They should pay and pay a lot. If what you do can't stand the light of day then you shouldn't be doing it and that goes for the police as well as criminals.
Now I have to say the officers I have come in contact with have always been nice and courteous. But then again the only thing I do to get in trouble is smoke some pot and I really don't think the guy on the street is interested in that. When being pulled over I put my hands on the wheel where they can see them and I say, Yes Sir and No Sir, and ask permission to touch my purse before I reach for it.
I had an incident here locally about a year ago, and I know most of the politicians in this town. The idiot Fire Dep't decided to test their hoses in the parking lot of our community health club...which we needed to park in. Then they wouldn't move to the other side of the lot, and called police.
2 cops showed up while I was on an elliptical trainer, and gave me the choice of either apologizing to the idiots who should not have been there...or be arrested for disorderly conduct. I could tell right away that the older cop was training the rookie. So I played along, knowing full well law enforcement cannot force anyone to apologize. By this time the Fire Chief had arrived, who knows my relatives on the other side of town. Later that day I wrote a long email to the chief of police, the city attorney, and the mayor discussing proper police training methods and the fact I was embarrassed and threatened with arrest in a public facility owned by the city.
Next day, chief of police calls me and asks if I wanted to file a formal complaint. I declined, and proceeded to lecture him on their "control your suspect" training techniques and how it escalated the situation when it is the job of law enforcement to de-escalate.