The Pros and Cons of Rollitup!

pros= It's free ! most of the mods are not complete wankers, unlike some other forums
cons= somewhat lacking in security (site gets owned from time to time by novices using MSF (personal offsite backups would be a prudent idea for anyone not wanting to lose data)

Jesus, "mod this, mod that"...."trolls this"...."trolls that"

If we had hall monitors, which is what some of you sound like you want, this place would be about as fun as high school. Someone derailed a thread, send them to the principals office, delete their post, give them detention...

It's the internet. If you cannot handle a pot forum, you probably cannot handle life. Grow a pair. Seems anyone who doesn;t agree with you, or calls you out on bullshit, or says something you don;t like, is a "troll". There are only a couple of real trolls here, and they get ridiculed to no end, as it should be. Mods put in mad hours for free. They will remove nude pics, and threats. Are we all really not grown up enough to handle the rest? If you don;t like this neighborhood, move to another one.

I'll even pay for your move. Oh yeah, it's free. Don;t go away mad, just go away.
Pros: An excellent place to get up to date, top notch, info on growing, with many sub-forums covering a wide range of topics

Cons: Sniveling little bitches who cannot seem to grasp the idea that THEY need to find their place here, instead of demanding that everyone else accomodate them. (You are NOT the center of the universe)
Clueless within the context indeed, just an observation... Calling me a troll for pointing out the obvious con of RIU, added with the same old lame excuse that posts have to be reported before a moderator starts doing their job (explains why good relevant posts get removed and insults and trolling isn't though :roll: )

No need to take it personal, it is what it is, and like Danny said, in a way it's a pro as well. A little more in TnT than in for example AMC... but at least you're admitting that RIU is too large for y'all (with a couple of exceptions) to moderate properly, which is the con I pointed out.

Yeah, I noticed how people here are happy with members who are banned at forums where they do moderate... ...weird :roll:

First part may be fun in TnT, it makes having adult/pro AMC discussions pretty much impossible. "Censoring" has nothing to do with it though, but I get it now... that's it right... mods got tired of hearing people cry "censorship!"... :wall: Yup.. clueless.

^^ Appeal to emotion fallacy. In reality it obviously doesn't work that way. People are not accountable at all specifically because of the lack of moderation. That's the whole point :lol: For the sake of allowing actual discussions trolls are held accountable by moderators, that is, on actual discussions forums.

Sativied, let me give you one mod's perspective. i mod in Politics, which alongside T&T is a bit of a free-for-all subforum. The rules there are simple: no spam, and no personal attacks beyond a defined level. We have some characters like UncleBuck who have very finely calibrated the boundary and delight in placing one foot on either side.It makes the mod's job around here, which is essentially broom&dustpan until you're promoted to global, a bit more entertaining.

Admin sets the rules and the tone here. The mods toe that line, by and large. I don't have any gripes with that arrangement, and I think that the loose-reins approach makes for a more vital and engaging forum appearance. My opinion.
Pros: invaluable information, suggestions and advice from experienced growers and tokers. Cons: The people who post stuff about stuff they have no clue about.
pros - some nice pictures of cannabis

cons- people like you

Assuming that was directed to me (it's you all making me the center of your universe... for confronting you with a factual con) unfortunately for "people like you" (judge judge judge...) people like me and nice pictures of cannabis come in pairs:


@Clayton, I could join in on your insult match but as we know I'd win that one too...

Addendum. I wanted to add the missing space above, and the edit window is misbehaving ... something about ten characters.
oh i thought it was more about the site how well its maintained not the users

pros= fairly open-minded people overall, some nice pictures of sexy plants, some funny people with good sense of humour
cons= too many grow book smart novices lacking experience giving advice (the partially sighted leading the blind)
I get what satavied is saying but to echo cannibeer it comes from the top. Rollie's in charge, Rollie lays the ground rules for his mods. Take for example last winter when a user told a mod that he wanted to rape her just to see the pain in her eyes. Don't you think that mod wanted to take action against the offender to what I seen as going too far? Dude got to stay. It's like abuse against the mods is almost encouraged.

I guess after FDD's rule where slash and burn the imbeciles was the norm Rollie saw that traffic flow hurts when the morons are curtailed. It can say .org all day, it doesn't mean you can't pay yourself with advet rev. right?

Just my observations.
Pros: learning a lot of for free with a humorous spin, ballsy photo posts, an insight into the myriad places that growers are coming from, and an opportunity to express yourself in a manner that might usually be frowned upon. Cons: constant ridicule from the wife (oh, I see you're "rolling it up, AGAIN"), realizing that you weren't the awesome grower you thought you were after seeing other people's scenes, and constant jealousy over the setups some people have
Pro: Some very cool people to talk with. Varied points of view. Immediate help with any Cannabis issues. Made a real life friend. Someone else here knows my people, ok maybe that's a con.

Con: Can be a little addictive, people that bump fins threads.
But on a serious note...

Pros: Great wealth of knowledge if you know where to look or how to google
Great place to geek about your plants
Good people, good times


Cons: Slow periods
Killing the village idiot. Simply unforgivable.
