Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Undercover Mod
oh man. Did anyone hear about that young guy who got killed by his RC copter a few weeks back?


aw man I ran into some pictures of what he looked like after he got hit. These things are not a joke.

I would post the link for the pics but it is beyond disturbing the thing literally chopped his skull wide open.


Well-Known Member
How long do you think cannabis stays alive after the chop? I cut mine in large chunks hoping to cash in on some more production haha call it wishful thinking. Can't humans squeeze out like three blinks? can bud go three hours? Three days? I dried a plant whole last year in the bucket just plain stopped watering it.. Some of the tastiest, smoothest stuff, especially after the cure. Tried to recreate that this year they just got too big


Staff member
played so much assassins creed lately
currently waiting for paint to dry so i can put up a second coat.................allallaallala im hungry


Well-Known Member
Royal Queen Seeds Power Flower. Pleasantly surprised by early trichome development and bud formation. Looks to be a lovely plant. Keep it green people. Peace.