2000 watt indoor . dream queen soil grow and introduction

Hello this is my first post although ive read and been lurking the forums for awhile. this is my newest grow and first one outside of a tent actually. have recently started ince getting into my new house. was tough settin up all by myself but so far soo good. I am always trying to learn more and appreciate any anwsers and help I can get and share along the way . this site is great. Will have pics up soon!!
running 2 x 1000 watt hps inside sunsystem 6" blockbusters
both are on Galaxy selectawatt digi ballasts
Running GH 3 part and a few other items along the way
picked up 9 clones of Dream Queen from Harborside currently veggin under 400 watt mh only
using ffof just mixed with more perlite
in gallon pots now to start but will end up in 5 gal buckets.



Well-Known Member
I have the same set up, but only running 8 total in the room. In my 4th week of veg (soug go). I run DWC in 5 gal buckets, with advanced nutes 3 part jungle juice and some more additives. Let me know if you have any questions
hey Mr. buds nice to meet ya. Are you running the same strain as well? Here are some updated pics from this am. I finally just got my ph pen and all the goodies in the mail today so I can get a better understanding of what is going in and coming out of the soil. For the most part most of the clones are green but there are like 2 or 3 in the bunch that havent taken off as much as others and seem to have some leaf issues.



Well-Known Member
looks like a great selection of strains,will chk this out ,welcome to the club,,subscribed.:leaf:peace.


Well-Known Member
Looking good looking good
about how tall do u plan to flip them at?
Depending on the space idk you could get the rather large under
2000 watts.
Hey thx for the replies everyone. Nice to meet at all of you. @doubletake I am going to let these girls go I think for awhile now that space isnt a issue. I suppose I could flip them whenever but I plan on vegging out for a cpl weeks more before going to the 5 gallons for flowering. Should be a jungle in there in no time!!
Another question I have and couldn't find awnsered is that I'm drawing my air in from a window.(Window-lightfixture-lightfixture-ducting runs ito attic where 6 inch vortex is located) It is cracked slightly about inch open and there is a fine screen on outside but.. Does anyone run like any type of like prefilter or cheesecloth or something cause I've heard i can still get bugs and dust into the light housings from drawing from outside . On the west coast norcal so temps drop at night and will continue next coming months if that helps


Well-Known Member
Any openings that can lead to outdoors is going to attract something for sure, maybe nosed neighbors from the light leaking, or maybe bugs from the smell, or both. You can buy an exhaust for your vortex which is a pre filter and a noise suppressor. Look into it. Some of your plants look like they're ready to feed, that might be why your others haven't taken off yet and why the leaves are yellowing. The tips yellow when you over feed them but total discoloration means they're just lacking food/nutes.

Im only growing 8 Soug OG strain ladies in my room, I expect to flip them once they are about 5ft tall and in flower they'll grow about another 2-3 ft,so they will be massive. Glad to hear you got you PH pen, do you have a PPM meter/pen ? That will also be very important when mixing your solution to know the strength of your mix. In soil keep ph at around 5.8-6.0.

ima a hydro guy, it's been a while since I've worked in soil. But it sure was fun. Peace.

Kief Moon

Active Member
Welcome. Nice setup. Regarding the intake, I built a box to hold a 12x20 A/C filter. They have them at most hardware stores. You may be able to stick that in the window opening and tape it to the back of the filter? I change mine about once a month. It's pretty nasty by then but my lights stay fairly clean between runs.
Here are some photos from this am . Finally got some mylar up on the walls also which will def help once I kick these 1Ks on. Plants seem to be doing better since Ive got the ph pen and been able to give them more proper watering/feeding. Ive just been using the GH floramicro and floragrow following there mild feeding schd. Also GH root xceletaor .. I forgot name. Any other suggestion? Anyways happy friday to everyone Enjoy!!:joint:



Well-Known Member
Ns setup GGK.cool lookin hoods yu picked out,plants look as healthy as can be as well,wat soil mix do you use on them?....enjoy yure weekend.:leaf:peace
@raiderman . thx for the good words. Yea those are the sunsystem blockbusters they suppose to make a even 4x4' spread of light. I am using Foxfarms Ocean Forest but I also add more perlite to mix. Seems to always work out pretty good though the whole cycle!


Well-Known Member
Saweet,thats a very complete op,i use the OF and Happy Frog and perlite mixed as well ,nute line also>always top knotch girls always<keep it green GGK>:leaf:peace
Here are some pics from today. It started to get crowded under the single 400 MH so i turned on my other 1k and dialed it down to 400watts and moved the larger clones over. The smaller seedlings are actually a mix. 7 of them came out of a bag of what i was sold girl scout cookies ..who knows hopefully a cpl females .. other 6 are some auto seeds i had left over. Dinafems Critiical Jack . Dinifem Cheese and 2 Dutch passion Auto White widow. they will be transplanted soon as there gettin rootbound in the cups. I will also be swtiching the Dream queens out of there one gal to the final 5 gallons in next day or so. ! thx Enjoy:leaf:


Well today was transplant day. Moved all the 9 Dream Queen to 5 gallons. I got a feeling there gona outgrow these aswell but well see how it goes I dont think I want to run them in 10 gal. Also moved some of the seedlings into 1 gal till I can sex em. Popped and buried new batch of seeds aswell. Bunch of ones I held onto fromwhen i lived in south fl . My dumbass didnt label at the time but they came from some golden goat or a batch of sour d. So well see! Anyways tired as hell after transplanting and cleaning up room. Also hit them with a feeding aggressive feedin of GH floragro and floramicro and GH rapidstart . Any comments good or bad are welcome..everyday is a learning process for all of us! :lol:



Well-Known Member
Ns rootball on those transplanting,everything looks timed in lookin sharp,even as good upside down,lol,OF and HF always have good results.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. My2c= get some white on the floor and walls.
On the bugs thing, they will always be around and eventually they will get in your garden. The best thing you can do is to be preventative, and when an issue is found hop on it right away no matter how minute it may be. This means spending time with your plants and looking them over regularly, and having the ability to recognize the signs before it gets out of hand.

Anywho, plants look happy, keep it up :)



Well-Known Member
yessir I like to pest control the floor before putting plants down helps take care of future problems as well.
Any thoughts on topping these girls? I've read this strain dream queen aka greencrak naturally forms a solid shaped bush so I'm wondering if I would see increase in yield if I top? Height is not issue in room and I intend to veg these girls for at least another 2-3 weeks. //M


Well-Known Member
I grow Christmas tree style and just let it do its thing unless theres a stretcher then i'll top it to keep the canopy even.