Between 17 and my 19th birthday, I pretty much lived on acid, mushrooms, and peyote. Last time I tripped was my 19th birthday... I can recall, vividly, about 30-35 'trips.' I can't remember what I ate today, though.
I remember sitting in a prison cell down south, about 4 months later (after my last trip) -- maximum security, just had my ass beat by 2 officers... I was reading a page, and COULDN'T. Then I realized why... The letters weren't marching. I had to move my eyes, not the book again. The wall stopped breathing, and I couldn't feel the breeze through the 1" thick 2"x10" solid bulletproof glass window any more. People ask me how many times I did acid... I tell 'em once, maybe twice... I mean, if you're still trippin', your still on the same trip, right?