BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.


Well-Known Member
Haha funny about your niebor, ha it's kinda funny I always wonder how much is growing around me that I don't really see ha.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Haha funny about your niebor, ha it's kinda funny I always wonder how much is growing around me that I don't really see ha.
Yeah I always wonder as well. I always shake my head at this guy growing out in the open like he does. Now I can't help wondering if his harvest was premature or not.


Well-Known Member
Had to be premi, unless he had that money maker getaway has ha....
most my stuff is never ready till the later half of oct and if they were that tall
they probley had some sativa in the genetics.

But yea how out open like 3 feet over the fence or what? Hah that's asking to get ripped.
I had to chop one of my big lady's I was trying her down for months until ere was just no more I could do ha
but I related and filled my space so I can't complain too bad. But yea it was getting way over the fence...... Toooo burnt ha.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Had to be premi, unless he had that money maker getaway has ha....
most my stuff is never ready till the later half of oct and if they were that tall
they probley had some sativa in the genetics.

But yea how out open like 3 feet over the fence or what? Hah that's asking to get ripped.
I had to chop one of my big lady's I was trying her down for months until ere was just no more I could do ha
but I related and filled my space so I can't complain too bad. But yea it was getting way over the fence...... Toooo burnt ha.
Yeah probably premi. Sucks for him.

His fence is all wire on the back and sides. Wood facing the street but only like 4 feet tall. He grows inside a dog kennel type cage so maybe it's locked but you can see them from several directions once they hit 3-4 feet. All a ripper would need is a pair of bolt cutters.

I don't know the guy so I don't care really. It takes any attention of of me though to some extent.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
The trics were looking kinda dull after the rain but today they look like their old selves again.

It's been in the 70s and breezy. The plants have dried out nicely.

White widow:

Blackberry kush:


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Drizzly rain on and off for the last 20 hours or so. Everything is holding up without breaking, but just barely.

*prays for sun*


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Just finished shaking the water off of every branch. I'm very wet and sticky.

This season has been going really well so far but these 2 rainy weekends has me stresses the fuck out. fuck you rain.

No mold no mold no mold no mold no mold.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
On the plus side everything is looking very plump and tasty.

My buddy tells me I've been counting my weeks wrong (I know indoor finish times won't be the same as outdoor but I use them as a gauge of when to start checking tricoms closely) I've been counting from when pistils show. He said he counts from when he flips the lights. So he says I'm probably 2 weeks closer to harvest than I thought.

I'm not sure though. Would love some opinions on this. Here are some bud shots.

OG kush. My buddy said he runs this plant for 10 weeks from the flip to 12/12. I was planning 3-4 more weeks on these. The second shot is the plants that get less sun. They're less plump by a little bit. Trics on these are mostly cloudy/milky white, a few clear, and a few amber on the sugar leaves. Still mostly white pistils with some brown.

White widow. Supposed to be a 10 week strain. I was planning 3-4 more weeks on these as well. Trics on these are mostly cloudy/milky white, with a few amber out on the sugar leaves. Maybe 50/50 white and brown pistils. Buds are plump and very firm.

Blackberry kush. I was told she looks done at 8 weeks but to take her to 9 for more potency. I was planning 2-3 weeks more on these but they look close. Looking very plump IMO. Trics are all cloudy/white with a bit of amber here and there maybe. Pistils are receding, with very few white pistils left. Buds feel very firm.

This last shot is one of my reveged blackberry kush. The buds are smaller but they look slight farther along that the others. Maybe 1-2 more weeks?

I'm looking at sunny weather the rest of the week so if I can get these bitches dry without mold I plan to let them ride as long as they need. I chickened out at the first sign of rain last year in mid October and I ended up with a lot of fluffy buds. Mostly the lower stuff. I want some big hard ripe nugs this year so I plan to pull the tops and let the lowers ride it out for 2 extra weeks or so.

Any opinions on when to pull are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Looks like its gonna turn out to be a good year for you.

Pulling just depends on preference i like to pull when the trichs are more cloudy then amber i think the high is better but like i sai IMO lol everyone is different.

Hard work pays off sometimes lol.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks brother, and thanks for all the tips and questions you have answered along the way.

It's been a lot of work for sure, but the home stretch is in sight. Planning to start pulling some down tomorrow afternoon once I give everything a final check in some better light.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Today I noticed a small bit of rot starting on one of the more dense white widow colas. So after a little surgery I decided to give them the chop first. I only finished 4 of them before it got dark. I'll get the 5th one tomorrow. The last one needs another month or so. I left the lower stuff to see if it will mature any.

Here they are in my ghetto drying room.

I can already tell I probably have more yield than last years 4 plant harvest on the white window alone, and I'm going to quickly run out of space.

Blackberry kush will start coming down tomorrow as well. Hopefully she's rot free, and hopefully I can fit it all in the drying room.

The OG looks like it will be fine for another week or so while these dry.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Yep. I ran 6 more lines after I took that picture. So I have 2 and 2/3 lines full. Six and 1/3 more lines I can fill. I may be able to push them a little closer as they shrink.

After that my only option is to go higher. Or start filling the house, but I can't go to my day job smelling like harvest.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
5th white widow is down and drying.

All of the tops from the largest balckberry kush are down and drying as well. Left about half the plant to see if the lower popcorn will bulk up.

I filled a laundry basket to overflowing twice with tops off that one balckberry kush plant. I found a couple small bits of rot from the rain but overall she looks fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Have a few friends helping or are you just trying to power it out by yourself?
like someone else said "sure is a lot of work", .....but definently worth it. Ha
Any guess on yield this year?