Rdy for gta 5 online :)


Well-Known Member
Well its been a good couple weeks playing the story.now it time to load up a car of buddies and cause trouble :). Im sure theres guna be online bugs at first just hope they aint to bad.
only 16 :(. hope pc has like 64 once they port it.but the reason only 16 is console cant handle and theres guna be npcs and stuff in game online world.gta 4 was only 16 too but had less cars and no npcs online
lol yea my buddy i ran into at midnight release .he didnt know bout the online date .when we were waiting i said no online till oct1st.he was pissed
So it goes online tonight at 12:00 I hear ....

If you are looking for a crew feel free to join mine .... its only me and my buddy so far looking to recruit some more stoners thats trynna smash on lobbies lol

FinesseSquad510 psn
Any of yinz get online? They having all kind of problems.deff knew there would be bugs, but not this bad.rockstar said they are buying more servers.lol what 25million copies sold and they didnt think people were gona play online
Any of yinz get online? They having all kind of problems.deff knew there would be bugs, but not this bad.rockstar said they are buying more servers.lol what 25million copies sold and they didnt think people were gona play online

They are limiting the number of players because they are fine tuning the servers. I have yet to get on, but I know for a fact people are playing right now.
I'm not touching GTA V until it's been released on PC. The console version is always buggy as shit and hardly ever updated.
I can get on, but after that there's not much playing it goes through the intro only to freeze up with loading session
I only got to the point where you get a car. Then it freaks out. So I stole a car to start the race follow the GPS to the starting line but that's where it stops.

LAME!!! Maybe another week they'll have it fixed.
I was playing online earlier and it took me a while to get past the loading screen for the first race. What I did to get in was I signed out of psn then started the game and signed into psn once I got the game started. Seemed to work cause I got in right after I did it. It's also easier to get online in solo mode.
Yea I had that happen to me also when it would lock up while trying to load. I had to create a temporary character last night in order to play online since the cloud server was down. Not sure what is going to happen when I try again. Think I'll try now and see if I can login.

Edit: I've been trying to get into online, but it keeps giving me this message: Times out when matchmaking for a compatible GTA session to join. Please return to grand theft auto v and try again later.