Cocky Ignorance ...


Well-Known Member
Vi the Reason that they have 1.8 million employees working there is because they come into mid sized towns and they basically shut out the other businesses (the other businesses can not compete) and people are pretty forced to have to make a choice, either work at Walmart or go with out a job.

85% of the products they bring in are manufactured in Communist China, a lot of it is prison labor or extremely low paying wages (around 10 cents to 25 cents an hour) again American Manufacturing can not compete.
Sam Walton was all about Buying American products, and would have never bought from a country like China.
If Sam Walton could see what his kids had done to his company he would roll over in his grave.
If he were alive, he would shut it down.
You keep spouting off about the lowest prices, but you ignore the fact that those same Lowest prices are costing American Jobs.... How Patriotic of you Vi.

Sam Walton was a true Patriot.


New Member
Vi the Reason that they have 1.8 million employees working there is because they come into mid sized towns and they basically shut out the other businesses (the other businesses can not compete) and people are pretty forced to have to make a choice, either work at Walmart or go with out a job.

85% of the products they bring in are manufactured in Communist China, a lot of it is prison labor or extremely low paying wages (around 10 cents to 25 cents an hour) again American Manufacturing can not compete.
Sam Walton was all about Buying American products, and would have never bought from a country like China.
If Sam Walton could see what his kids had done to his company he would roll over in his grave.
If he were alive, he would shut it down.
You keep spouting off about the lowest prices, but you ignore the fact that those same Lowest prices are costing American Jobs.... How Patriotic of you Vi.

Sam Walton was a true Patriot.
exfuckingxactly...when the economy is good walmart has a hard time recruiting employees...but now that the repukes got their grubby little hands in control and things are fucked up... walmart has plenty of employees...and around here they are paying less...


New Member
People in Third World countries are much better off working for what we would consider low wages. What would you guys rather do, work in a rug manufacturing plant in India for low wages, or eke out a living scrounging through the dumps in Calcutta?

"when the economy is good walmart has a hard time recruiting employees"

BullFuckingShit. We have had a 94-95% EMPLOYMENT rate for years now, thanks to Bush's tax cuts. As I said before, WalMart has 1,800,000 employees.

WalMart opens stores in depressed areas, and many times, misinformed local politicians put the kabosh to Walmart moving in. Who suffers? The local people who would have benefited the most, both from a job standpoint and as consumers. Man ... ya just gotta keep them poor people down on the plantation.

The main problem with Walmart, as far as the Left is concerned, is that Walmart is not unionized. Let the Teamsters organize and all the bitching about Walmart would stop in an instant.

Go drink more Koolaid guyz. :roll:



New Member
People in Third World countries are much better off working for what we would consider low wages. What would you guys rather do, work in a rug manufacturing plant in India for low wages, or eke out a living scrounging through the dumps in Calcutta?

"when the economy is good walmart has a hard time recruiting employees"

BullFuckingShit. We have had a 94-95% EMPLOYMENT rate for years now, thanks to Bush's tax cuts. As I said before, WalMart has 1,800,000 employees.

WalMart opens stores in depressed areas, and many times, misinformed local politicians put the kabosh to Walmart moving in. Who suffers? The local people who would have benefited the most, both from a job standpoint and as consumers. Man ... ya just gotta keep them poor people down on the plantation.

The main problem with Walmart, as far as the Left is concerned, is that Walmart is not unionized. Let the Teamsters organize and all the bitching about Walmart would stop in an instant.

Go drink more Koolaid guyz. :roll:

yeah that union thing would suck...higher wages, more benefits.....and the Waltons would still be billionaires...


Well-Known Member
Libertarianism is 90% beneficial to the wealthy. It is detrimental to the Middle class down. Being free to do what you want with your money is all well and good if you have money. If you don't it is meaningless. In point of fact, by letting the rich off the hook, it would disproportionately affect the Middle class down, creating much more of a divide between the rich and poor. The Ideas of freedom are or should be: what a reasonable person would judge to be beneficial to all, no harm, no foul. I can't be free to come and live in your house, and visa-versa. Having the rich contribute more to the society (at the point of a gun as you say) is more beneficial to all, than letting them keep their loot. Hence the practice of progressive taxation.
your concept of freedom seems a bit skewed. freedom for some at the expense of others is no freedom at all, it gives the government the power to decide who is worthy of what and how big a cut they can take out of the pie. you complain that liberty benefits the rich disproportionately, but that is exactly as it should be. money is nothing more than a form of power and a part of that power is the ability to decide your own destiny. people don't gather wealth merely because they like those little green pieces of paper with the pictures of presidents on them, they do it for the power to mold their own fate.

government's job in all this is to make sure that those with power do not use it to the detriment of those without and to provide some small relief to those in need. placing penalties on success is only a mean form of second hand revenge. government's moves to forcibly redistribute wealth just show their inability and lack of desire to thwart the abuses of the powerful. by acting as a paid robin hood, government does nothing more than create an underclass wholly dependent on a growing bureaucracy. enslaved by subsidy and the expanding cult of entitlement, that underclass is given only the illusion of the power that money provides because they are always under the control and at the mercy of government. artificially placed in a state of comfortable poverty at the expense of the successful, the poor are relieved of their duty to provide for themselves and their families and stripped of the need to strive for success on their own.

the ideas that freedom is a commodity to be doled out and that the power to do so should remain in the hands of some elite group of government officials are the cornerstone of modern liberal politics and are contrary to the american ideal of liberty for all. attempting to enslave the rich through taxation and the poor through government controlled subsidy and reducing the middle-class by placing them in the war zone between the two (all done at the point of a gun, so to speak), these are tactics more in line with stalinist ideology.

Exactly, I mean how much is enough. It seems the more one makes, the less he wants to share. My views are based on the more you make the more you give.
why is it that freedom is such a dirty word? you are essentially saying that once someone reaches a certain level of success they should be forced to hand over what you consider the excess to the government for redistribution instead of being free to donate as they desire to aid those in need. in the eyes of the liberal leadership and their sheep, any charity from the wealthy is never enough. yes, i used the "c" word because that is all the welfare state is, a vast and inefficient charity with little oversight and rampant abuse. where private non-profits can be regulated, government organizations are beyond the reach of the people to control and are unaffected by the demands of standard economic requirements. within the massive bureaucracy of government run charity; responsibility is nearly nonexistent, debt is insured by the future of the citizens and the destination of funds can be changed with little regard for their intended purpose.

your views are based on appearance, you just said so yourself. the government appears to be furthering the cause of equality. they are funneling massive amounts of money toward give-aways, so they must have our best interests at heart. the wealthy appear to be hoarding their riches. there is still poverty and suffering, so they must not be doing enough to help. you are placing an undue burden on the few to fix problems that even the resources of the state are unable to solve. though it may be everyone's moral responsibility to aid those in need, it is by no means our legal responsibility and that is the domain of government.

Now, I'm going to move aside and hope that Undertheice will comment on your above post.
you're just bound and determined to get me in trouble, now aren't you. i tried to get here a couple of times yesterday, but didn't have the time to get high enough to cope with the absurdity of politics. too many things to see and people to do.
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New Member
"you're just bound and determined to get me in trouble, now aren't you. i tried to get here a couple of times yesterday, but didn't have the time to get high enough to cope with the absurdity of politics. too many things to see and people to do."

The post you just made is a perfect example of why I moved aside. Excellent, Bro ... just excellent! :)



New Member
Dear under: you have me confused with Vi's view of me. I never said more government was a good idea, smarter more efficient government in place to do the peoples bidding is what I'm about. Remember the phrase, "promote the general welfare"? Now ask yourself if by collecting taxes (a function of governments) they actually helped the citizens instead of fighting wars around the globe, being the worlds policemen and protecting corporate rule abroad and at home, it may fit the "promote the general welfare" part of our constitutional rights. I'm not a commie as the right would label me, I'm sure most of the right are not nazis either, just a few that give the rest a bad name, like Bush's cabinet, oh yeah and Vi.


New Member
Vi the Reason that they have 1.8 million employees working there is because they come into mid sized towns and they basically shut out the other businesses (the other businesses can not compete) and people are pretty forced to have to make a choice, either work at Walmart or go with out a job.

85% of the products they bring in are manufactured in Communist China, a lot of it is prison labor or extremely low paying wages (around 10 cents to 25 cents an hour) again American Manufacturing can not compete.
Sam Walton was all about Buying American products, and would have never bought from a country like China.
If Sam Walton could see what his kids had done to his company he would roll over in his grave.
If he were alive, he would shut it down.
You keep spouting off about the lowest prices, but you ignore the fact that those same Lowest prices are costing American Jobs.... How Patriotic of you Vi.

Sam Walton was a true Patriot.
Do you wonder what the prices would be like had Sam lived untill now. Do you actually believe he could have contained his greedy kids, Capitalists that saw a way to make more money, fuck the workers, full steam ahead.


Well-Known Member
hey undertheice welcome to the party

i see where you are coming from by saying that freedom at the expense of others is no freedom at all. but if you flip the tables, thats exactly whats going on right now. The rich get their freedom on the backs of the poor. I'll make it less vague. The CEO gets his money from the working poor's back since the CEO earns a 6 figure salary while the working poor earns almost nothing. Let's give this CEO of a starting company 250k a year. with his wages, it would take working poor person earning 15k a year 16 years to amount to that. and lets say this CEO of a starting company was in buisiness for 16 years, he's at 4 million. If anything people are trying to advocate help for that working poor person, not the crackhead on the street with a sign. it's more along the lines of someone who earns 15k a year and has a family. I'm sure you and i would agree that people shouldn't have a family until they are ready to support it but its already happening and happens too often. this too is before the cost of living and expenses. I think the bare minimum you need to live a relatively stress free life while still allotting for savings, expenses and a treat every once in a while is 45k and thats on a small diet. do out the numbers for yourself finding the cheapest rent, cooking 3-4 times a week making enough for leftovers, getting clothes, utilities, cell phone, toiletry and a ticket for a mode of public transportation, not to mention mandatory healthcare (mass) and this is without cable tv, internet, pets or dependents. now see if your job at 8 - 15 an hour is going to cover all those costs. The fair tax on the rich could help accommodate for the low wages of the poor by taking a couple things out of their worries such as healthcare, transportation, rent and help with dependents, education even. It could also be put in for savings and who knows, building a sort of surplus again? And don't you get taxes back anyways? or do you really need those 5 boats, 4 of which are going to sit, collecting dust?

I still don't believe that a fair system of tax is going to throw off those who seek wealth because if they are doing it right, they probably are going to get to wealthy sooner or later.

The next fear of this system of fair taxing is that its going to create a dependent class. I think thats misrouted in the assumption that people are generally going to abuse it. People never think about the tons who are going to benefit from it first though. I'm sure something can be done about the abusers but don't throw away the idea because it has as few kinks.

The rich aren't being forced to hand over the excess either. They are being taxed fairly on the same ratio that impacts a higher percentage of the population and the "excess" is going to benefit the country as a whole.

and finnaly

"your views are based on appearance, you just said so yourself. the government appears to be furthering the cause of equality. they are funneling massive amounts of money toward give-aways, so they must have our best interests at heart. the wealthy appear to be hoarding their riches. there is still poverty and suffering, so they must not be doing enough to help. you are placing an undue burden on the few to fix problems that even the resources of the state are unable to solve. though it may be everyone's moral responsibility to aid those in need, it is by no means our legal responsibility and that is the domain of government. "

Moral or Legal, which one drives you?


Well-Known Member
wow, just read this whole thread. good shit, but, i realized something about this thread that was brought up by CNN yesterday. there are now studies on low information voters(voters who make decisions with about 5 hours of study of a candidate). this thread seems to have a lot of low information posts. but, to each it's own.


Well-Known Member
People in Third World countries are much better off working for what we would consider low wages. What would you guys rather do, work in a rug manufacturing plant in India for low wages, or eke out a living scrounging through the dumps in Calcutta?

"when the economy is good walmart has a hard time recruiting employees"

BullFuckingShit. We have had a 94-95% EMPLOYMENT rate for years now, thanks to Bush's tax cuts. As I said before, WalMart has 1,800,000 employees.

WalMart opens stores in depressed areas, and many times, misinformed local politicians put the kabosh to Walmart moving in. Who suffers? The local people who would have benefited the most, both from a job standpoint and as consumers. Man ... ya just gotta keep them poor people down on the plantation.

The main problem with Walmart, as far as the Left is concerned, is that Walmart is not unionized. Let the Teamsters organize and all the bitching about Walmart would stop in an instant.

Go drink more Koolaid guyz. :roll:

Vi you are so wrong on this issue that it isn't even funny, Pampa Texas (about 50 miles away from me) was doing well until Walmat came in and put up a Super Walmart. 3 months after it came in Businesses started shutting their doors.
The Same is true in most towns they go into, this is because the other business can not compete.
Personally I don't like unions, I don't think it should be a requirement to go to work. You only get to see walmart in Big Cities in California and don't see the impact it has in small and mid-sized towns in other states.
It seems as though your the one drinking the Koolaid my friend.

Secondly if all the jobs keep going overseas, who is going to buy Walmart's wares then?
You know what the best part is, who ever the next POTUS is, he will be forced to raise taxes.... So far the Bush administration has spent us into oblivion with a war we shouldn't be in, in the first place.


New Member
You know what the best part is, who ever the next POTUS is, he will be forced to raise taxes..

Now that is a fact unless McSame gets in, who knows how crazy his fiscal policy will be. At 10-12 Billion a month in Iraq, For ever? How can we survive that?


Well-Known Member
I think Sam Walton was a great man,Bought only american products.Then after the Family got it it all went to shit.I dont know about the rest of ya but i cant afford not to shop at wallyworld now.


New Member
I think Sam Walton was a great man,Bought only american products.Then after the Family got it it all went to shit.I dont know about the rest of ya but i cant afford not to shop at wallyworld now.
Yeah, it's kinda like Ford before unions, He let his workers make enough to buy a ford, but no more than that. Now, along come the unions and living wages, what a concept. It could work at wally world also. How many billions do the Walton brats need? Oh that's right they earned it~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I never said more government was a good idea, smarter more efficient government in place to do the peoples bidding is what I'm about.
....and yet your every post marks you as a proponent of the expansion of the welfare state and the expansion of the bureaucracy that naturally occurs. the terms "efficient" and "government" should never be used in the same sentence. the sheer size of our federal government precludes the possibility of efficiency and our representatives have shown us time and again that the will of the people is considered secondary to the furthering of their own personal agendas.

Now ask yourself if by collecting taxes (a function of governments) they actually helped the citizens instead of fighting wars around the globe, being the worlds policemen and protecting corporate rule abroad and at home, it may fit the "promote the general welfare" part of our constitutional rights.
granted, as long as we are saddled with the federal government there must be some way to pay for it. the problem is how best to go about it. the system that is now in place is prone to abuse, it rewards the dishonest and is forever being adjusted to suit the agenda of whichever group is currently in power.

the way in which those funds are spent will always be a matter of contention, as long as government remains beyond the immediate control of the people. courts that have run amok and are reinterpreting the law to suit political agendas, politicians that turn their backs on the will of the people as soon as they are elected and political parties corrupted by the lure of power have made a mockery of the intention of this country.

though i would agree that the role of global policeman that we have allowed ourselves to be tricked into by lesser countries should be dropped in favor of a more neutral stance and that our ill conceived incursions into other countries over the last fifty years have been pointless wastes to life and resources, the global nature of our economy demands some sort of presence around the world. if we are to invest in other countries, for their benefit as well as ours, it is the government's duty to protect those investments to a certain degree. you may despise the "evil corporations", but the health of america's business community is closely tied to the success or failure of the nation as a whole and is deserving of some protection by the government it helps to provide for.


Well-Known Member
i see where you are coming from by saying that freedom at the expense of others is no freedom at all. but if you flip the tables, thats exactly whats going on right now. The rich get their freedom on the backs of the poor. I'll make it less vague. The CEO gets his money from the working poor's back since the CEO earns a 6 figure salary while the working poor earns almost nothing....
the question is - what value is derived from the ceo versus the worker? that value is not merely a matter of labor, but of risk and responsibility as well. the ceo holds the responsibility of operating an entire company while the worker merely puts in his eight and walks away. those who provide the capital have risked their savings in the hope of a flourishing business while the worker is guaranteed his wage whatever the status of the company. it is the duty of government merely to assure that the workers rights are not infringed upon, not to regulate or cap executive salaries. meddling in such affairs is just another step toward full blown totalitarianism.

I'm sure you and i would agree that people shouldn't have a family until they are ready to support it but its already happening and happens too often.
watch out, that's not a very popular opinion to hold. the right to raise a family is widely held to be of utmost importance, regardless of whether you are capable of supporting them or not. it is a catch 22 of the liberal agenda. we cannot discourage people from starting families (even by withholding federal program funds from those who procreate irresponsibly) and once those children are born it is society's responsibility to see to it that they are given all that society has to give. people who are incapable of raising even one child are given extra money for each child they create and asked for no value in return.

The fair tax on the rich could help accommodate for the low wages of the poor by taking a couple things out of their worries such as healthcare, transportation, rent and help with dependents, education even. It could also be put in for savings and who knows....
....the "excess" is going to benefit the country as a whole.
this is where you lost me.

what is called the "fair tax" is a tax on consumption instead of what is loosely considered income. it is not merely a tax on the rich, but a tax on all new item sold inside this country. once adjustment is made to allow for basic survival, it is inarguably the most equitable solution to taxation. it does not penalize success or investment, only what might be considered the little extras that make it all worthwhile. a prudent man could manage to pay next to no tax, while the spendthrift would be penalized for his extravagances. with more disposable income, the wealthy would be much more heavily taxed than a poorer family that attempted to live within their means. the harshest criticism for this system comes from those who are unhappy with anything that doesn't arbitrarily penalize the rich, liberal leader who feel that the citizenry having a direct say in how much they are taxed would stifle their desire for ever increased tax revenues and those few who believe that such a system might harm the materialistic consumer culture.

i just don't see how anyone could believe that government has the right to make the wealthy cater to the needs of the poor. people who make the sacrifices and take the risks needed to succeed may feel morally obligated to help out those less fortunate, but to demand they hand over an inordinate amount of their earnings to someone else merely because that person failed to thrive is a bit of tyranny. that excess, as you call it, belongs to someone and no one has the right to take it away without their consent. there may be an implied consent, the price we must pay for living in a society, to a reasonable percentage of that wealth, but only to an equitable amount. the idea of raping the coffers of the wealthy in order to subsidize an endless welfare state is far beyond what could be considered reasonable and amounts to nothing more than a petty and unwarranted vengeance.

The next fear of this system of fair taxing is that its going to create a dependent class. I think thats misrouted in the assumption that people are generally going to abuse it....
i doubt that anyone fears that a tax on consumption would have such a result, but it is a very real consequence of the expansion of the welfare state and its associated cult of entitlement. endless government give-aways that ask for no value in return have created entire communities whose major source of income, arguably their only source of income, is the state. fearing the loss of their condition of comfortable poverty, the habitual abusers of the government dole all too often become enslaved by the very programs that were meant to free them from poverty. as a temporary measure, government assistance is one of the noblest purposes our tax dollars could go toward. when it is extended out to last for years or even a lifetime it is just another tool used by the powerful to control the masses.

Moral or Legal, which one drives you?
it may sound trite, but there is a thin line between morality and legality and it seems to blur a little more each day.

there is a segment of our society that seems to believe that the law should be used to enforce our morality. from the greatest circumstances to the least, they would have government become arbiter of our beliefs with few if any exceptions. the danger here is that the law goes too far and that our freedom to choose is infringed upon. as example; though the hate crimes legislation may be a great step forward in the prosecution of violent offenders whose crimes were generated by their prejudices, it is also a step backward in that it attempts to control the way we think and feel. the freedom that exists within our own minds is now in danger, but we endure the threat for the good of society as a whole.

the other main faction seems to be those who think that the law should only intrude into our interpersonal lives. these are the folks who would have government step in only when we directly infringe upon the rights of others. it seems a sensible position. what right has the state to decide what i can do with myself and my belongings? why should anyone be able to tell me how i can love or hate, what i can believe or deny, where i should go or what i should do as long as i don't trample the rights of others?