Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

Too many stupid advanced lovers here to bother reading their arguments. Whoever, loves Advanced is a moron and wasting time. Should do themselves a favor quit growing!!!!!!!
lol this thread is just astroturfers and AN employees recommending AN to eachother. gtfo !! we see through your bullshit
Doesnt GTFO stand for Get The Fuck Out? So you want AN users to get out of a AN thread? As far as you go buttercup you must be a little slow so il break it down for ya. On 3/19/13 you were asking what ppm you should feed seedlings(we all gotta start somewhere), on 5/24/13 you had a 4x8 2000 watt rig running(nice rig), on 6/5/13 you were asking if you should buy a 4x8 tent to go with your 2000 watt lights(thought u were running this rig on 5/24/13?), as of 9/7/2013 you are running 1800 plants and pulling 2.5 pounds a light however most of the plants were not using Dynagro(your words). Im more than a little confused by these conflicting statements. Their are more than 1 of you "expert growers" who post on repeatedly post on AN threads about Dynagro but the funny thing is you dont post on the actual Dynagro thread. You talk shit about all the other nute companies on the AN threads yet fail to talk shit directly on any of their threads. Why is that? Let me tell you why, because either A, your just a shit talker (as proven by imaulle). B you are in the industry and have been wronged by the company (can understand that), C you have either a direct or inderct vested interest in Dynagro and that is why you blow up every AN thread with this shit. Now keep in mind I have never recommended any AN products, aside from their marketing I have never even praised them, I have never said anything but good things about Dynagro, and lastly I dont work for AN but would gladly take the job. So call me a dumb cocksuckin noob retarted AN rep who doesnt know shit, my skins thick and I can take it , and then disproove anything iv said
I can't believe this row is still going on ffs.

People will use what they want.

Could they save money by using different brands or mixing their own using dry salts. Yes of course.

Will they try it? Probably not because we're creatures of habit.

I got this HUGE problem and i was hoping one of you could help me with it..since i use dope gets to big..and gets to dopey too..i mean it scares people the potency of it.I was told if i switch to dynOgrow i could solve these problems.Is this true?
Its funny....human nature that is. From my point of view this bickering and fighting about nutrients just shows where you are on the learning curve. ALL nutrients do the same thing...feed your plants. Some are more complete that others, more concentrated, or organic. The key to finding the right product for you is to keep an open mind and have the proper equipment to do an honest trial. Following bottled instruction is the one thing you should NOT do. A couple of good meters, a scribbler to keep records, and a little experience, is all you need with any nutrient line. They all work, the problem isn't the products its the mind set...JAS
Its funny....human nature that is. From my point of view this bickering and fighting about nutrients just shows where you are on the learning curve. ALL nutrients do the same thing...feed your plants. Some are more complete that others, more concentrated, or organic. The key to finding the right product for you is to keep an open mind and have the proper equipment to do an honest trial. Following bottled instruction is the one thing you should NOT do. A couple of good meters, a scribbler to keep records, and a little experience, is all you need with any nutrient line. They all work, the problem isn't the products its the mind set...JAS

My sentiments exactly.

9 times out of 10 its grower error not nutrients.

Almost any nutrients within reason and a decent NPK ratio will work.

Its all about application rates and reading the plants.

The trouble for most on RIU is that AN has some ludicrous prices on some of their products.

Agreed...There are definitely some products out there that are well sketchy to say the least. If you follow their instructions, then yes AN is one of the most expensive lines, when used properly from the growers perspective it actually is relatively cost effective when compared to other product lines. The key to this whole discussion is the knowledge you bring to the table, if your willing to do the research you will get past this "mine is better than yours" If you just want weed and don't care about what's going on with nutrients then follow the instructions on the bottle and shut your mouth on the subject because your knowledge base is lacking and proper test will always be skewed. JAS
Agreed...There are definitely some products out there that are well sketchy to say the least. If you follow their instructions, then yes AN is one of the most expensive lines, when used properly from the growers perspective it actually is relatively cost effective when compared to other product lines. The key to this whole discussion is the knowledge you bring to the table, if your willing to do the research you will get past this "mine is better than yours" If you just want weed and don't care about what's going on with nutrients then follow the instructions on the bottle and shut your mouth on the subject because your knowledge base is lacking and proper test will always be skewed. JAS

If you need a 'line' of nutrients to grow a plant, your 'line' sucks.
Mixing bottles is a waste of time and can yeild variable results.
Jacks classic works perfectly. I don't need to mess around with ph nonsense or ppm. I simply read my pants.
Plus ya can't beat price per plant. Real farmers and growers of various plants don't sit there mixing bottles of over priced watered down nutes. Not do they worry about ph nonsense.
Exception to hydro but even then you guys are making it more difficult and expensive then need be.
Well you are right But they purchase massive bags if dry fertilizers composed of the same fundamental ingredients/chemicals
Mixing bottles is a waste of time and can yeild variable results.
Jacks classic works perfectly. I don't need to mess around with ph nonsense or ppm. I simply read my pants.
Plus ya can't beat price per plant. Real farmers and growers of various plants don't sit there mixing bottles of over priced watered down nutes. Not do they worry about ph nonsense.
Exception to hydro but even then you guys are making it more difficult and expensive then need be.
It can be as complicated as YOU make it. What's complicated? If you know what they require and can diagnose your own issues, nothing really to understand. If you think the farmer is using the same ratio of nutrients for squash all the way to tomatoes, your mistaken. Spend less time listening to these loud mouth name callers and go down to your local greenhouse, hang out and ask questions, these are the people you want to talk with. You will see very quickly thing are not always like you think they are. This is 2013 and the majority of our produce gets to your table in a vastly different way then 100 years ago...hell!...then 20 years ago. The era of spreading shit all over your fields and hoping for the best is going the way of the dinosaurs. So is wasting product by using it incorrectly for certain situations. It comes down to the almighty dollar and its cheaper to have someone mix nutrients at min. wage then it is to just throw the gambit at them all and hope it turns out. JAS
Cow shit, hose shit, bags of soil amendments and a shit spreader behind a tractor will always be part of farming. AN, Dynagro, Canna, Jacks or whatever other name any of you want to use have never or will ever be part of farming. Growing marijuana hydroponically isnt farming, its a hobby. Enjoy your hobby and use what you want
Cow shit, hose shit, bags of soil amendments and a shit spreader behind a tractor will always be part of farming. AN, Dynagro, Canna, Jacks or whatever other name any of you want to use have never or will ever be part of farming. Growing marijuana hydroponically isnt farming, its a hobby. Enjoy your hobby and use what you want

Actually, DG and Jacks are used commercially in greenhouses. Why? Because they're professional-grade plant foods, not this kiddy sh*t with cartoons on the labels. If you're referring to outdoor food crops, well, farmers will use whatever they need to based on their soil analysis.
Did I not say they are not used in farming? What does a greenhouse have to do with farming? What exactly does a farmers soil analysis have to do with jacks or dg?