since transplanting the rooted clones. I'm showing a little bit of yellow on the sides of the leaves since moving the lights down this morning but nothing major, growth is there and they are looking healthy. I did have one clear tiny bug sighting but I hit the 3 pots with a small dose of Organicide/Neem Oil and have not seen any bugs in 2 days. I also gave the plants their first bath of Mycorrihizae/Microbe which is a root enhancer that supposedly increases the absorptive surface area of a root system by up to 700% and produce growth regulators auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. Here's a few pics.


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Well-Known Member
i wouldn't suggest that co2 method the hassle and the quality isn't worth it to me,but just my advise.
and is that tin foil? in the back ground


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't suggest that co2 method the hassle and the quality isn't worth it to me,but just my advise.
and is that tin foil? in the back ground
Just a little to surround the wall. Should I not do that? I've heard beams from the foil burning the leaf but wasn't to sure it that was the truth. Give me your advice.


Well-Known Member
google panda film,u should use that as a reflective sheet,pritty cheap to like a buck or 2 a foot and pritty tough stuff u can use it to block light etc.


Well-Known Member
np,just trying to help out hardly get a chance to with so many experienced growers around on this forum,ill be tagging along so ill try to answer any questions if can


Well-Known Member
yeah alluminum isnt the best reflective material.


plain white or some other plastic reflective material (Mylar, panda film, folyon) seems to be the best choices

good job attacking right away, Bugs are now your worst enemy!!! not the guy that gave you the finger whilest cutting you off..(dont worry random guess since you live in cali, happens all the time!)

you shouldnt worry about Co2 just yet my friend, when you have a room full of growing clones, then you should get the Co2 add in..

but for now, as a starter grow, just stick to a good lighting system, nutrients, the lighting sked you intend to use and so on!

edit: can you do me a quick favor and tell me if some of your leaves are slooping downwards?
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