Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Yours is WAY better than mine bro.... lol... Mine was NOTHING compared to that... i got 4.8 grams precure.

OH and i'm buying 30 of these


Well-Known Member
AND in case you're wondering Dank..... It's an 18 oz Solo cup. THAT'S why he sprayed the thing with expanding foam. so we wouldn't ask questions......


Well-Known Member
How goes it mr.Dank?
I'm doing ok. How bout you bro :??: Thanks 4 stopping in. In case you haven't checked my grow/thread out b4. I do updates (depending how busy my week is) 2 to 3 times a day 4 the most part. I am currently running alittle over 54 strains as of now. If you get a chance, sub up if you see anything you like within the last 30 pg's or so.. ;) we would love 2 have you around..

Again, thanks 4 checking the grow out. Hope to talk/see you round soon.

Take er easy, Dank.


Well-Known Member
See now! That's just wrong... Hell, everyone else has to use 16 ounce cups!! Why is he/his any different then any of ours :??: Special treatment :??: Is it even entered into the contest :??:
AND in case you're wondering Dank..... It's an 18 oz Solo cup. THAT'S why he sprayed the thing with expanding foam. so we wouldn't ask questions......


Well-Known Member
Great thread! Sub'd!! :)
Thanks bro.. Glad you stopped in 2 check it out. I am running around 54 strains in all. I have 2 sets flowering as of now, and also 2 sets vegging. + a few other "outdoor" ladies aswell..

I'm planning in doing an update on a few this eve round supper time. So if you have time stop back in and give um a glance.. ;)

Thanks bro, Dank.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. Glad you stopped in 2 check it out. I am running around 54 strains in all. I have 2 sets flowering as of now, and also 2 sets vegging. + a few other "outdoor" ladies aswell..

I'm planning in doing an update on a few this eve round supper time. So if you have time stop back in and give um a glance.. ;)

Thanks bro, Dank.

Why is it that in the cannabis world...the plants are ladies and the growers are BRO'S?? Lol...be back later for that update BRO!! ;)

Melissa :)
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